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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 10pointer

  1. thought id post a few pics of the snowfall we had down there. it really did come down pretty well there for awhile!
  2. i catch alot of fish everyday but some days like this past week were great. well it really does come down to light line and lures. I get poked fun at for using 1 lb even but ill tell ya what it catches fish. I carry a spool of each 1, 2, 3, and 4lb with me at all times and will switch them throughout the day depending on conditions. I start with 3 or 4 right off the bat at the siren incase of the big boys, but will switch to 1 or 2 right after that. Ive landed big ones on 1 and 2 but ive lost wayyy more than i could possibly imagine. I change jigs constantly which most dont do but it really works well for me. I mostly use 1/64 or smaller but sometimes will go up to 1/32. The smaller the better and those only cast with 1 or 2 lb at most. I think we may just be driving down that morning and coming back that night. I have a buddies 21st to go to so things are still kind of up in the air. If you guys ever see me down there shout me a holler. I usually got a loomis hat on and the rust colored vest. we usually stay at reedscabins but this past week we stayed in licking at the country inn because reeds was full. We dont camp much because my dad hates the weather and has a bad back so a bed is all he will sleep in lol. the folks at reeds are great and i have quite a few pictures on their lunker boards every year. Its nice they will take a piture of your catch and give you a copy then put it up online. go check em out sometime art and kelly are great! www.reedscabins.com I hope to see you guys down there, hopefully i can do well this year again! jason trout park fishing is to each his own, ill fish just as much outside of the park and near our home in colorado too. just wanted to throw that out there because i know some people arent fans of trout park fishin! If a streams got trout you can bet ill be after em!
  3. ya i wasnt using my flyrod by the way...it was just a little too crowded for that. If i would have had my flyrod the count would have been much lower for sure. ill give it a few weeks before i break it out when the crowds settle a little bit. theres a few jigs and things in my personally tied arsenal that are absolute killers. Its all about experimenting with materials and colors etc. I found these things by mistake lol. if i see you guys down there sometime ill toss a couple your ways!
  4. yep i was down there from the opener thru saturday. the fishing was great and it was easily 75 fish days the whole time, i quit counting and it was alot of fun. I landed a 4lb on opening day it was a great day. The water is higher than years past and just a little dingy. Small jigs i tie (white/black/olive) worked great like usual. Sight fishing was decent in some areas that werent too deep. There are alot of fish in the water, and the bite was good. There was a lot of short striking tho so smaller the better. ill be down there that weekend of the 17th too. Its the mens state tournament or whatever and i won it last year with a 5 1/2 lb rainbow. It is a lot of fun and theres quite a bit of fish put in the water. ill see ya guys prolly down there.
  5. oh absolutely, the only places id ever keep one is in the park and really on opening day. Next ones will be the released a lunker patch, id like to have them from every park, it would be really neat thing to have. the water is lookin pretty good and the wind really settled down today. ill be down there tommorrow, and the fish are everywhere and the last 20 minutes of each day i limited out for the family. Gonna have a nice big fish fry when we get home!
  6. How was the opener for you guys down there that went? Right now im in the hotel in licking on wifi access typing this. Ill be here through saturday. Theres a ton fish in the water even though its a little high and dingy. Superintendant says theres quite a few lunkers in the water that havent been caught by the end of the day because of the water conditions only 56 lunkers were caught so far, and over 7000 fish were stocked supposedly. I cant even begin to count the number of fish i caught today. Lunker hunted early and landed a nice 4 lb rainbow. Just had a good time relaxing and enjoying the windy weather!
  7. center punch you will be happy to hear that the fish is still swimmin in the hole. There were 3 lunkers pulled out of that stretch including a 4lb i caught. The wind was blowing hard and with the water up and slightly murky i only caught few glimpes of that one cruising the hole throughout the day. Ill go after the big dog tommorow.
  8. i totally agree and would like to know exactly what they mean by what they are stating as far as changes. They could really use a little dredging or something because i even miss the old days of the spring hole being somewhat deep and not a 1.5 feet deep along with everywhere else...could also do a little moss cutting while they are at it. I noticed they placed the boulders just above hudson but i dont really see much change in fish behavior and they surely havent helped make deeper cuts in the bottom. Im not a big proponent of dredging but just in the past few years the bottom has really filled in and kind of ruined things as far as trout habitat goes.
  9. i personally love my simms. I dont know much about the cabelas waders but you cant beat the simms guarantee and quality. I know cabelas sells the simms so that would be my choice to buy if i had the gift cards. sounds like the cabelas waders are a good deal too!
  10. just goes to show you that alot of the generic and cheaper brands come out of the same factories as the expensive stuff. Its all about the marketing and advertising costs. I love peanut butter, but thank god we dont have one of the bad jars!
  11. i could tell you really everything you would want to know about the park and the good stretches and areas that hold the big fish. Montauk is by far my favorite park, and been there regularly since i was couple weeks old. what parking lots did you fish near and or landmarks? I havent had the chance to go down lately but there but i usually catch 4+ lunkers every trip for c&r. It sure is alot of fun!
  12. just slide the leaders loop over the fly line down a ways then take the end of the leader at the thin end and slide it through the fly line loop...then keep pullin down and it will make the loop to loop connection.
  13. we always float that stretch of river and always stop up at the cave... nothin beats that icy cool air and water coming out of the cave on a hot summer day!
  14. very cool, i just joined...the name is jason btw in case anyone is wanting to match screen names with real names from myspace.
  15. i believe it is medlock cave and spring if i remember correctly...i may be wrong but this one im thinking of is in the area you are talking about. heres a link with a pic of the cave... http://www.jadwincanoe.com/medlock.html
  16. sounds like a good trip! i know the feeing of having fish break hooks off and not realizing it for awhile i saw a guy down at montauk last fall lose a 10lb bow due to a rusty hook. I felt bad for the guy and his buddy grabbed the guys lure and said it was all rusty where it broke off.
  17. i also tie by hand and not use the tool...it can be so much faster once you get the coordination down after you learn it Its a breeze when it comes to jigs and i can turn em out faster than you can believe
  18. britts, i usually get 2 or 3 bars in the reeds cabins resort by cabins 14-18. we stay in those cabins every time, but id just drive up to the store and walk over in that area. I might have to check out this alltel if i have any problems with cingular.
  19. i have cingular and get service at montauk near the top of the big hill in case you guys neeeded to use your phones. I would rather not have it work down on the stream because the girlfriend would be ringin the phone all day! I love my cingular...what a great change from sprint, verizon, and the horrible worst phone service company nextel.
  20. the new gpx comes in a dry tip which is a tanish color on the tip section, but the rest of the line is the same bright green. The cv2 is a great line and you cant go wrong with the rio grand line either. I hear good things about the new lefty kreh line, but havent had the chance to cast it yet.
  21. yep we sure do got em at bps, but for me it seems that the hook is just one size too big on those. The ones we carry are the generic package that many fly shops carry with the gray/white card with jigheads written on it. I prefer to order mine through reeds cabins because they have the smaller hooksize which i really like. The price is right and i can get them unpainted in gold or bronze hooks. I order the 1/16-1/180 and paint them myself...although they do come in many colors already painted
  22. yep its definitely a day to go for tradition...and the fishing is quite good if you can handle the crowd, we go to montauk. We went to the past few years after years of absence. You have to get down there really early and if you plan on trying to get a spot 1 hour before fishing time anywhere you will be out of luck. There are certain parts of montauk which arent hit as hard as you may think. Last year me and my dad fished the flats between hudson corner and the big rock hole up from the waterfall and had no one on the side of the river we were on (cliff side). You can get a spot but it may take some wading to the other side or a little bit of a walk to pay off. The main holes will be jam packed though so unless you get down a few hours before the whistle and can handle your temper and be patient then you could be alright. Opening day is a pretty good day for the numbers of fish caught and i believe around 100 lunkers were caught opening day last year at montauk. I cant wait to go this year because i just enjoy the environment and seeing friends down there, when it comes to serious fishing ill surely choose another day!
  23. bass pro offers several different models in neoprene and breathable in the $60-$90 range which arent bad for the money. i personally love my simms (which you cant go wrong with their waders)...and orvis too. Bps waders arent double stitched in the seams and are a lot less durable than the simms which seams and material are better and stronger and offer a lifetime guarantee.....its all really about how much you would be able to spend. If you will fish often and dont want the hassle of waders that will need replacing go with the simms or orvis waders, but if you arent going to be on the water that much then the others are fine. Just keep in mind you get what you pay for
  24. Will this selection just be for taney or a statewide mix? just a few more of my current river favorites other than those listed by you guys so far... Bwo copper john san juan worm soft hackle mosquito griffiths gnat lt cahill
  25. like others have said reed's should be open and a certain mumber of their cabins are open for reservations i believe during the c&r. You will get through or a fast response because they live onsite in their home there. The C&R is really a treat and the waters outside the park are a whole lot of fun but sure a whole different animal than in the park. I love the place, and the winter is a nice time to get away and see very few people in the park....but just wait till march 1st haha!
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