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Bobby M.

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Everything posted by Bobby M.

  1. interesting idea, you know, getting a few LM and then finishing up your limit with spots is a very good strategy. you'd almost think these guys would be for the short length for this very reason. oh well, who knows what is going through their heads. maybe buster loving can give us some insight, he is a very knowledgable deep fisherman, so I think his insider view would spread some light on this situation. hey phil, maybe you could ask buster to share his opinion about the subject on the forum. thanks
  2. good topic! I really dont understand why people, especially tournament fishermen, would be opposed to this. I do not get to do any tournament fishing, but I try and read all of the results from the tournaments. Rarely, maybe never, has a tournament been won with a limit of spots. a guy with 3 or 4 quality largemouth beats the guys who cull through a dozen spots to produce their heaviest five fish limit. I wonder if some of these guys are remebering a few years back after the Largemouth die off the lake experienced. for a year or two, it was pretty tough to find quality LM. but now, I think the population has rebounded very nicely. A few tournament fishermen shouldn't be able to throw a fit a prevent the rest of us (I would even say the majority of us) from enjoying more fish on our tables. However, as I think about this, on beaver lake the length is 12 in. I have a cousin who recently moved from here to fayetville. he says guys get all exited about a BIG spot when they catch a 15 incher, when on table rock a 15 incher is not a big deal at all. so maybe there is something to the longer length limit.
  3. there was also some mapping boats in the point 7 area around KC in mid December.
  4. the whole idea of adding the bass and sunfish is to watch them eat everything. I can always add more minnows and crawdads. I love to watch these fish attach. Maybe that is why I like to throw topwater for bass so much.
  5. Thanks for the info. I have considered the plexiglass lid but my wife is affraid it will make it look too white trash. Ha ha. My tank right now has a few things I was able to catch at a local stream, a few crawdads, two darters, 2 stonerollers, and a couple of yellow fin minnows. I plan on adding some sunfish, and maybe even a largemouth. here at CofO, we always have madtom catfish. these are great fish for the aquarium.
  6. Last week I was given a, I guess it is about 35 gal, fish tank and it didn't come with a lid. I was just wondering if any of you guys had or know of a place I can pick up just a lid. I don't have the exact dimensions for it at this time but it would be easy to figure out. Also, if any of you keep an aquarium, especially one with native species in it. I would like to hear about what does and doesn't work with a tank like this. I have had the pleasure of maintaining an aquarium here at CofO with all kinds of creek fish and crawdads but I am still knew to this. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. if you look at the picture on my last post, I marked the exaust as outlet. when we fished, we caught fish on every point we fished, we also fished several of the steeper banks with good luck. we caught several fish along the bank south of the exaust all the way to the point back out on the main lake if you click on the picture, you can enlarge it.
  8. here are some brief directions on how to get to swepco. take hwy 12 west out of gentry ar. stay on hwy 12 until you get to Cripps rd. It is a pretty small road, the ramp is a few miles down this road. there is limited parking and the ramp absolutely sucks, there is also a field you can park in but I think the guys charges money. I have only been there once, about 2 months ago, I went with my cousin who lives in fayetville and has fished swepco several times, we caught between 20 and 25, several over 3 and 1 or 2 over 4. fished from daylight to about 11:00 am. my cousin said this was a very slow day, usually 50 fish or better was his average outing. the lake is fairly big, we ran down the lake at 60 mph +. water temp was 84 at the exaust of the plant. 67 at the dam on the far end of the lake. he says you can always catch them on green pumpkin finness worms with spot remover jig head, carolina rigged worms,and a few on a jig. he says many days there is a great topwater bite. flukes cast right up into the exaust and allowed to drift will produce many fish. overall it was an awesome place, a little crowded but plenty of fish to go around. it is stocked with the florida stain largemouth, so there is a potential for some monsters to be caught, with the year round growth due to warm water. if you have a chance to go down there, I highly recommend it and they say there is an awesome night bite year round. there is alot of big bass boats and they all run wide open, I personally would not go out in a kayak, but i have no experience in one. someone with experience would probably just fine. I am trying to get a satellite picture posted but I havent figured it out yet, I will try and get that on here.
  9. hey Josh, nice of you to join us. have you been on the water lately. I went out a couple of sundays ago, couldn't get the bass to bite so we tried the crappie, and only caught two of them. call me and maybe we can go get out and fish together. Bobby
  10. I dont know if anyone else saw this, but there was, and may still be, a billboard along hwy 65 N between Branson and Springfield, it had a dog with a hook in its mouth, the caption read something like this, if you wouldn't do it to your dog, then why do it to fish.
  11. when the weather heats up, I swith to a 10 in worm, usually in plum color, have caught fish up to 6#'s during late june july and august. steep banks, with timber. good luck
  12. Ok, I will stick my neck out and start a topic. How does everyone feel about the MO department of conservation and the AR game and fish stocking thousands and thousands of walleye into to T Rockevery year. I personally see no point in this. The largemouth population is still recovering from the die off a few years back, I see the walleye as nothing but a competitor to the bass. And with Bull Shoalsso close and it already has a thriving walley population, why would they mess with a good thing. Table Rock has been a great fishery for years with very few walleye, why try and change this now.
  13. hey Hoover, I think I speak for a bunch of us here when I say I would like to hear some good stories about the electroshock surveys and if the experience has helped you catch fish? I am also a biology major, I am finishing up my last semester, I have come to realize many of the things that you were saying is true. If I wasn't so far into this major I would drop, but it is too late for that. Anyway, I would like to hear about some of the fish that you guys shocked up, especially on T-Rock. good luck fishing
  14. Is this Chad? How's it going. Did you kill any turkeys this fall, I could still use some feathers.
  15. Hey, I am a student at cofo also, I was just wondering who you are, I don't know many people at cofo who fish very much.
  16. Thanks phil.
  17. I love the marked maps that you have posted on this site, however the links for the lower long creek area takes you to the upper long creek map, just thought I would let you know.
  18. Hi guys and gals, My name is Bobby Morgan, I have grown up my entire life in the Ozarks and I am an outdoor fanatic, fishing, hunting, canoeing it doesn't matter. I am now a senior at College of the Ozarks and plan on doing a lot more fishing after I graduate. I have been confined to T-Rock, which isn't a bad thing because it did fill my livewell a few times, but I look forward to fishing more lakes in the future. I pretty much fish for bass exclusively, mostly for fun but I throw in the occasional Tourney. Thats just a little about who I am and I look forward to participating in this forum.
  19. While you guys are in the secret telling mood, I have always wanted to fish for bass on Taneycomo but have absolutely no idea where to start. How far up toward the dam can you catch them, where do you launch, etc. I have fished T-Rock for years and would like to try something new. Thanks for any information that you guys can share.
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