well Saturday was BEAUTIFUL and the fish were biting like crazy.. at least for me lol.. i caught 22 bows but the biggest was only 13 1/2 inch... started at fall creek and drifted to trout hollow and caught the most around fall creek and inbetween the red boat dock by the condos up lake from trout hollow to trout hollow...
sunday wasnt as nice but still not as bad as i have seen it before in feb... started by the bridges cause thats where people said they were catching.... nothing... tied onto monkey island and caught 3.. went in for lunch and after lunch went and tied onto the rocks at fall creek and i caught another 7 there in bout an hour.. the biggest was a 16 1/2 inch Bow that had all kinds of color and took it back for measuring for our tourney and it was big fish for the weekend and won the trophy and cash... made sure the whole time to be as gentle as possible and made sure it was healthy and realesed it off the dock at trout hollow.. would have taken back up to fall creek but was dark and cant use rentals after dark... thanks for all the help over the years.. paid off
the most anyone else caught for the two days was 16 fish.. i caught 32... ALL using red floating powerbait worm and ONE white powerbait power egg.. same thing have used for over a year and ALWAYS catch fish..