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Everything posted by buffaloman

  1. Gentleman, Thanks for the info. I will can take pictrures of the rod, but might have a time posting them. The tube that the rod is in is cardboard, but the rod has two tips with it, and I will keep this one. Thanks to all that responded, as always you can count on Ozark Anglers for help. Buffaloman
  2. The fly rod is bamboo, 8'6" long Decal label Montague then fish emblem, below that Flash. On the rod above that towards the top the phrase Genuine Tomkin. Does anyone out tyhere have any idea what I have, it is in excelent shape, and I would like to put a price to it. Thank You Buffaloman (Frank)
  3. OK here we go, I am selling my 1998 Triton TR-19 DC (dual council) This is thr pro model, all the bells and whistles, complete Pin-Point auto piolet trolling motor. Networked 2 large scaled Pin-Point depth finders. This rig has it all, and I live from my house to the ramp 15 minutes, 43 actual run houres. I am located on Grand lake, and email for pictures, I have loads, but all HQ, wont load here, I dont know how. The price is $13,000 dollars, and this is firm, because it is a lot of boat. The motor is a Mercury Mariner 150HP Optimax Thank You Frank aka Buffaloman, buffalo6527@att.net
  4. Buffaloman here, is there a link or instruction page on how to post pictures? Thank You
  5. Hay rosiedog, I am going to list a sawyer 18 ft. fiberglass canoe on the f/s page as soon as I can get the pictures. You might be interested in this, the owner is Don Smith 1-918-786-7953, give him a call. The canoe is a white water version (no keel) which makes it realy easy to handle in streams, can turn on a dime. He is asking 300 dollars, and it is in excelent condition, he is on Grand Lake, Grove Oklahoma. Buffaloman
  6. To the person or persons trying to contact Don Smith, on the sale of his canoe. It is still at his house in Grove Ok. I can answer question, and make arrangements on showing the canoe. You can call Frank at 918-787-6527 anytime we have an answering machine, I will get back to you ASAP. Frank
  7. Hi Chief, well I droped the ball agin, I PM you, sorry lets try and get in touch, this time it was all my fault buffaloman.
  8. Hi Chief, Buffaloman here, Sorry for the delay, brother in from St. Louis, wanting to fish. We are looking at R/R Saturday and the rest of the time (week) here on the grand, side trip to Capps and Hickory. Can you give Don a call, he would be glad to load to canoe on his truck and meet you half way, we are in Grove Ok. Sorry abou the pix, lots going on here, and Don is off to Arizona on the 31st, Thanks Buffaloman aka Frank
  9. Hi Chief, sorry for the delay, went to RR for trout today, The Sawyer is my fishing bud,s canoe, will try and get pix for you, It is spanking clean and hardley used, but that is me talking, you will haft to look see, Buffaloman, aka Frank
  10. Asking $350. Located at Grove, Oklahoma on Grand Lake.Call Don at 918-261-9624, Thank You
  11. Buffaloman here, sorry but I spoke to soon, wont be able to make the cleanup 24 of March, medical problem. My thoughts on Hickory creek, I fished it the first time on February the 22nd. caught 6 bows lost 3. Hickory creel did look terable with all the tree stuff from the great ice storm. Now I was there yesterday March 22nd one month later, and the place is a mess, I dont think the debree from the ice storm is the troublr. It is John Q Publick, bottles trash and up from the 86 bridge it looks like a freezer in the creek. All that is needed is lots of trash bags and lots of trass pick up. I am sorry that I could not make the cleanup, sorry Lenord, especially since I did make plans, mabey some other time. Frank aka Buffaloman
  12. Hay guys buffaloman here, i will be there, but it will be around 9ish, chain saw and large pruning limb cuters. Frank aka buffaloman
  13. Hay Thanks to Danoinark, Bill-Butts, Gavin & Terry, I dont want to start a tug of war, but, here goes. I am planning on spending about $150 dollars on a fly rod. I will be fishing hickory creek, capps creek, and crain creek, some trips to Tany. I also have a Heddon Pal #8406 Mark 8'3"power plus action for #8 lines, this it for heavy stuff. I am thinking on the lines of a 4 weight small rod, but if this is wrong go with a 5 weight 8 footer. Cabelsa, Pro bass or other places. I do travel to St. Louis Mo. and Wichita Ks. because of family. The Heddon pal # 8 weight is my keepsake, boated a 24 lb. striper, lake Murry south Carolina, on a streamer that I tyed myself, that was 15 years ago. Well thanks to all who have advice a new-b can use, Frank aka buffaloman
  14. Thanks to Danoinark & Bill_Butts, I am located in the north east corner of Oklahoma, Grove, on Grand lake. We have been here 9 years now, located from St. Louis Mo. I did not realize that there was that much stream fishing in this area. Well guys Thanks loads and I will move up to the trout section, also I will be at the hickory creek clean up, to meet you guys. Frank aka buffaloman
  15. Gentelman I have a problem in that I am a new-b, the rod that I own is a Garcia conolon # 2536 dry fly. The line sugestion is B-GBG-GBF-7F & 85, what would this relate to in the new lines, and I thought pro bass fly line for now. Thanks Frank aka buffaloman
  16. Buffaloman here, boy did I screw up I put my post in the wrong place, not watching what I was doing. The post is in the strip bass forum, I realy do nee help, as you can tell, Thanks Frank aka buffaloman
  17. Well this is a first for me on Ozark Angler, but I need the assestiance of you fly fisher persons. The rod which I have retrived out of storage is a Garcia conolon #2536 7'10" dry fly, line size B-GBG-GBF-7F 85. I am thinking of pro bass line,but what would be a good selection? I am getting back into fly fishing after 20 years of bass, and I got the bug real bad. Last 2/22/07 I netted 5 bows and 2 tail walkers on one of the white water streams, UL spinning. I know that you trout guys out there will know just what is needed to set this up Thanks Frank aka buffaloman
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