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back cast 6

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    SE Ok/NW Ark.

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Wow. Im amazed at all the information you guys have. I know the difference between wet flies, dry flies, nymphs and midges..but after that...im still lost. Ive only been fishing for about 7 years but ive barely gotten my feet wet with trout fishing. I still have a hard time knowing when my fly has been hit, or when to try and set the hook. Im such a rookie I go as often as I can, but not nearly as much as Id like to. Ill have to keep checking back to posts like this for good sound advice. Thanks guys!
  2. Im needing to get some info about the White River. I really want to check it out and fish it, but since im not really familiar with this area yet (Ive only lived here since August and havent had time to drive around) Im needing some advice about good places to go that are wadable and easily accessable that offer good fishing. Any advice would be most helpful! Thanks!
  3. Im needing to get some info about the White River. I really want to check it out and fish it, but since im not really familiar with this area yet (Ive only lived here since August and havent had time to drive around) Im needing some advice about good places to go that are wadable and easily accessable that offer good fishing. Any advice would be most helpful! Thanks!
  4. I was down there on Sunday and the levels were still high. According to the site http://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?site_no=07198000 the levels are still up.
  5. Yes you read correctly, another new guy. I came across this site while I was looking for information about the lower Illinois. Im sure I can ask around on this forum and find out the information I need to have successful outings. I guess I can mention a little bit more about me. Im 23 and have been fly fishing (when I get a chance) for about 7 or so years. Its true, once you catch a fish on a flyrod...there really isnt anything like it. Im still far from an expert and Im still learning a lot. Aside from going to college, I have been working full time so Its hard to get out fishing. Im from southeast Oklahoma originally, but I moved to Arkansas to teach. I currently reside in Fayetteville. Ive been meaning to check out the White River in Ark, and try my luck over there because from what I hear its one of the best places to trout fish. Anyway, I look forward to getting input and reports from everyone on the forum and hope to contribute what little information I know to anyone that wants to hear it!
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