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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Hey ollie, I saw your mystery fish yesterday. It was a very nice rainbow. I'm guessing at least 16 in. It was right up against the far bank by the briar bush. It came up like it took something off the surface and I saw it's back. I couldn't get it to take anything I had. I'd say that it is a pretty smart big fish. Kyle
  2. Sorry to hear about your step dad John. I hope he gets better soon. I wish everyone had been able to make it to Capps today, but I understand. It was cold with a little wind and some light rain. It appears that the creek had been stocked recently. The quality of fish was hard to believe. I won't speak for Ollie, but I caught more 14 inch Bows (and maybe even a 15 incher or two) today than any trip I've had at Capps in recent years, plus 17 Browns. I caught them on both Tan and Olive chenile grubs that I tie. It was a blast. I even broke off on a couple fish. I managed to catch 45 fish (not bragging), that's just the kind of day it was. Kyle
  3. OK, I'll bring the plastic wear and plates and paper towels for napkins. I guess everyone will bring what they prefer to drink? See ya all at the mill at nine. I'm ready to catch some fish. Kyle
  4. Sorry I haven't been back for a while. The Brown came out of Capps. If you need me to bring anything sunday I'll pitch in, just let me know what to bring. Kyle
  5. Nine is good for me. Ollie did you see the picture of the Brown that I posted on the Shoal Creek forum? Kyle
  6. I'm not sure if they actually stock very many brown trout in Hickory Creek, but I think the signs all over the creek say something about the length limit for them. There may be a certain amount that are put in accidentally. I've never seen one before and I've been fishing there for over twenty years, but I believe they are in there. As far as the Golden Rainbow Trout from a couple of years ago, I was the lucky guy that caught him. I still don't know how he got in there and how nobody saw that crazy looking fish in that little hole. I fished Capp's Sunday and caught 10 Brown's and 5 Rainbows. Got some nice pics of the browns. Some not much more than 6 in. long.
  7. Sounds good to me. I was planning on fishing somewhere that weekend anyway. I drive a Tan Ford pickup,and we probably have met at Capps. I usually rotate weekends between Capps and Hickory this time of year, and occasionally I'll get down to R.R. for some C&R, not that I ever keep any trout. Except for the one I caught almost 2 years ago at Hickory. A Golden Rainbow Trout that weighed almost 8 LBs., he's hangin' on the wall right now.I'll keep my eyes out for you on the creeks. I haven't decided which one I'll hit this sunday. I hope they have both been stocked this week. Let me know if you find out.
  8. Hey guys, I read your posts and thought I'd add a report from last Sunday. Started at the lowest bridge and worked my way up. I caught 3 nice 13 inch rainbows just up from the bridge on a thread jig. Didn't catch anything else until I got above the old farm road that crosses the creek. I caught a couple more nice sized Rainbows pretty quickly again on the jig, but quickly changed over to a Renegade because there was the beginning of a hatch and fish were busting all over. First cast I caught a pretty little Brown. That got me going. I ended up catching 8 more Browns and 4 more Rainbows in about an hour and a half. The Browns ranged from about 8" to 12".All on dries( Adams, Blue winged olives, and Renegades). The best day I've had for them on Capps. I wonder if they might be wild because some were pretty small? I've seen a couple of BIG Browns over the years in this little creek, and the hatchery guys told me that there are some monsters in it. I hope to catch one some day but they are all fun.
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