Location...location...location. When is enough enough?
A glance at permitted CAFOs in Southwest Missouri indicates a large cluster in the Roaring River spring recharge area. See Missouri CAFO Locations
Do we have enough CAFOs in this region when the U.S. EPA lists Table Rock Lake as an "impaired" water body due to excessive nutrient loads? Well, we're there. See Missouri Impaired Waters
Do we have enough when excess nutrients result in algal blooms that require costly dredging within the Roaring River trout park? We're there. Do we have enough when nutrient imbalances encourage the proliferation of aquatic nuisance species? We're there. Do we have enough when sportsmen voice there concerns in internet chats? We're there?
One can argue that excess nutrients come from several point and non-point sources (waste water treatment works, private septic systems, urban run-off, etc.). But if we have the ability to prevent a potential new source of pollution within a stressed watershed, shouldn't we? When is enough enough?