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    Bolivar, MO

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Location...location...location. When is enough enough? A glance at permitted CAFOs in Southwest Missouri indicates a large cluster in the Roaring River spring recharge area. See Missouri CAFO Locations Do we have enough CAFOs in this region when the U.S. EPA lists Table Rock Lake as an "impaired" water body due to excessive nutrient loads? Well, we're there. See Missouri Impaired Waters Do we have enough when excess nutrients result in algal blooms that require costly dredging within the Roaring River trout park? We're there. Do we have enough when nutrient imbalances encourage the proliferation of aquatic nuisance species? We're there. Do we have enough when sportsmen voice there concerns in internet chats? We're there? One can argue that excess nutrients come from several point and non-point sources (waste water treatment works, private septic systems, urban run-off, etc.). But if we have the ability to prevent a potential new source of pollution within a stressed watershed, shouldn't we? When is enough enough? Max
  2. Quite right about right/wrong choices and consequences of our actions. The chicken farm does indeed have the right under permitting regulations to set up their operation and DNR will monitor good/bad consequences of this decision. We are indeed blessed in Missouri to have great Conservation & Natural Resource agencies which serve as watchdogs in this regard. My overall concern is the proliferation of CAFOs in this country. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, some 500 million tons of wastes from animal feeding operations are produced each year. While such farms have good intentions to manage their waste properly, we all hear of occassional reports of inadvertent leaks into rivers and streams, fish kills, foul air, and contaminated drinking water supplies. I eat meat and know the need for largescale animal production. I'm just concerned about the wisdom to allow location of some CAFOs. The Roaring River spring recharge area and White River watershed already have numerous permitted CAFOs. Max
  3. Once again, the chickens win and Missouri loses! When it comes to "rights" in these sort of things, Abraham Lincoln put it this way "you don't have the right to do wrong". In the legal realm, CAFOs have certain rights and environmental protection usually takes a back seat until something awful happens. In this particular case - given the proximity to precious Missouri natural areas - DNR should have exercised more wisdom and sought an exception to the rule. We've become so open-minded in this country that our brains have fallen out. Another voice crying in the wilderness ... Max
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