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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ealy

  1. If you're going to fish below the dam and off the bank, don't worry too much about the map. Take 65 Hwy to Warsaw 2nd exit, go West maybe 3 miles and look for the dam turnoff. That road takes you across Truman Dam. After crossing the dam, make a right into Bledsoe Ferry Park. You'll find what he's speaking of. It's not uncommon to see people seining shad off the bank in this area. He might be able to give you better detail of where to go from there. By the way, the road across the dam takes you back to Warsaw, by Wal Mart and McDonalds, and out 65 Hwy. I don't catfish, so I can't tell you much else.
  2. I've tried CCR, but just can't get into 'em. I do like their cover of Amos Moses though (Jerry Reed fan). I think Shooter's 1st album is great, but the 2nd I used as a coaster! His 3rd I heard was kinda lame. I've listened to a little R.E.K., and it's growin' on me. For some reason any musician that goes by 3 names turns out pretty good tunes. I'll check out the Randy Rogers Band and Jason Boland. Here's one for ya...Drive By Truckers. I'm a huge DBT fan. Not really for everyone. Don't start out with the album they just put out. Start with Pizza Deliverance or Gangstabilly. They've got a pretty raw sound with spit in your face lyrics that tell quite a story.
  3. I actually do order mine hot. Ya' know I told my wife I was a bad dude!
  4. I just recently started listening to Ray Wylie Hubbard, John Prine, Billy Joe Shaver, and Jerry Jeff Walker. These guys are great songwriters/musicians. I've listened to Steve Earle for years, but hadn't encountered the others. You can't beat songs that tell a story, often times funny, with a little bit of attitude.
  5. I've played for about 9 years. I've got an awesome Alvarez from the 70's, A newer Alvarez elec. acoustic, and a cream colored mexican strat. Love playin' Zeppelin, Floyd, Skynard, Dead, etc...
  6. Sorry, not a recipe but a great product. Anyone else out there tried Allegro marinade? The orange label bottle is a great steak marinade, and makes an awesome dipping juice for sliced up pork tenderloin medallions. Allegro looks like soy sauce, and pretty much is, but has a good blend of spices for that added kick.
  7. Ealy

    Bbq Sauce

    Sweet Baby Ray's and some Zarda beans.
  8. Ealy

    Wobbly Boots

    Wobbly Boots...I've got a foggy memory of that place.
  9. For good Asian food, try Korea House in Springfield. They're located on St Louis Street just West of Steak 'N Shake. They do have good Cashew, Sweet n Sour, and General Chicken's, but my fave is the "Han's Chicken". I've never seen "Han's Chicken" anywhere else, but they should serve it anywhere food is sold. It is a bed of rice with deep fried chicken on top with chopped green onion, some type of sprouts, peanuts, and a lite sweet/spicy sauce. I'm not a huge Asian food fan, but I'd could eat the "Hans" once a week anyways. Bring cash, last I remember they aren't with the times.
  10. Little Tokyo on North Glenstone is excellent and inexpensive. They offer the same food served at Nakato's, Hinode, etc..., but not cooked in front of you. This saves time and money. The Spicy chicken is very good and comes with salad, lomein noodles, rice and hibachi vegetables. It'll cost you around 8 bucks a plate. Little Tokyo is located next door to Pizza Inn I'm thinking between Chestnut and Division on the west side of the road.
  11. So does Bill work at Colton's or what?
  12. I think I've eaten everywhere down there over the years. Danna's BBQ is great. It's located just South of Branson West on the old part of 13 hwy about a mile from 13/76 jct. As crazy as it may sound if you're in the Kimberling area check out the Hillbilly Bowl (bowling alley) located right next to the Kimberling Inn. I'm picky about what I eat (but I've never missed a meal). They have excellent pizza. Ma's is another mile or two north of the Kimberling bridge. They open early for good homecooked breakfast.
  13. Yeah, I went yesterday also. We caught several fish, with only 1 keeper. I had 5 times as many bites as I had fish. They were bumping the baits and wouldn't commit to it. Tried downsizing, waiting longer to set the hook, setting the hook right away, it didn't matter. I think a lot of them were pecker-heads anyways.
  14. I think you'd be better off putting in at Ha Ha Tonka or Larry Gale ramps. You don't wanna run far at all on the main lake due to the big boat traffic. Lake of the Ozarks was ranked 3rd in most dangerous U.S. waterways a year or two ago. Only the Colorado River and the Atlantic Ocean I believe had more accidents reported. Don't be a statistic! You're just going for fun anyways, right?
  15. Unless you'll be fishing the Dam area early morning, after dark, and on a weekday, I wouldn't fish there. Big boats will sink you if not make you miserable. Ha Ha Tonka will be very much more fishable. I don't fish that far up much and I can't help you on the walleye, but you should have a good chance at Blacks, Whites, Crappies and Cats around there.
  16. I was up there a couple of weeks ago, and had a really good Bass trip. My buddy and I noticed all of these large jelly-like sacs growing in the submerged trees. I can remember as a kid fishing from the bank at Stockton finding grapefruit sized jelly sacs on the shoreline. They looked like clear silicone sealer, and were kind of rubbery. What the h.ll are those!!?? I've been to 2 goat ropins' and the county fair and never seen anything like that!
  17. Probably enough for 40-50 rigs in main parking area. If it was full there are still plenty of areas to park and hoof it back.
  18. Old 86 is closed down and underwater, Long Creek ramps closed, State Park is still open.
  19. I think the best setup I've seen is at Lake Dardanelle, I believe at the State Park. They have an awesome pavilion/weigh in stage next to the boat ramp. They have holding tanks for the fish at the pavilion with rejuvenade or bassmedics. If I remember right, the AGFC maintains this facility and is present at major weigh-ins. Pretty sure they have their own release boat(s) run by the AGFC. Imagine if Missouri had release boats present at each major lake. How big of an expense could that possibly be to purchase a few used pontoons to be kept at The Rock, Truman, LOZ, Bull Shoals? If Arkansas can do it, hell we can too!
  20. went down to Galena Sunday afternoon. No whites, but I did manage 2 nice walleye. A 24 inch (4.5 lb) and a 21 inch. Also 5 keeper crappie. 1 on swimmin minnow other on mimic minnow. They were all in an eddy. The main current was insane. After dropping in my BassCat, I thought maybe this was the dumbest idea I'd ever had. It was well worth going. It's nice to see walleye on the James that size. I wonder how many have run up the river to spawn?
  21. I went up to Stockton yesterday expecting tough conditions. 11ft high, cold (48 degree) water. On the way to the lake I hit a large deer with my truck, but with no damage done, kept on going. I kept thinking with my luck I'd hit another before I got there. I almost hit 3 more at once near Stockton State park, but managed to slow down in time. I pulled into New State park only to find a closed boat ramp and parking lot. Turned around and pulled over to Old State Park. Backed the boat in to test the waters. The ramp was way to flat for this high of water. With another person it could of been done, but the boat wasn't even floating yet and my tailpipe was underwater. Pulled out and headed to Mutton Creek's steep ramp. I was able to dump the boat here, but had to slide across the roof of my truck to get back in without getting wet. Fished within 4 miles of Mutton Creek all day. found water temps from 48 to 50, but it didn't seem to matter. I think most of the bass on stockton have been pumped up by the Fellow's Lake Pipeline. The waters past the bridge at the Son's/Big Sac confluence were very muddy so most of my fishing was done elsewhere. Tried flipping the bushes for a couple of hours with jig and tube. Mostly fished jerkbait on the steeper channel banks in creeks. There aren't as many bushes to hang the jerbait in on the steeper banks. I had two very light bites (I think) casting a jig in an area with two small creek channels coming together with 50 degree surface temp. I milked that area with a football jig and even a carolina rig for a long time with no more bites. Also tried a spinnerbait and wiggle wart some with no success. This time last year was much better. The water was only 5-6 feet high then, and we were catching spinnerbait fish out of the bushes. Has anyone had any luck?
  22. Wow surf's up dude! Was that guy on Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?
  23. Is anyone fishing this weekend? I guess I feel the need to punish myself, but I was thinking of putting in at Kimberling City- either at Ahoy's or the steep ramp at 13-Schooner Creek. I'm thinking steep ramps and clearest water. Has anyone been down there with the high water? The thought of catching shallow fish in that part of the lake (before April) is getting me excited.
  24. Sorry, don't know why I put this on the lower end. We put in at K Dock. We have been fishing flats the last couple of weeks. The wind Saturday was BRUTAL. Had to get off the flats after the wind picked up. Those little bitty baits are hard to feel when the wind is blowing 20 plus (with emphasis on the plus!). A 13inch ky, a bluegill much bigger than my hand, and a couple of missed bites were all we had for the day. The bluegill and ky were both pale as a ghost. We idled up around Snapp quite a bit looking for shad schools. Didn't come up with anything. We abandoned the flats and fished wiggle warts and jerkbaits on every kind of bank the rest of the day with no takers. The water in the backs of the coves/creeks was cooler than on main lake at about 43F. I heard of just a few whites being caught that day, but that's about it. By the way, I'm not a Bull Shoals regular, especially around K dock. Just like the idea of catching a mixed bag of Walleye/Bass/Whites/Crappie etc...
  25. Jerkbait (Rogue or Pointer 100), Jig, Wiggle Wart, Spinnerbait (Big blade slow rolled), smaller jerkbait like a pointer 78 on a spinning rod.
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