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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by hfdhoosier

  1. Im glad you had a good fishing day, I wish I couldve joined you. The section below Tan Vat hasnt changed alot, Im going to have to get back down there and check out the river from Montauk to Tan Vat. I couldnt get any dry fly bite, did you try any dries? Now you have got me plotting my next outing to the river, .....if I cash in my aluminum cans maybe I will have enough gas money.haha
  2. Probably be alot of 8 cylinder trucks for sale cheap with the gas prices getting ridiculous.
  3. They are considered artificial bait. From the dam downstream is the artificial and natural bait area. From the dam upriver is flies only Definition of fly: In waters designated fly fishing only, a fly shall be constructed on a single point hook of feathers, tinsel, chenille, yarn, fur, silk, rayon or nylon thread or floss, with or without a spinner.
  4. Good post FFM, Sometimes we overlook what this holiday weekend is all about. God Bless our military men and women.....present and past. We Thank You!
  5. I would agree with the other posts also....zebra, rusty, and primrose midges are my favorites. Last time I was down there, late april 08, red san juan worm that I bought at the lodge was the ticket. Cant go wrong with crackleback dry fly. Orange glo balls usually do well for me there. White thread jigs are killers at times there. I would agree, fish the fly area unless you want to use bait.
  6. Flyfshn, you are right, alot of new drivers seem to whine at first till they learn camera presence and become more politically correct. Also most drivers race other drivers the way they race them, KB isn't afraid to put a fender to someone and eventually the other drivers will just put a fender to him first. I like Dale Jr. but I don't consider myself as part of Jr. Nation. I love how Jr. Nation calls all these other drivers whiners but as soon as something happens to Jr, they are the first to whine. I just like good racing, my philosophy is shut up and race.
  7. msubobcats: Here is the gauge reading http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?07050152
  8. The difference is: you don't hear the Hendrick fans whining about everyone else winning. Last year everyone was whining about Hendrick always winning. We can accept a below average year without resorting to rooting against any other driver. Hendrick will rebound, cream always rises to the top. As for Kyle Bush, he can drive a racecar. Just a little out of control for my liking.
  9. Picture didnt post, try it again.
  10. There are alot of options out there. I started off and still at times fish with a dogwood canyon rod and reel setup from Bass-Pro @ around $80. I have the 8'6" 6 weight and have caught alot of trout and bass with it. Bass-pro and Cabelas have alot of rod and reel complete setups in your price range. Check out the TFO's @ Cabelas also. I had a 5 weight and loved it, I had a dogwood canyon reel on it. I would go to Bass-pro, Cabelas and any fly shop you have close and see what is available in that price range. Maybe cast a few. Good luck.
  11. Looks like its on the rise again, 1.76 on the gauge. I would think that is still fishable though, wonder about water clarity.
  12. Mike, Phil had a post on glasses, I think he bought some from this company. http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?s...amp;#entry54737 Might check out this site, or ask Phil.
  13. Was dowm there the last weekend in April. River was great, still green murky in deep holes but clear in shallower water, The gauge read 1.70 when we left. It is 1.63 now so looks like in real good shape still. I will be down the first week in June also. Will have on an OAF hat in orange or black. Say Hi if you see me. The fishing was a little slow in April but caught plenty. The orangish red san juan worm they sell at the lodge was the ticket.
  14. I think those names (r**S) are generated by ebay to keep the bidders anonymous, they arent the real bidders name. Now you might be bidding against somebody you know, wont be able to tell by the bidder name.
  15. Yeah I got a 3.5 hour drive coming from Illinois. The lucky thing is it is about the same distance time wise for me to go to Bennett or Montauk. Montauk looks like it only raised a couple inches, still lower than when I was there a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, Montauk would be about 2 hours longer for you coming from Kansas side.
  16. Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water. I agree with RC.....DRAT!!!
  17. June 28 works for me.
  18. Sounds good, my schedule is flexible. First week in June is already booked for me (Montauk) but after that I am pretty open. I didnt get to fish with you at Montauk last time cause I was helping two buddies catch their first trout on flyrod. Look forward to fishing with you again.
  19. Im up for an outing also. Im going to Montauk the last weekend in May thru the first week in June.
  20. When are you going? In the summer time you have to hit the Tan Vat access down river and swim in the swimmin hole. Other than that, Montauk is pretty well away from anything. 20 miles to Salem and 12 to Licking. If you go to Rolla, eat at the Sirloin Stockade at I-44 and exit 185 after 4pm, all you can eat steak and buffet. Hope this helps. Dennis
  21. John Maybe we/ll run into each other. I will be trying out my new Chota breathable waders and new Chota wading boots. I will have an Ozark Anglers hat on, say Hi if you see me. I drive a silver Dodge 2500 truck. Are you staying at the park? We probably will fish the fly area but might hit the dam area a couple times. Hope to meet you.
  22. PHW: Thanks for the report. The wife and and I are headed down to fish this weekend. Sounds like I need to tie up some red San Juan worms. How bad is the park? The wife likes to fish the park, probably wont get out outside the park much. Might fish right at Tan Vat a little since we are staying at Eagles Park.
  23. AMEN!!!! I really miss the dry action. Hopefully the waters will clear.......get in some small midge action also.
  24. Britts, check out weavers report. They usually update on Sun.'s and Wed.'s. http://www.missouritrout.com/weavers/report.html
  25. Dave, Heard of the name but don't know him personally.
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