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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. I got 4 3/4 at my house Ollie. But like you said, it was so slow and steady and the ground was so dry that the majority of it soaked in and filled ponds.
  2. I forgot to add, you may want to ask the 600k+ that have lost their jobs since jan. of this year how the economy is going.
  3. Oh yeah. Well I bet our doctors rank #1 in compensation and days off! So take that! I had a small child relative that, as children will do, stuck some popcorn kernels up his nose. He is 3. After getting a couple of them out, they couldn't get the rest. So they loaded up and went to the hospital. It was 8pm. This is a small hospital in a small town. Their own doctor would not come in until the next morning. Didn't feel like it. So they leave and head for a larger hospital about an hour away. Problem solved. Four more kernel were extracted. Yeah, I asked the same question, how did a 3-year old get 6 kernels of popcorn in one nostril? Nobody seems to know. But they do know one thing, their old doctor has one less family of 4 to take care of.
  4. It is not hate. It is the same old tired comments and snips that are baseless and fact less that come those that seem to look down upon a proud, hard working, gun toting, God fearing, group of blue blooded people that love American and also gladly put their lives in harms way to protect her. As I am sure you have seen in just this thread many accusations, half truths, and fact less barbs have been tossed by some that are in no question a part of the republican party. Yet when the fact is posted that debunks what they are saying, there is silence on that subject. But then we also have a couple here that apparently don't read the correct information that we take the time to research and post, and just keep spouting the misinformation. I guess to further spread the smear and fear.
  5. Yes it was a great speech Trav. It sounded just like a speech I heard last week by another candidate running for president. I also liked the Tom Ridge speech. It was a real speech about the man they want to lead. It was far and above the fifth grade bash session the night before.
  6. And as well I will give you that one. But with his voting, he voted for at least 90% of what Bush wanted. Basically a rubber stamp. So where is the change? The only change I can see will be the name on the door.
  7. If "everything" you "heard last night was conservative change" than you weren't listening very close. It was the same old Speech of Fear and Smear that the republicans now use to scare you into voting for them. Looks like it is working on a few here. Last I check the price of gas and the cost of a barrel of oil has dropped. And it never did reach a price as high as predicted by those in the bussiness. President Carter and President Clinton are still getting bashed. Quit crying about it.
  8. What Executive experience does McCain have? He is the one running for President.
  9. You tell me. All those cattle led to slaughter on the trail.
  10. You are right. She talked just like everyone of the others that night. Nothing said about where this country needs to be and how to get there. It was nothing more than a Demo, finger pointing, bash session. MOOOOOOOOOO, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MOOOOOOOOO. Follow the herd!
  11. Thanks for the kind words about Dylan, fishin and Buzz. I wish I would have fished as hard as he does when I was his age but, I was not as disiplined as he is. He is the same way when it comes to hunting.
  12. Thanks fishin, it was a lot of fun.
  13. Cherry Corner to Allen Bridge is a great float ain't it? We did that one a few weeks ago and had a ball. I too have noticed that Shoal is giving up a lot of really nice Goggle eye. Maybe this October we should get a float trip up and all catch a couple for frying on the bank. I'll bring the cast iron.
  14. Thats funny coming from you. Now, does anyone here even read the links have been posted from us radical, left wing, leftist, liberals? I would say by the questions and comments that are still coming from the almighty, righteous party, that the answer is no.
  15. Nah there are at least two more. It is much easier to just follow the herd but, I like to make my own way. Like you guy's are are doing.
  16. Well, sometimes JD its not so much what somebody has done but, in what direction they want to lead to. I feel Obama has a far better destination that he wants to lead the country to.
  17. Dylan and I took a little trip to Big Sugar Sunday. We floated from Cyclone to Deep Ford. Boy were the idiot flowers in full bloom Sunday. At Cyclone we saw a couple of guy's fishing with big shiners. Not the friendliest folks I have ever run into and to top it off, one of them had 3 nice big brownies on a stringer. He couldn't wait to show me and tell me of the other stringers full they had the day before. Was gonna have a fish fry this weekend. Way to go cowboy! We saw a lot more fish than we caught. Saw some really nice fat ones too. Just was having a trouble getting them to bite. Finally though it turned on pretty good and Dylan got a good lesson in Jig n pig fishing. He loved it, though he was having trouble sticking them. Then as the morning turned into afternoon and we got further down stream, the canoeist started their migration and it was all over from then on. I did find some nice goggle eye that seemed to love that Rebel Deep Wee R I happily tossed to them like popcorn to pigeons. Dylan put it to the ol' man too. He give me a lesson this time. At one point he even offered to let me use what he was using. I just told him I have caught plenty of fish in my life and now it is his turn. He looked at me kind funny like. Like, what the heck are you talking about. But I know he will understand when he takes his son some day.
  18. There is a walnut veneer plant in Billings on Hwy 60. Might be worh a call.
  19. This is not the first time on here you have asked us to remember the Cole. How come you don't ask us to remember these? 1979 - 1988 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sh...t/etc/cron.html Maybe if more had been done back then we wouldn't be, where we are today, blaming everything on President Clinton.
  20. Here is a news flash for ya: We don't think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But better than anything the republicans have to offer. And I highly doubt if I am the only one here who could care less for your respect. You can keep it 'cause I don't want it.
  21. Yes you do!!! Action is pretty hot right now and I really don't see it cooling down at all. Any time you want to come up, just come on. The rods are ready and so am I. Buzz is too!!
  22. Went back this afternoon to check the action. Wasn't bad. I missed on that was every bit as big or maybe just a little bigger than the bucketmouth you see. But he made one good jump and tossed my jig back to me. Thanks, I guess. Instead of messing with his new glass minnow trap that he got for his birthday all day, Dylan decided to get in a little action himself. He caught several bluegill and a some goggle eye, including this nice one from Cedar Creek. All total I ended up with 7 bass. As you can see from the first one, I used a Rebel Deep Wee R. After that though I went back to a jig with crawdad trailer. Sweeeeeet
  23. Went to Shoal Creek for about 2hrs last night. Here are the results: They all fell prey to a jig with crawdad trailer. I caught the first one on about the third cast and I thought oh boy this is gonna be a good evening. Then I went about an hour until I caught the rest of them.
  24. Taxi - did you even read that before you posted the link? Let me hit a few of the highlights for you: Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected mayor of Wasilla, a tiny city with a population of just over 5000, twice, in 1996 and 1999. Palin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism from the University of Idaho. She then briefly worked as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations while also working in commercial fishing with her husband. In January 1997, Palin fired the Wasilla police chief and library director. In response, a group of 60 residents calling themselves Concerned Citizens for Wasilla discussed attempting a recall campaign against Palin The fired police chief later sued Palin on the grounds that he was fired because he supported the campaign of Palin's opponent, but his suit was eventually dismissed when the judge ruled that Palin had the right under state law to fire city employees, even for political reasons. She also increased the city sales tax to pay for construction of an indoor ice rink and sports complex. At this time, state Republican leaders began grooming her for higher office. Palin has strongly promoted oil and natural gas resource development in Alaska, and also helped pass a tax increase on oil company profits. Palin has announced plans to create a new sub-cabinet group of advisors to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Alaska In March 2007, Palin presented the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) as the new legal vehicle for building a natural gas pipeline from the state's North Slope. This negated a deal by the previous governor to grant the contract to a coalition including BP (her husband's former employer). In June 2007, Palin signed into law a $6.6 billion operating budget—the largest in Alaska's history Palin initially expressed support for the Gravina Island Bridge project, commonly known outside the state as the "Bridge to Nowhere." However, once it had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending and some federal funding was lost, Palin cancelled the bridge because Alaska's congressional delegation was unable to prevent the state of Alaska from having to pay for part of the bridge's construction. Alaska still kept the federal money, but she stated that Alaska should rely less on federal funding. When on June 6, 2007, the Alaska Creamery Board recommended closing Matanuska Maid Dairy, an unprofitable state-owned business, Palin objected, citing concern for the impact on dairy farmers and the fact that the dairy had just received $600,000 in state money. When Palin found out that the Board of Agriculture and Conservation appoints Creamery Board members, she replaced the entire membership of the Board of Agriculture and Conservation. The new board reversed the decision to close the dairy, but later in 2007, with Palin's support, the unprofitable business was put up for sale. There were no offers in December 2007, when the minimum bid was set at $3.35 million, and the dairy was closed that month. In August 2008, the Anchorage plant was purchased for $1.5 million, the new minimum bid; the purchaser plans to convert it into heated storage units. On July 11, 2008, Palin dismissed Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan for not adequately filling state trooper vacancies, and because he "did not turn out to be a team player on budgeting issues." She instead offered him a position as executive director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, which he turned down. Her power to fire him is not in dispute, but Monegan alleged that his dismissal may have been an abuse of power tied to his reluctance to fire Palin's former brother-in-law, Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a divorce and child custody battle with Palin's sister, Molly McCann. Palin is currently being investigated by an independent investigator hired by the Alaska Legislature to determine whether she abused her power when she fired Monegan. The investigation is scheduled to end October 30, only days before the November 4 presidential election.Palin has admitted that her staff had made at least 25 contacts with public safety officials about firing her sister’s ex-husband, including at least one where an employee claimed to speak for her although she has stated that he acted without her permission or knowledge. Palin is considered to have similar policy positions to John McCain in some respects. One exception is drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which Palin strongly supports and McCain has opposed.[75] Another exception is her belief that global warming is not manmade. On August 4, 2008, Palin put out a press release praising portions of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's energy plan including the call for completion of the Alaska Gas Pipeline and proposed $1,000 rebates for families struggling with energy costs, although she took exception with its call for a windfall profits tax on oil companies. The press release in question appears to have been removed from the governor's website, but can still be accessed through Google's cache. Alaska Republicans had mixed reactions to the news of Palin's selection. State Senate President Lyda Green, a Republican who has often feuded with Palin, remarked, "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" Yep she's a keeper. By the way taxi, as I understood it, political talk was ok. That childish jibberish that is still going on was not. Phil - as per my post above (holiday inn express) just adding humor in an adult form. Glad you liked it!
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