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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. I have caught both in there. They do seem to be rather finicky though. Years ago, before they drained the mill pond, there was 3 or 4 in the 3lb+ range largemouth hanging around the mill inlet. I haven't seen them since the pond refilled. I'm not sure what the rate of these species are per mile of creek but, it seems to me to be much less than that of comparable creeks in the area.
  2. That reminded me of two stories that happend while fishing with my dad as a kid. The first one happened on Grand Lake in the late 70's. At that time we had trot lines out that we caught bait for all week at home in Missouri and baited them up when we stayed at our cabin every weekend. We had one of our trot lines on the upstream side of the Cayuga bridge there by Iron Horse. Early one morning while running the line, dad came upon some fishing line. He went one way with it and I went the other. He found a Sparkle Tail caught on the trot line. So we make our way to the other end of the line and find a rod and Ambassador 5000c reel. Dad still has that rod and reel today. I bet that guy that was trolling is still telling about the huge white bass that took his rod. This story happened in the early 80's at Stockon Lake. Dad and I went crappie fishing every weekend in the spring and camped at the lake in a tent. While fishing one day, we had just finished fishing along one bank and instead of going into the cove that we came upon, dad just ran the trolling motor by the mouth of the cove to get to the bank across from where we were. As he was doing this, I was just trolling my jig (I think that is a streamer for you trout guy's ) along. Suddenly I felt the tug of being hung up. I hollard at dad to whoa. Then I noticed that it was comming along slowly. I thought, and so did dad, that it was just one of those water logged snags that weigh a ton. Imagin our surprise when I hoist a up a fish basket with 6 nice big huge crappie still very alive and kicking! I sure felt sorry for whoever it was that lost that basket but, I sure do thank you. I just love to tell of the time that I caught 6 crappie on one cast!
  3. Hey Cardiac, no that ain't junk. When I said junk, I was meaning more like a the hook end of a tow line that someone busted off trying to get towed out. The hook is good but, ya still gotta buy some rope. So you haul it home only to have it sit around for about 3 years till you pitch it or give it to a friend who will do the same thing. Things along that line. Heck we have all seen a tire with good tread that appears to not have a problem. I haven't brought one of these home though. Now, had there been two of them......
  4. I was just getting ready to check the internet for info on a bottle I found while fishing. Its a pop bottle from "Mountain Valley Beverages." I found it while fishing this summer. Actually I found 3 of them in two different versions. That got me to thinking about the other stuff I have found this summer while fishing. I found a bottle from "Neosho Bottling Works. I also found a coke bottle from the Joplin bottler that was produced from 1938 to 1951. I also found a Hyde Park beer bottle. That company was bought out around 1950. At an auction few weeks later, I was able to purchase a wooden beer case in GREAT condition from Hyde Park beer to go with the bottle. I know we have all found stuff while fishing. Most of it junk, but we still haul some of it home cause we can use it. What are some of the more interesting things you have found while fishing?
  5. I have read all replies here over the last few days with great interest. The question was simple. The responses were not. Though they most all began and ended at the same point, many different angles were cast upon in between those two points. It was all that in between, I guess that fascinated me.
  6. This morning we have a heavy dusting of snow here in SW MO. Nothing sticking to the roads. Anybody else get some?
  7. While skimming through the MDC web site, I came across this page. I had seen it before but it never entered my mind when we were having a discussion a few months ago about the MDC. When I first looked at this page, I thought it was money spent for projects in this year only but, it looks like it may go back a couple of years. Now this is not a complete list of projects that have been bid out but, gives a glimps of where some of your money is going. http://www.mdc.mo.gov/about/contracts/ Projects with Bids Awarded Project Apparent Low Bidder Project Number: 36-00-02 Replace Chiller Unit - Runge Nature Center Cole County Bid date: September 26, 2007 Plans & Specs Nick Rackers Heating & Cooling, Inc. 2521 E. McCarty Street Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: Bid amount: $67,150.00 Project Number: 90-22-10 Replace Condensing Units - Northwest Regional Office Buchanan County Bid date: September 26, 2007 Plans & Specs The Waldinger Corporation 4410 B South 40th Street St.Joseph, MO 64503 Phone: Bid amount: $82,095.00 Project Number: 61-19-B2 Roof Replacement - Central Office Jefferson City, MO Bid date: September 11, 2007 Plans & Specs CMR Construction & Roofing LLC 10734 Trenton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63132 Phone: Bid amount: $168,800.00 Project Number: 67-18-15 Replace Condensing Units - Resource Science Center Boone County Bid date: September 5, 2007 Plans & Specs Specialized Mechanical Services 801 Fay Street, Ste. B Columbia, MO:: 65201-4711 Phone: Bid amount: $65,591.00 Project Number: 64-15-05 02-22-01 Well #2 and Well #1 - Thurnau Conservation Area and Corning Conservation Area Holt County Bid date: August 7, 2007 Plans & Specs Rieschick Drilling Company 70656 649 Avenue Falls city, NE 68355 Phone: Bid amount: $104,973.72 Project Number: 97-24-03 New Road and Parking Area - Beckemeier Conservation Area St. Louis, MO Bid date: July 26, 2007 Plans & Specs Diverse Construction Group, LLC 5032A Devonshire St. Louis, MO 63109 Phone: Bid amount: $59,987.00 Project Number: 65-12-45 Aeration System Installation - Blind Pony Fish Hatchery Saline Bid date: June 12, 2007 Plans & Specs Leath & Sons, Inc. PO Box 16777 Raytown, MO 64133 Phone: Bid amount: $265,252.00 Project Number: 05-10-02 Road & Parking Lot Development - Black Island Conservation Area Pemiscot County Bid date: June 6, 2007 Plans & Specs AE Simpson Construction Inc. 51 County HWY 316 Scott City, MO 63780 Phone: Bid amount: $233,989.60 Project Number: 95-12-06 Additional Shop Bay - Angeline Conservation Area Shannon County Bid date: April 24, 2007 Plans & Specs AVCO, Inc. 303 S. Davis Hamilton, MO 64644 Phone: Bid amount: $55,300.00 Project Number: 70-11-69 Wetland Restoration - Ted Shanks Conservation Area Pike County Bid date: April 3, 2007 Plans & Specs Keith Contracting LLC 1101 E Walnut Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: Bid amount: $415,895.00 base bid Project Number: 91-12-05 Boat Launch Ramp and Parking - Seventy Six Conservation Area Perry County Bid date: March 27, 2007 Plans & Specs Lappe Cement Finishing, Inc. 8064 Hwy. B Perryville, MO 63775 Phone: Bid amount: $326,587.90 Project Number: 89-30-18 Forestry Building - Lost Valley Hatchery Benton County Bid date: March 20, 2007 Plans & Specs AVCO Inc. 303 S. Davis Hamilton, MO 64644 Phone: Bid amount: $149,045.00 Project Number: 05-16-01 Phase 2 Renovation Project - Twin Pines Conservation Education Center Shannon County Bid date: November 29, 2006 Plans & Specs Haan Constructors, Inc. HC 89 Box 375 Winona, MO 65588 Phone: Bid amount: $1,090,410.00 Project Number: 56-01-54 Upgrade - Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery Taney County Bid date: September 21, 2005 Branco Enterprises Inc. 12033 E. HWY. 86 Neosho, MO 64850 Phone: Bid amount: $5,340,000.00
  8. This link from the MDC site may shed a little light. http://www.mdc.mo.gov/fish/sport/trout/wildspawn.htm Not sure how accurate they are in regards to the list of areas of rainbow reproduction, or it may be that they are just not listing some of the wilder areas where they do not manage a CA. I'm sure all of us know of a spot or two where a small population exist where they have not been stocked in the last 50 years.
  9. Well, Chub, I can't say one way or another. I guess it could be slightly possible that they reproduce. I just have my doubts. Do you have a link for the stocking dates that mentioned? Also, how often to you get to get up this way?
  10. I like to Carolina rig a Rebel or Rapala floating minnow. Tenn. shad is a geat color in the 3" and down size. Work it like a jig & pig. This is also a killer way to tout fish when they are holding in deep holes.
  11. I'm looking. I'm looking. It was just a one or two liner in a page I was looking at about trout stocking. I started looking for it again to C&P here before I mentioned it. I'm not sure exactly what area they were speaking of as all it said was the "upper end of Hickory Creek". And it did not say it was a for sure deal but they thought that they might be. I don't know the history of trout in Hickory, so I can't say. It just seems unlikely to me. Wait!! This may be what I read. And if so I have botched it some. I'm going to keep seraching, but this may be what I'm talking about. If so, I apologize to all for not putting out 100% accurate information. http://www.mowin.org/Project31903/SpringRi...fishspring.html "The coldwater fishery at Capps Creek is stocked with rainbow and brown trout, while coldwater fisheries in Hickory Creek and the upper Spring River are self-sustaining populations of rainbow trout that were introduced to the stream but are not regularly stocked."
  12. That FJ, is that one of those new big 4WD I have been seeing lately? I know that ain't much to go on, but I think I know what you are talking about. As for stocking browns, Capp's has about the same chance of natural repoduction and also has browns. Somewhere on the MDC web site I saw where they believe that browns are producing in the upper end of Hickory. I myself doubt that. But I guess it could be possible. Heck look at the Duck billed Platerpuss. I will keep looking for that quote and post.
  13. Well, yer gonna have ta help me out here. I draw a blank at FJ. Are you positively sure they are not stocked in there? I have always been under the assumption that they are. Otherwise I wouldn't think they would have a length limit on them. It sounds as if you doubt my catch.
  14. I hear ya Thom. I hope when you prosecute them, you go for the max, which I believe to not be enough. Hit them in the pocket book hard. Now I fully understand that there will be honest mistakes, and those I can forgive as long as the lesson is learned. One should not take a show of kindness as a sign of weakness though. Soldier on my friend.
  15. If one is caught doing an illegal act you are correct. As written, your post it 100% correct. The key they were seen to be doing something illegal. But in my experiences all they have ever done is check to see that I do have a valid hunting or fishing license. Twice in Missouri and once in OK in the about 25 years that I have purchased them. The one and only time my driver license was checked was a check point established and manned by a number of Conservation Agents. As my family and I drove into a CA, we were stopped and I was asked for my driver license. They ran their check for warrants and such and we were on our way. BTW Tom, hunting and fishing license are great gift items. One may be purchased for the giftee with out being present. In Oklahoma, as of last year, they were still hand written. No check of any type. I'm not trying to get into a pissing match with you, just pointing out that it is very easy to get around the system as it is now.
  16. I don't know how he got there. But I'm also not the only one to have caught one in there. BTW, you don't drive a blue electric car do ya?
  17. Well, Tom I have been purchasing a resident license for the state of Missouri all of my life. Well, not quite all of it, not the fist 15 of them anyway. And as with any state, that I have purchased resident or nonresident license from, you are not required to show ID. Therefore if you are crooked enough to violate the law to the extent to have your privilege revoked, I'm quite certain you may be crooked enough to circumvent the system and purchase a license to at least appear to be following the law. Should we then be required to show positive ID to purchase hunting and fishing license? I don't have a problem with that. Any honest person shouldn't.
  18. Just how does it work when you get your hunting or fishing privilege revoked? Of all the times I have purchased one in my home state or another state, I have yet to see anyone check a list to confirm my name was or was not on it.
  19. Late in the day Sunday my son and I hit Hickory Creek for a little C&R R&R. We started about 1:00 and fished until 3:00 or so. We got a total of 2 rainbows, 1 brown and one of the largest Goggleyes that I have seen. That is also the first brown trout I have caught in Hickory. It was also a male. As I was removing the hook, he was squirting love potion #9 everywhere.
  20. I myself am still kinda on the fence on this issue. I have the hope that it is not happening and that we are just going through a period of unusually warmer summers and winters. But also in the back of my mind common sense tells me that we have to be warming the plant to some degree. I think of all the acres of asphalt and concrete that have been laid in the world, all of the brick and concrete buildings and houses, all of the vehicles, all of the factories, all of these generate heat. Then don't forget all of the people on this earth now. We all run just under a 100*. We have all drove out of the city or town into the country in a summer evening and felt a great difference in temp. If you think of how many towns and cities there are...... It just seems natural to me that this world would have to warm up to some degree. I can't say with any certainty that the world is gaining in temp. It does feel that way as compared to the days of my youth though. For those that mentioned it, I also raise my glass (or in my case can) of quality AB KOB product.
  21. Don't you find it interesting that we don't hear any mention of dioxin in Spring River anymore? I recall back in the 80's it was in the local news all the time. I guess like dioxin, this matter will magically clean its self up too.
  22. I think you are going the wrong way! Where do you plan to fish when you get down here?
  23. Oh. I always take my camera with me in a water proof box so I don't have to drag them around.
  24. Hey welcome to the nut house. I may just have to come down that away and see ya. I am a choc-o-holic. Being a chocolate chef do ya think I could get piece of that medium rare? Nice smallie too. I see you had that on a stringer. Did you take that one home or did you let it live another day?
  25. The MDC has no control over any land other than the land they own or manage(which I think they may really pay a lease. I'm not for sure) for other agencies such as the Corps of Engineers. At that, in relation to total land mass in the state of Missouri, that amount is very little. Farming practices and land use (housing developements and such) have a great deal to do with quail decline. It is now with the help of the MDC that land owners are learning to use new land use practices that are enhancing quail. It is a slow process, but progressing non the less. Now with last years devestating ice storm in SW Mo, I am afraid that any progress that has been made was lost. I know in my area the ground was covered with ice/snow for 3 weeks. Some did survive though as I have seen some small covies. Small meaning 6 or less birds.
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