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Knee Deep

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Everything posted by Knee Deep

  1. I use the Ketchum tool and love it. The less you handle the fish the better for the fish. It just pops those small hooks right out.
  2. The fly is a very simple emerger. It's only tan thread with a CDC puff tied to the top of the hook. I don't have any pics right now but maybe later in the day when I get home from my meeting I can post one.
  3. I failed to say that the hooks are size 24 and 26. It's a wonder I can put them in my vise. I don't know if he has line small enough to fit throught the eye of the hook. The knot is going to be bigger than the fly. That should get me a dinner out don't you think? (taking a break from tying right now)
  4. Michael, Michael, Michael, why in the world did you sell Old Stumbler just tiny hooks. I'm not sure that I can see them let along tie a piece of thread and a CDC to them. I'm now going to have to get a new eye exam and purchase some stronger glasses and that should cost me about $600. All this because we ran into Mo Trout Bum. Thanks again, Pam
  5. Too late!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I've seen it others have also. I never did like bears, unless they're behind bars.
  6. Thank you so much for your help Jeremy. My husband did tell me later that it was a midge and the pics help. I see that the thread color is a rust color not the thread color that's called Rusty Dunn. I've tied him up about a dozen. I'm now tying up some really pretty mohair leaches that have two different colors.
  7. I have lost the link to Phill's Alaska Trip. Could someone out there help me? I wanted to show it to Old Stumbler. Thank you very much.
  8. Old Stumbler asked me about it. I know it's a color, I have thread and things that color. I told him I'd do a web search and see what I could find, but nothing came up. Guess I could make something up and tell him it's a rusty dunn.
  9. Can anyone help me out here. I've been trying to find a pic of a Rusty Dunn and how to tie one. Is this another one of Leonard's secrets?
  10. I would really really like to know what a TNS fly is? Maybe I know it by another name or is this one of Leonards secret flies. Opps, bell I have to go to lunch now with the 8th graders. Thanks guys.
  11. I believe a lot of people missed the point. Yes, the dam is easy to walk to. The family was on the south side and we believe they parked in that little lot further down because they were walking along the shore. Our thoughts were on what would happen if the horn sounded and the water started running. Their boy was way ahead of them and no one knows if they were just visiting the area. If they knew that the water could rise rapidly depending on how many blasts (from the horn)there were. At one point their boy wouldn't have made it out.
  12. Has anyone not even thought what might have happened to the child or family if the horn had gone off? That was also one of our concerns.
  13. I caught this rainbow around noon Saturday the 21. It's weight was 4.25 lbs and was 21 inches long. It sure made my day. I was fishing with a tan scud and WD40 dropper.
  14. Hi, I'm new to posting but have read some of the forum in the past and really enjoyed it. I think the humor is great and I've learned a bit also.
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