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Everything posted by ecce38

  1. I caught a very nice size largemouth at the end of the long, straight stretch of water below Parker Bend. Just on the other side of the old bridge support. It was about a 4 pounder. Sorry, no picutre. I was throwing a crawdad pattern with a 10 ft. sink tip line. With TableRock backed up, there's all sorts of fish swimming in there these days.
  2. The parking lot has one big rock sittting right in the middle of it. Surprisingly the gravel is still there for the most part. All the trees in along both sides of the river are either flattened or standing at a 45 degree angle, kind of like the trees you see in those old photos of the 1908 explosion at Tunguska. With the water level so high right now, no telling what other sorts of damage/changes there might be in and around Parker Bend.
  3. Used a camera phone. Sorry. Looks like the Feds will have some public works jobs available for this summer.
  4. You guys got slammed pretty good. We got hit a couple of days ago with big time water releases ourselves. Click on my photography page signature link below to see some pictures of the damage. Click on the Flood gallery and read the comment at the bottom to give you a better idea of what you're looking at.
  5. Thanks DR for the clarification. Didn't mean for my comment to start a debate on what does or does not constitutes the White River system. All I know is there is a lot of water rolling through that system at the moment and it will probably affect areas below it. It's really shocking to see just how much damage that amount water released at one time can cause. That's what motivated me to post in the first place.
  6. Yes, but it is a part of the White River system which is just to the north of Geers Ferry Lake. Can't help but think that this will, in some way or another, affect the lake level and in turn the Little Red itself. But maybe not.
  7. There was an insane amount of water released from Beaver Dam within the last 2 days and will be working its way to you all. Check out the damage done up here. Click on my photography page signature link below and then click the Flood gallery to view the pictures. Also, read the comments at the bottom to get a sense of what you're looking at. Hope you fair better than we did!
  8. There was an insane amount of water released from Beaver Dam within the last 2 days and will be working its way to you all. Check out the damage done up here. Click on my photography page signature link below and then click the Flood gallery to view the pictures. Also, read the comments at the bottom to get a sense of what you're looking at. Hope you fair better than we did!
  9. I was amazed too! I took a bunch of photos (38 in all) and posted them on my photography website. Click on my photography page signature link below to see them. Click on the Flood gallery and read the comments at the bottom so you'll know what area you are looking at.
  10. RR, I've got similar stories myself dating back to 1994. But I think it's true everywhere. But walking away, in the long run, is the best course of action, well,....usually.
  11. I caught this guy (a brookie) in that same part of the C&R area almost 2 years ago and ain't seen one like it since. It's all bows and browns in BTW.
  12. I think they just swim up from Table Rock Lake when the water warms up. Don't think the flood gates per se trigger their migration up river.
  13. Here are some pictures from beaver. This is from the steps of the "no bait zone" by the two cabins. This from the top of the "no bait zone" by the campsites and bathrooms. This the bridge that connects the spider creek resort to the confluence just below bertand access. These last four were taken at parker bend access. On these I intentionally used a polarizer so you could see the sidewalk paths under the water. I think this is the third time they've opened the flood gates, 2001, 2004, 2008.
  14. will there be any trout left standing, so to speak? I always wonder what effect this sort of thing has on the fish population. Anybody know?
  15. Holy worley birds batman! It's the riddler!
  16. ecce38

    A Few Shots

    I use digital but I have an old Pentax KX film camera. These were taken with the Pentax K10D, which a medium format camera. It does a pretty good job.
  17. ecce38

    A Few Shots

    I noticed that there haven't been many new photos posted lately, so here's a couple of new ones.
  18. Glad to hear about your all time best fish Chase! However, you didn't mention ever using any of my sowbugs. Try those first, and if they don't work, move on to other patterns in your box. That's my routine at any rate. And you're tying your own flies now too! Cool. Keep up the good work!
  19. If you're in the mood for a new background, maybe one of thses will work...
  20. Thankd Chuck! Now that's what I call input..haha. You noticed the Dust Bunnies too. I've been looking into cleaning the sensor. Which sort of nylon brush to do recommend? Can you give an example? Just don't want to use the wrong sort of thing for the job.
  21. You read my mind when I first looked at it. I think the mist really creates that effect. The only adjustments were to teak the WB somewhat and pulled up the color saturation a tad. Made it my new background too.
  22. Snapped this last Sunday. Thought I'd share. Any thoughts on the composition? Feel free...good or bad.
  23. In a word, it was cold out there. Fished with BH sowbugs mostly. I caught 6-7. That's it! Slow going due to falling water from the previous night's generation.
  24. Here's my 2 cents. Check out this video clip on the Pentax K10 for under $1000. Also, check out my website (below) for sample photos using this camera. Pentax K10D video
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