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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ecce38

  1. Weather and generation have put a bit of a cramp in my fishing schedule lately, so I thought I'd do something a little different. Those of you who fish below Beaver Dam know the Beaver Dam Store and the folks that work there pretty well I imagine. While inside drinking coffee and warming up, I thought I'd take a few "samples" with my new lens. Maybe these will inspire you to go fishing....
  2. Was in Eureka Springs Sunday at the local skate park and got these too!
  3. ecce38

    Ice Photos

    Hey Terry! Glad you liked it. Here's some EXIF data for ya: f 5.6 @ 1/50 sec ISO 400 Focal length 300mm Tamaron AF 70-300 lens Didn't crop it too much though
  4. ecce38

    Ice Photos

    In my (red)neck of the woods....
  5. Metadata: Shot in bulb mode on a tripod with a wireless remote shutter controller, 8.2 secs @ f/20, ISO 100 at 18mm.
  6. Yeah, I'd try replacing the battery too. Check to see if all the other functions are working properly as well. Other issues may show up too.
  7. Well the Corp finally shut off both units on Beaver last night, so I got out this morning. The fish were, in the immortal words of Roy D. Mercer, "like a hobo on a hot pocket." I caught 40+ between 10am and 330pm. More importantly I noticed 2 things: 1) only a few were of the stocker variety, and 2) almost all were THICK. Moreover, I'd have to say that 1 in 4 were either in the slot or 12-13" in size, including a 14" brownie. Only a few were of the dinker type. With all of the high water issues over the past 9 months, the fishing pressure has been very low. And it appears the trout have been taking advantage of that. Fishing should be very good in the coming weeks and months.
  8. TX, I don't there's much in the way of fishing opportunities at the moment. They're running water almost 24/74 at the moment. It may be another week or so before they stop. I'd hold off on any fishing plans for awhile.
  9. As far as settings go, they were all taken in bulb mode, from f-stop 10 to f-stop 22. Some exposures were as short as 2.5 secs, while others were as long as 20 secs. depending. A few were even longer. The ISO was set at either 100 or 200. For exact info, go to my photography page (link at bottom), find the pic, put cursor on the right side of photo, a pop out menu appears, click on the 'info' tab. Glad you fellows like them. They were fun to take!
  10. If any of you once lived in Little Rock (like me) or have family there but haven't visited in awhile, here are some photos for you. Or, if you're real bored and need something to look at..... In spite of all the bad press over the last 10 years, this city is a pretty neat place. Viva the Rock!
  11. Check out the Pentax K20. The body is backwards compatible with every pentax lens ever produced. I'm using one of my father's 50mm primes from 1977!
  12. I'm using a Pentax K10. I'm moving up to the K20 soon though.
  13. I shoot in raw format (dng) and then do my post processing in CS3
  14. In Elkins AR, near the city park.
  15. This is some eye catching stuff....enjoy! [
  16. In the spirit of Ansel Adams....
  17. don't you mean "to the top of flood pool"? and when it hits 1130 ft. above sea level the flood gates open. there's the meaning you seek.
  18. Beaver lake is at 1128.4 and rising! next 24-36 hours will tell.....
  19. Man I hope your wrong!
  20. Just curious (and perhaps a little bored too) , but it looks like we'll be getting the remnants of Ike and it made me wonder what effect it would have on the lake level. As of this post, the level is 1127.5. They got 3 feet to play with more or less. So, guess the effect of this storm system on the lake level using the scale below: 0= no effect/change 2= 1 foot or less 3= at least a 1 foot increase 5= 1-2 foot increase at most 6= 2 foot increase maybe 8= 3 foot increase for sure 10= flood gates baby! Judging from the current track, I'd say about a 5. It's an all skate! Give me your take.
  21. ecce38

    The Cast

    My buddy Trey took this shot of me last Fall while fishing below Beaver Dam.
  22. How does one go about entering a photo at Conclave? Deadline? Just curious.
  23. Took this photo today.
  24. I caught these two fellows on 7/19/08 just after 6pm when they quit generating at beaver. I was throwing a black wooley bugger. Crappy picture quality on cell, sorry.
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