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Capt E

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Everything posted by Capt E

  1. Don't Give up dawsquat, here is an old topic that I refer to whenever I'm stocking my flybox to head to taney I expecially pay attention to Terry's recommendations.
  2. Congrats Terry! Be careful battling the squid during the week, there won’t be very many people other than Leonard to help you out in case of an attack.
  3. Capt E

    Indian Report

    Needed to fish really bad so I hit Indian last night after work. Water was up a little bit at Anderson. Tossed chili peppers on the long rod; X-rap, and soft craws on the spinning gear. Water was clear enought to see that a few were interested, but I was unable to entice any takers.
  4. Happy Birthday bud, hope you get to celebrate by going fishing or sumpin.
  5. He probably needs to start with the basics. Can he ping and/or tracert Ozarkanglers.com? To try click Start, Run, type CMD... then type ping ozarkanglers.com and or tracert ozarkanglers.com at the command prompt. The results will tell if he can send and recieve packets to the server as well if he is being given the proper address from his DNS server. The results determine the next step in troubleshooting. If that fails, he should check the contents of the hosts file located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc to make sure there is not a static entry for ozarkanglers.com or that he is getting routed through a proxy, under normal circuimstances it sould be empty except for commets (prefaced with #) and the entry localhost. It would'nt hurt to also download and Spybot search and Destory and do a scan for malware.... HTH, Kerry
  6. Hey Chief, I'm not really familiar with the proper names of any of the locations, but we were on the east bank by the ball fields. We started at the ball fields and worked our way up stream to the spring street bridge. All of our fish came between the low water bridge and the walking bridge. You can see my wifes prized orange bug quite clearly in a tree about 10 feet over the water about 50 yards up stream from the low water bridge along with an assortment of other orange based flies. She said something about putting a stepladder in the truck the next time we head down that way. I'm gonna be sure and grab the camera....I also really need to stop taking a 9 foot rod down there, that is just asking for trouble.
  7. The wife and I decided to get out and fish Hickory in the morning for a while. Once again orange wollies were the hot fly along with rootbeer estaz bugs. Between the brush and the wind, we ended up 'donating' our most successfull flies to the tree gods. Kerry
  8. The wife an I hit Hickory this afternoon after work. Had the place to ourselves. Fished up by the ball fields. Picked up a few rainbows on orange woolies. Kerry
  9. Nice one Tim. I'm waking out the door right now.
  10. I'm hoping to go down Friday afternoon. Might even make it out Saturday morning.
  11. Hey Phil. Here is the Wiki on Parrotheads, it should get you up to speed. Btw, One Particular Harbour is a very popular Buffett tune.
  12. Try these links http://s171.photobucket.com/albums/u294/ti...nt=DSC00006.jpg http://s171.photobucket.com/albums/u294/ti...nt=DSC00003.jpg
  13. Too funny Terry, Hey if a TIA agent was stealing fish from the Beaver and selling them to the squid, would it be the Tanny-Tentacle affair? If the Hearon stage an atack on the night fly fishers at KOA, would it be the 'battle on the bulge(s)' Oh and yeah, Thanks for posting Phil. Are there any dates on when they expect to be operational?
  14. Welcome to the board hawkeye. I'm just a little north of ya.
  15. I took the test several times, (with many different slants) and find it pretty interesting how some questions would have a weighed score to one camp or the other. A 'correct' score may send you very far in one direction, but an 'incorrect' score would not move you at all. Many of which can be considered by some as core beliefs.
  16. C++ is a great language to start off with. Once mastered, it is easy to transition to virtually any language. It is pretty darn easy to jump into Java, C# from C++, but it is more difficult to go the other way. The 'Visual Languages' (C# and VB) are good as well, but tend to lock you into a Microsoft world. On the good side, it make it very easy to develop things very quickly. I would not recommend COBOL nor RPG. I know that all of the local schools say they get 100% placement for those folks, but they get placed in a couple of local sweat shops. If I had to do it all over again, I'd go the the C++ route. But it all depends on how deeply you want to get into coding for you CIT degree. After the second semester of programming you will have a much better idea in which direction you should go. I know a ton of CIS grads that couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag, but they are great project managers and are doing very well.
  17. Hey Cardiac, is this the report? That is pretty messed up.
  18. You are not kidding Leonard, My son and I had a blast last night. It was good meeting fellow OAF'ers Matt and Brian as well. Seems like the olive Pine Squirrel was what worked bast for me last night.
  19. I'm hoping on making it. Should be there sometime between 10 and midnight.
  20. Had to run an errand to Springfield yesterday afternoon on business, so I thought I'd let the company pick up the tab for a stop at Roaring River. The wife an I got on the water a little after 6 and started in down at the very end of the fly fishing area. The fish were interested in everything we threw at them as long as is was on top or near the top of the water... I started out with white woolies and caught some nice stockers.. For fun I tied on one of Leonard's Mohawk Sculpins and stripped it back fast, and managed to pick up a couple more fish. I noticed a small brown insect jumping for it's life across the top of the water with a bunch of fish hot on it's tail... Seeing that I switched to a brown crackle back and go a nice fish on the second cast... As the fly got wet and started to sink the fish seemed less interested and the seemed to be the theme for the reset of the evening until the horn ... As long as it was on top, they would hit immediately, but as soon as it started to sink nothing, it didn't really matter what it was. All in all it was still a bunch of fun, especially for some mid week action. Kerry
  21. I've been listening to all the hubbub about night fishing since joining the forums. And since the last few times I've tried to go during the day, they seem to start generating while I am on the way down. I decided to give it a try. Heck, what did I have to loose... I sure wasn't doing a lot of catching that's for sure.. I showed up around 10 ish and they had just stopped generating for the night. Leonard and Duckydoty were already in the parking lot and were gearing up. We had never met and I told them that I was a total n00b at night fishing. I wasn't too hard to convince them either after they looked at my setup.... You know it.... 9ft 5wt with a tapered leader and 6x tippet and a lot of 14-20 sized flies. I guess I looked pretty pathetic because Duckydoty started giving me some 'proper' night flies and Leonard re-rigged my rod. He also said he would take me on a tour and show me a little night action. I finished gearing up and we headed for the big hole. When we got there, Leonard pointed me to an area to cast and helped me with stripping. Slow, Slow, pause, short, short, short, pause...Bam! And I had a hit... You gotta love it when you get a hit on the first cast of the day (or night). Pick up and recast... This went on for some time.. I seems that I just wasn't able to set the hook. If I would have figured out how to set the hook I'd had a least 50 fish on. Leonard changed out my flies until we could find a balance between the fish's desires and my skills (or lack there of). Heck, he even caught two himself while he as tying flies on my line with his rod tucked up under his armpit. After a while, I started to get the hang of it and began hooking up fish. We stayed there a while and then started moving up towards the gauntlet. The action was on top and there was plenty of it. We were having a hoot. Lots of catching going on. After a short coffee break, we headed up to outlet #1. Leonard said he was a gonna get me a big fish... He showed me where to cast and after a few attempts I was able to hit the spot and started stripping... Slow, Slow, stop.... Bam! It was a really nice 'bow. Definitely bigger than the dinks I catch during the day. By now the moon was really out and they stopped hitting on top. We change to some of Leonard's flies he calls 'Mohawk sculpin' and started moving down steam. They were working really well...a fish here, a fish there.... Slow, Slow, pause, short, short, Bam! And then it happened.... KaBlam! I thought somebody tied a boat anchor on my line and threw it down stream (or it was Terry's man-eatin squid). My 5wt was doubled over. All I could do was holler 'Oh Sh#$' and the fight was on! Leonard heard all the commotion and headed on over to help with landing it. She was a beautiful brown. I'm not gonna say how big, cause I didn't bring a tape measure nor a camera. But I will say that I see all kinds of pictures of folks holding up fish only 2/3rds this size. It was definitely the biggest fish I have ever pulled out of Taney. It kinda slowed down after that (or we were getting pretty tired) and decided to call it a day (or night). After it was all said and done it was some awesome fishing....I had enough adrenalin pumping through me for the two hour drive home making it in just in time to see the sun a coming up and enjoy some cold brew. I know there a lot of other N00bs looking at getting into night fishing so I would like to throw my .02 in. 1 Polish up on the basics... Learn to cast with your eyes closed and do it without hooking yourself (or others like your guide). And learn to set the hook (this especially helpful if you like 'catching' fish). 2. Do not attempt to do this alone! Get in touch with the experts! I thought I would be able to pick it on my own, like I have always done. I was totally wrong, had it not been for Leonard and Duckydoty. I would have been skunked, and for no good reason. One night fishing with them has shaved years off of the learning curve. As far as I am concerned, I am pretty much done fishing under the sun this summer. I'll be a night stalking from now on. Maybe I'll even be able to talk my son and wife into staying up all night with me. Kerry, aka Capt E
  22. Well looks like I was able to make it home just before the sun came up. All I can say is "Wow! What a night!" It was really good to meet Dano, Terry, Duckydoty, and Lenoard, and thanks a bunch for all of the help. Sorry I didn't run into the others guys. Well, I'm gonna enjoy some of those ice cold ones now and hit the rack. I'll file a report when my head stops spinning....
  23. Well, looks like RR didn't work out either.... The wife talked me into heading back to the ranch for a little nap and trying it again.... Never done this night thing before.... See ya all down there..
  24. ha ha yeah.. I kinda figured that out after I posted...
  25. ?morning? I left right after that post. The wife had me call the hotline when we made it to republic....which says 4 going...guess we may be direrting to RR.. Oh well....
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