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Bad cast

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Everything posted by Bad cast

  1. Thanks Danoinark, I use a Nikon D90 with a 70-300mm lens. Randy
  2. I've been watching birds drink and bathe on this sprinkler at Lilleys'all week. Fun to watch. Randy
  3. I was thinking the same thing Dave. Here's a before and after shot of the dock. These guys were fast.
  4. While staying at Lilleys' Landing this week I had the chance to take a few shots of the dock construction or destruction. They cut and put back together in 2 days. This was a shot of one of the hands with a cutting torch I thought was cool. Randy
  5. Guess Ill have it to myself.
  6. I'm bringing the family and a couple of teenage neices who have never been down there before. Not bringing the boat so I hope the fishing is good or even fair of the dock. I'm sure they won't last long in the cold but catch a few anyway. Most of their time will be spent texting, shopping, and S D City. Hopefully Uncle Randy will get a little time. I've never been down past Oct. is powerbait still working off the dock this time of year or micro jigs. I'll tie a few more up before we leave, any hot colors and is 2 lb still best or 4 lb ok for spinning. Randy PS any teenage boys gonna be there fishing, I know I can getm down to the dock then
  7. Thanks Rolan, another great tip.
  8. Thanks for the tips guys, the 6/0 thread held the marabou tighter to the hook and preasure from thumbnail kept the thread from sliding down the hook. Jigs are much better now at least to my eye.Here's a pic. thanks again Randy
  9. Thanks for the help guys, I've been using danvilles 210 for my jigs because I thought 6/0 would not hold up but I'll give it a try. Randy
  10. Yep CMC is where he went. Small world Randall. My son said he working with he dad, I haven't seen Mat for acouple years.
  11. Thanks for the tip. Randy
  12. I don't know if this is the right forum but I know alot of you guys tie your own. I have tied flies and crappie jigs for years but having trouble tying trout jigs. Is there a trick to keeping the collar small. I,ve tried the Pinch and the whole feather then trim still big and ugly. Maybe Im a little anal, they still catch fish but they are ugly. Any suggestions. One thing I've noticed most of the jigs I see at Phil's place are tied with round head jigs, and I use ball head jigs. Also my collars are to long, not to fat. I want a shorter segment from head to body. Randy
  13. Thanks Phil, guess I was looking in the wrong place. Next week were comming down to your place and I wanted to take the family for a boat ride down stream. I forgot about the map you give out. Randy
  14. Anybody know a web site or place to get a map for lower taney, not a topo but one with all the access points and creeks. Randy
  15. Thanks for the help. Great idea for the eyes. Randy
  16. I tied some 1/32 jigs with no 6 hooks but they were to light in the faster flows a few weeks ago. I want to tie some 1/16 and 1/8 oz, what size hook should I use for those. Randy
  17. We had a great time at Lileys a couple weeks ago, its the first time for most of the family being there. I know its a little late but oh well. We caught about 70 fish over the 5 days most on PB and crawlers. With the drift rig you recomended the girls kept me netting fish left and right, had several doubles which were fun. I did get to fish myself a little caught most on white jigs. Thanks again for the help Randy
  18. Thanks Fly guy, The rigs great looks idiot proof.I'll give it the test. Randy
  19. Thanks Leonard, is there aa general rule of thumb for weight needed per unit to get the bait down. Also are nightcrawlers better powerbait for the fish holding on longer. I've took these gals crappie fishing and there slooooow on the hookset.
  20. I'm heading down to Lileys this weekend with the family and plan to try to teach them to trout fish. I might be biten off more than I can chew but oh well. I think drifting in the boat may be the the easy thing to do. I've did a little myself but mostly flyfish or use jigs. I have a few rods setup for crappie that have green braid and a few with 4lb green max that I trout fish with. I'm going to make up a bunch of rigs ahead to save time in the boat. Can I use my crappie rods with braid or would I be better off changing line. Is it better to use a strait 4lb line or use 8 and use a tippet. I'm afraid if let them fish to light breaking off every 5 seconds might be an issue. Any advice on a good setup. If I use the braid with a weight and swivel and tie on a leader will this hamper them from catching fish. I want them to catch fish most of all so if I have to go light I will. Any suggestions. Randy
  21. Thanks for the reply Greg, with 5000 members I thought everybody might be out fishing. Randy
  22. Im heading down to Montauk for the first time Wed. and pulling the camper. I dont have any reservations so first come is my only option. I know the parks always full on the weekends. Am I wasting my time trying to get a site during the week. My wife likes to watch me fish and do a little reading, is there clear places on the bank for a chair to sit and watch. Any help would be great. Thanks Randy
  23. Thanks Birdfan, thats the info I needed. Randy
  24. Thanks for the help. Randy
  25. Heading down Friday with the boat for the first time and was wondering If most places can be fished from a Deep V boat. Thanks Randy
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