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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. LOL, man I just got a good laugh out of that, still chuckling everytime I think of it...
  2. I don't plan on wasting another trip to Stockton until I hear of it getting better, so keep us posted!
  3. I don't blame you dutch, I'd do the same thing. Even with got2bass 8 fish, that is still not smoking by any means (not meant as a dig towards you at all, just at how bad Stockton has been this spring). I still don't get it, but hopefully when they decide to start biting, it will break loose in a big way!
  4. If you are on them good down at TR, I wouldn't waste my time right now at Stockton. From everything I've been hearing, I'm going to try and line out a trip or two for TR in the next couple of days. You know, we were talking the other day about how good Stockton can be. Yet the last couple of springs, it has absolutely sucked compared to several years ago. What happened to being able to go out and catch 100 bass per day? You used to be able to do this late April when they were staging up good for the spawn. You would have thought that a few weeks ago, or even right now, you could back off of main lake points and secondary points and throw jigs, carolina rigs, whatever, and just hammer them. You used to be able to, but I have tried and tried it this spring, and no luck. I understand that it is high and everything, but so is TR and yet they are still catchin' em good there. I don't know, just don't get it. I'll quit ranting now...
  5. I'm in my last semester here in Springfield, then if everything goes well, I will go on to dental school in a year, pending I pass the DAT. I hear ya on the wapa-prop, we have yet to have a tournament this year as the corp has been canceling them due to high water. Our first one there will be in June. We ought to try and hook up here in the next couple weeks before I head back to PB.
  6. From a bass fishing stand point, Stockton has been like the dead sea for the last 3-4 weeks. I have been somewhere between 10-20 days in that time frame, and only had one day and an afternoon or two that I would call decent. That was probably two weeks ago and I had 5 keepers, probably go in the 14-15# range. I will say that day, I had one of the biggest bass on in my life, on a jig, that would have went an easy 8 or so that got me wrapped up in the bushes. On that day, three of the keepers came off of two bushes that were side by side. The others, including the monster that came off, was on one stretch that was about 100 yards long, on a jig and spinnerbait. All the other days, I would be lucky to catch a handful of short fish. The afternoon bite started to pick up last week, and we were catching a few decent ones (3# or so) and several others on top-water. I think if we could ever get some stable weather, Stockton might break loose. Who knows, but I can tell you that it can't get much worse. As soon as things started to pick up, another cold front would push through and screw them all up again. As far as water temps go, two weeks ago, we had 2-3 days of 63-68 degree water, but then cold fronts have it back down to low 60s now, which is a warm up from a week ago when it got back down in the mid to 50s. It's just been a yo-yo and I guess that is what has them so screwed up. You can go shallow and find all the shad you want up in the bushes, but nothing chasing them or anything. Pretty strange...
  7. I kind of figured that, this is Adam Hutson, what have you been up to? You still fishing some tournaments? My brother and I have kind of dropped the whole Superbass deal and went on to tournaments like Angler's Choice and a few others. I think this year we may fish a few more on Kentucky and see how that treats us. I should have my butt kicked for not fishing the am side of the pro-am's over here. But anyway, good to hear from you.
  8. tucker, Are you by chance the same Tucker that used to teach Jr. High in Poplar Bluff???
  9. And yet you still took the time to make this thread... You know, not everybody has the ability to be on the lake every day of the week. Be easy on the guys who have to work for a living and only have a few precious days a year to fish, they are just trying to make the best out of what little time they have. I do understand where you are coming from with your last few posts, especially with the guys wanting free info on bass tournaments. We had a tourney prep trip scheduled with Dave Stewart on KY lake last fall. The weather was horrible, so he just invited us to his house and went over a map of where he had caught fish the last week, what on, etc. Paid him $100 for the info. I think it is only fair. But seriously, ease up a little man.
  10. Thanks for the response. Is there no way to put in at Cape Fair? Also, would that be too far up to start fishing?
  11. Have been trying to keep up with the reports, but I don't think anyone has really talked about the James area. I figure that you can probably do the same with the spinnerbait up there, but what else has been the story up the James? Also, how far up there would be the best place to start?
  12. 2 to 2 1/2? Man, you guys don't want any part of Kentucky when its rollin'.
  13. 41???? Where and the heck were you at??
  14. I was on the lake both days this weekend. By Sunday, water temps in the main lake areas (Main lake points, etc.) were around 52-53. The warmest water we found was around 58. Some creeks really warm up as you get to the back, others get colder as you go back, just depends on which ones have a good feeder creek. I will warn you ahead of time, bass fishing is extremely tough right now on Stockton, and got reports from other anglers that the crappie fishing is even worse.
  15. After today, I don't feel like I know much about it either.
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