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Urban Angler

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Any Idea how much you want for all???? send a PM
  2. My screen name Urban Angler came from living in downtown Indianapolis. Before I moved to the Ozarks, I fished Fall Creek in the middle of downtown. I was the only one out there, and caught 16"- 19" fish regularly. Mostly smallmouth, some largemouth, and a few spotted bass. Bluegill, Crappie, Yellow bass, and a back hooked catfish were bonuses. Some of the crappie were monsters in their own right, they hit pretty big lures. I started out fishing ultra light, when I caught a 14" smallie. I went home and got a bigger rod and lures and went back and started catching much bigger fish. I had the whole stream by my self, full of big unpressured fish. The guys at Indiana smallmouth made fun of me. That was OK with me, I'll keep my urban fish. There are so many Urban waters that get no pressure except for some catfish/carp fisherman. I caught the 3 biggest Largemouth of my life in the Patomic under a bridge. So next time you drive over an interesting piece of water go back and see whose home.
  3. I've been trying to teach some of my friends who were visiting to fly fish and the thing I kept telling them was to slow down. You have to wait for the back cast to straiten out before you start the forward.
  4. I went out last Saturday, we caught 2 small brown bass. We launched where CR 170 ends and got out at Hodgeson Mill. The water is still up several feet. It has rained since I was out there so it must be worse. Any one else???????
  5. I agree working a run thoroughly whether your fishing for trout or smallies. I'll call it flogging the water. I know the fish are in a particular stretch of water. I'll keep casting to them until I get a reaction, I might change lures or I'll move upstream a little ways and come back to it. I'm a smallmouth fisherman recently transplanted from Indiana.I'm still figuring out the trout thing myself. Good luck. Urban Angler
  6. I got my licence when I was there 3 weeks ago the year long out of state was cheaper than the week long. I couldn't get a local licence because I don't have an address yet. Urban Angler
  7. I'll go with you as soon as I get moved to town in june.I'm a smallie fisherman from Central IN. I'll get on the board as soon as I'm in town. Urban Angler
  8. Hey fella's, I'm moving to west plains soon from Indianapolis IN.My wife took a new job there . She's there already I'm comming with the kids as soon as school lets out. I fish the creeks and rivers of central Indiana for smallmouth. (19" smallmouth in the middle of downtown Indanapolis!!!)I fly fish and spin fish both depending on conditions. I would like to learn more about Trout fishing, I haven't fished for trout much so I have a grasp on the basics but could use some tutoring. I also would apreciate any information on where to fish for smallies. See you mid June. Urban Angler. P.S. I guess I'll have to come up with a new screen name.
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