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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Ok I like fishing in that Cove by the Dam do ok there.As far as Bolivar its too far over that way the Lady at the Corps Office mentioned there. Swells I put in at Nemo one time with a Big Boat set Lines out wind came up I had a heck of time getting my Lines in by myself and scared me thats when I decided to sell that Boat. oneshot
  2. Looks like while I'm not Deer hunting I'll be spending more time on the Niangua and Truman Lake. oneshot
  3. Martin Flats is that up around the bend from Pittsburg Park? If it is would I be ok with my 12 foot Jon and Trolling Motor going around there? oneshot
  4. Ok when I fish where Lindley comes into Pomme de Terre for Catfish I always have trouble with Turtles what do you Guys do to get around this? I did catch a very nice cat yesterday on Dip Bait.But chicken Livers nothing but one Bullhead and Turtles.Where as on Main Lake I can catch Cats less Turtles. oneshot
  5. oneshot


    I was catching them between the Canoe put in and Ramp.Was using Roadrunners from the Riffle on down along the rocks on the other side catching Smallies and Goggle Eyes.But if you use Live Crawdads along there they work good too. I've caught some Big Crappie on down the river. oneshot
  6. oneshot


    Yea I caught Smallies,Goggle Eye and Crappie.They all eat good.Just hate wasting time going after Trout but I figure if I don't catch any within couple minutes go to something else. Well maybe when it cools down. oneshot
  7. oneshot


    Anyone catching any Trout? I'm catching everything but.Just wondering. oneshot
  8. I was just getting ready to ask about fishing the Lake I have never fished it. As far as Swans they do come through Missouri and a few may stay. oneshot
  9. I know they were being Butts but they was giving a Newbie Bad info I wasn't going to let it slide but I think they found out I was right because next time I seen them they was asking about other Regs. oneshot
  10. My wife came up with best time for fishing September through May.You know some ways I have to agree.Yea I like my Hunting but fishing seems to be best at that time too. oneshot
  11. You know I have to agree with this I live close and have asked the Guys many questions they don't hold back anything.Even know people up at Lost Valley.Hey don't worry go Fishing. oneshot
  12. Don't forget you Migratory Bird Permits.Got into a heated argument with couple guys the other day saying they were not needed. oneshot
  13. So just keep them on ice? Size and color of Flukes? I'm wanting to use them on a variety of fish like Bass,Crappie,Trout and Goggle Eye. oneshot
  14. Anyone use these I got the 3" Watermelon Pearl? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_103793_100007000_100000000_100007000_100-7-0 They look like they should work for about anything. oneshot
  15. Maybe I should have been Bass Fishing.I had 30 Hooks out baited with Bluegill on Lindley didn't catch a thing. oneshot
  16. I figured it was 24 and 25 because one Son was wanting to take his Family floating and the other Son was advising against it.Well don't matter either way its done over with. oneshot
  17. I wonder if more went to the Park because of it being Gay weekend,just staying off the river? oneshot
  18. I was fishing Lindley Creek over by Pomme De Terre Lake. Menphis Net and Twine has Cottonseed Cake. oneshot
  19. Well I didn't have any luck with anything,finally gave up and caught enough Bluegill for a mess. No I've never fished Middle Fork.Fished several rivers around Boonville,Truman,Pomme De Terre and Lake of the Ozarks. Need to catch bunch of Bluegill and put some Lines out.Like to get some Cottonseed Cake and put Jugs out for Carp but I forget how to rig them.I remember we use to fix a Bracket to hold the Cake and Hook on each side.But its been 40 years since I did this. oneshot
  20. Thanks but I already loaded my Lighter Rods up just Hope I don't get too Big a Cat. Ok what I was thinking is Carp are Line Shy but if I would have thought I was catching Buffalo on 20#.Oh well Med. Action Rods with 10# Test should be ok. oneshot
  21. Call Adventures 417-588-7238.Tell them Thomas Dad told you to call them they will work out any float you want. oneshot
  22. Will 20 pound Line rigger Carolina work? The reason I'm asking is instead of taking a bunch of Rods I'm wanting to use the same set up for Cats and Carp. oneshot
  23. Yea the river is very low and clear.I was watching across from the Ramp seen some feeding going on over there.I've done decided I need to just take my Little Boat get to more fishable water. Yea I've been wanting to go by Boonville camping and fishing but its been way too Hot and water hasd been too high. As far as Trout below Bennett there is fish being caught,last time I was there seemed like alot of Moss and Coontail to mess with. oneshot
  24. Well was talking with my Son the Guy he is getting likes going out at night catching 10+ pound Browns.I don't think my UL Spinning with 2# Test Line that I use here will work. oneshot
  25. Ok my Son is fixing up a Float and Fishing Trip on the White in October for my Birthday.Ok what do I need in the way of Spinning Outfit and Lures? oneshot
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