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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Been raining steady couple hours,suppose to get the heavy stuff tonight.Wife said the water was well above the island below the Bridge over 64 HWY. oneshot
  2. I'm going to get a chance to go night fishing late next week.I'm thinking of going above the Dam with the High water I'm thinking this might be best.Fishing from the bank. Thoughts. oneshot
  3. The Spring was up and muddy because of the rains but still fishable but its suppose to rain some more.There seemed to be plenty people down there. oneshot
  4. Went to the river and it is just above the island below 64 HWY Bridge and they are calling for more rain. oneshot
  5. My Sons Family lives next to Bennett,I guess there is some Big Rainbows around there,he sent this Pic of my Granddaughter. oneshot
  6. I think one thing that is hurting some of the Outfitters is the Larger ones are pushing the Smaller ones out.At least thats whats going on where my Son works.I know last year their Rafts were in Bad shape they didn't have the money to fix them right so I went got stuff for a cheaper fix to get them through the season. I don't fish the Park because of cost of Day Permit and don't like the closness of the Park.As far as flooding hurting the fish I was down there checking durring the Flood and afterwards.I an't saying they didn't lose some fish but not numbers some are talking about.Yes they were weakend,a person could see the stress in coloration but I haven't noticed any this season. As far as numbers and size I'm just going by the river it will run hot and cold as far as the bite with clarity and level but that is fishing.Size you can fish one week catch nothing but Smaller Fish go down next and catch nothing but Big Fish.For the most part I've only seen Large fish the year. Now as far as money in the Parks.Jim has gotten the Bid every year for the last several years but in time with age he will be gone and there will be change.But he doesn't have anything to do with the fish but the people that do are working with budget cuts and still trying to keep quality and numbers. As far as Camera maybe it was a bad idea they just thought people would want to see without leaving their home what is going on at their favorite stream. Hey we still have it better than some places in the country I'm still reeling from a horrible Turkey Season hopping it will get better if it don't I'll still be out there trying. Far as me moving this has been going on for years and I probably won't.The River I was Baptized there and when I die my Ashes will be thrown into it.I'm sure fishing will be much better afterwards Have a Good One! oneshot
  7. For now but look at the Places closing and changing Hands in the area,know the place my Son is working for this is their last year. Just really don't need talk of Bad about the Trout and how people an't doing their Job.Yes the Flooding hurt the Trout last year but as far as losing Large Numbers they didn't.There was some problems with the fish but its clearing up this year and if a person didn't know what they was looking for they would have never noticed. I'll admit I don't fish the Park but I do see on the river one Guy catching fish six people next to him not getting a nibble,just not doing what the fish want.Plus I've seen people just not knowing how to catch them,turn around show them,they start catching.Its not the fish not being there its just matter of giving what they want. oneshot
  8. Ok I just called them,they said they are releasing good numbers and good size.I also talked with the people at Weaver's saying all is well,good number of people. Went looked at the river,looks perfect fish should be biting on a Bare Hook and last time I fished it the Fish were Big. I know alot of people are going to say I'm full of BS that they've seen different.I'm just bringing it up because I hate hearing negative and keeping people away from the area considering the economy and so many of my friends and family depending on Tourist $$ to feed their family. oneshot
  9. Well Phil I got down there to wake the fish,didn't look like too much was moving around your place so I went back over to Cooper Creek again. Fish were biting on the Power Bait well. Then I went back over your way and you were already gone.Sorry I missed you but had fun and making plans on coming back soon. oneshot
  10. Might do that if I go in the morning. Hey I seen your River Jons out there,how long are they ? I have a 12 foot Wide that I think would work out fine if they wasn't running a bunch of water but I don't think it really would be worth hauling down. Them fish sure bite different than they do on the Niangua.But have good size. oneshot
  11. 45 years to be exact since I fished Taneycomo,went to Coopers Creek Access fished from the Dock had a good time caught some nice Rainbows on Orange Power Bait. Got some place to be late morning but might go back down early morning. oneshot
  12. Ok I talked with Adventures on 64 HWY they said they would Shuttle for $25. Now if you wanted to Camp there and use their Canoe cost $2.50 per person to Camp and $40 for their Canoe but thats not Camping on the river. Sorry for not getting back sooner. oneshot
  13. Caught these just above the Dam. Most Carp we Can.But Buffalo we either roll in flour and cornmeal and fry or Bake them.Main thing is getting all the Blood Vein out. Buffalo have a whiter meat and yes they have Y Bones but I've always learned to just deal with them. oneshot
  14. This should help.I eat them all. oneshot
  15. I'm sure there is I catch them on up on the river. oneshot
  16. Well I would but hoping by that time I'll be moved out of the area. oneshot
  17. You might consider bringing two Vehicals.Put in at Bennett float to Barclay,Camp at Lead Mine for free and fish the river there.At Lead Mine you can catch fish just not Trout. oneshot
  18. Was down on the river at Barclay couple Guys down there.One asked if I was oneshot? Yelp.It was podum. The river looked real good fish were biting Hot and Cold didn't matter what was throwed at them Bait or Lure.I managed to catch 3. Always nice meeting New People. oneshot
  19. I sure wish he would have taken a pic with measuring Tape next to it.I sure would have to question it otherwise. But you know how Fishermen never strech a fish. oneshot
  20. I was fishing Pomme few years ago had a Guy talking to me said he catches Musky all the time just cuts their Heads off and throws them back I just couldn't believe anyone could be such an idiot. oneshot
  21. I've never fished the Lake but there should be plenty of Cats in there. Guy was telling me the Walleye were biting below the Dam. oneshot
  22. Hey I caught some Crappy Carp the other day,but did catch a Gay Bass on Dough Bait. Seen lots of Guys catch them Slimmy Muskies while fishing for Gay Bass. oneshot
  23. The river is in Great shape fishing should be good.Trout have been biting on up. oneshot
  24. Was looking in Jakes Creek today at Lead Mine CA for Minnows,seen a good size fish in one hole got to looking closer and it was a Rainbow. oneshot
  25. Yea thats the way we usually go.But I was looking at the Map we can take 83 HWY to EE HWY cut acoss hit C HWY to Talley Bend be closer. I know one thing I don't like Rosco as far as Ramp and Parking even though the fishing is good. Either way been waiting on $$ owed to me that is late coming so not sure when I'll have Gas to go anywhere,woke up in a Bad Mood with my wife this morning. I'm sure it will come in next couple days and all will be good once again. oneshot
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