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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Well went through at noon on Friday. Area is already packed. oneshot
  2. Well did my first Treatment only at least 19 more to go. Boring laying there for couple hours watching TV. Had Tubes put in my ears so I could handle the pressure. oneshot
  3. oneshot


    Around here we have Native. oneshot
  4. oneshot


    Been buying and happy with the Hybrid I've had but some are saying this variety is not up to date. Really thinking stay with what I have until I can't get it. oneshot
  5. oneshot


    A Hybrid is to be better is a Newer Hybrid better or just ran out of the Old Hybrid? oneshot
  6. Nope they took it away. I have a small SUV but I'm not supposed to drive it. oneshot
  7. Can't get my car in there. oneshot
  8. Oh I usually go the opposite direction to Pomme but it has been too muddy. If I go to our Cabin got to take help with me to get stuff done around there. And down by the Park would be good if I could get to the Bathroom in the Park. Legally I'm not to drive so I go any distance by myself is pushing it. oneshot
  9. At the Hazelgreen access is there Catfish just below the riffle. I've only fished there for Suckers and did well. oneshot
  10. Area is packed and will be worse next weekend. The Wooden Bridge at the Park is closed. Don't know might have messed up during flooding. Was not impressed what I seen and heard as far as Trout. oneshot
  11. Went out picked Blueberries. Seems my Granddaughter likes them. I haven't been able to weed and water my garden like I should. Got Beats and Onions and a Cabbage. Not looking good. My wife thinks I might do better growing in beds waist high. oneshot
  12. We have an Insurance Broker that said Humana was what I needed. My wife has cheaper but don't have my health problems. My wife is pretty good dealing with this stuff. She use to deal with Insurance and Hospitals on another Job after College. oneshot
  13. Done checked into it. At first it looked good but looked at it more and I will stay with what I have. oneshot
  14. Yelp but have Supplemental. We have a Guy set us up he said mine was the best with Cancer. oneshot
  15. I'm thinking can them. They won't let me hunt Deer if I get any it will be Road Kill. Like they say for one thing gas is going to be too high and another don't have enough shells. Supposed to get a couple Hogs. Ah get Ice Chest full of Carp another full of Catfish. oneshot
  16. My wife said I pay about $3,000 out of pocket Insurance pays the rest. They came one time saying that I couldn't stay in the Hospital. Well I tried dying They decided maybe I should stay . oneshot
  17. Was thinking hard times coming thinking about catching bunch of Carp. oneshot
  18. Well I was plenty relaxed but my ears couldn't handle the pressure. Supposed to try again tomorrow after some medication. oneshot
  19. Well my wife baked some bread on it and it is good. Got some Ribs going now. oneshot
  20. Happy Father's Day back at you. He had me upset one time. I had been putting up fence at the farm was setting taking a break. He was setting there said one of these days this will be all mine. Ah he is good if I need him and he can get away he comes. Keeps us in Firewood and if he is needing tools I get them. He does have a habit of taking off with them and forgetting. He borrowed my car to do some running because it is easier on gas. I just hope he remembers it has a full tank. oneshot
  21. Well cooked some Chicken and Potatoes up. They was good. Little Slow. Our Son said sure is a nice Grill you bought me. Then it dawned on me, I've been buying this stuff most of it I can't use. So he is the only child that does things for us so when I kill over guess who gets it? oneshot
  22. We wanted one big enough to Smoke Hams. I'm thinking Trout. Ribs yea Ribs. oneshot
  23. Like I needed another Grill but hey. oneshot
  24. I've been setting around putting on weight since I messed my Shoulder up and Cancer. Couldn't control my peeing so they put a Valve in. Anyway got fat and my Doctor told me about it so I quit eating. Been losing weight. oneshot
  25. Doing this because when they did Radiation it injured my Bladder. This is to fix it so I don't pass Blood. Right now it is hurting so bad just to go. Not sure what Insurance cost my wife takes care of this. I really don't know what I would do without her. She got cheaper Insurance left mine the same because of the Cancer. Plus she drives me. Didn't know about the Cancer until they checked. Got some other that I have to check out. oneshot
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