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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. I went to Barclay,didn't do any good.Plus like you say everything was freezing.Suppose to warm up maybe it will be better. oneshot
  2. I have been down there and all I could catch was Browns.But that was at the far end.I have seen people catch Browns but not realize they were because they weren't very Dark. oneshot
  3. Yea you can camp in the Park ok with Tent.I like Fort Bennett if I was Tent Camping and wated to be by myself.A person can camp down by the river.Plus if you get tierd of catching Trout plenty of other fish up there.The Goggle Eye in my avatar was caught there. But yes its a short drive to the Park. oneshot
  4. Wanting to build a much needed Shed at the Lake,so put my Help to work.She has been at it three days and this is all she has got done.Complaining about Cold and Snow,plus have to haul stuff in. Heck nice view going in One of the few times caught her working All she has got done I don't know she is getting awful old might have to trade her in on two 20 year olds. oneshot
  5. Plus I'm wondering if it could be because of the problems with flooding they've had the last couple years. oneshot
  6. Well this is what I use Snagging from aq Boat.But with Casting all the time I'm not sure how it would work??? oneshot
  7. Well I use 80 pound on my Penn Reels ande just wrap it around the Cleat when Snagging from a Boat.This will be my first year from the bank because I sold my Boat. I'm figuring wrap it around a Stick so I could hold it. oneshot
  8. Ok Snagging from the bank with Spinning Outfit and Surf Rod.Would I be better off with 65# Test Line? I'm thinking more along the line of breaking off if I get hung up. oneshot
  9. They released 150 at 64 and Barclay but the ones I seen were on the small side. oneshot
  10. Don't know what to say.I enjoy any way of getting Rough Fish wheather it be Gigging,Bow fishing,Snagging,Jugging or set Lines. Yes Nontarget Fish are caught but for the most part they are not.But I do catch couple of fish a year that are still alive with Gig Marks,caught one yesterday.Question what are you willing to do as far as controlling the population of Rough Fish? Me I do enjoy catching them with Rod and Reel but I'm not like many throwing them up on the bank to rot. oneshot
  11. Went to Barclay yesterday caught some Rainbows on Power Bait.But it was slow.River is looking good. oneshot
  12. Couple years ago I was throwing up Blood having all kinds of problems.Went to a Specialist he run Tube down my Throat,took Pictures said I had some damage and very close to Cancer.If I got Cancer that there was no Helping me that I wouldn't last but a year or two.Said we had to turn things around. Had me all worried Prayed alot,did a bunch of things I wanted.My wife said I was trying to live every day like it was my last.Finally thought to myself if it was my time so be it,what makes me so special I'm not to die? Well went to the Specialist last Monday he run the Tube down my Throat again and took Pictures.Come back said I was healing,looking Good,NO sign of Cancer.That he didn't want to see me for another two yers. THAT YOU!THANK YOU! LORD! oneshot
  13. Hard Times! Hard times! Everyone is having Hard Times now days.So why not the MDC? Thing is they was saying how low they was on funds but I have to admit I seem them come up with some innovative ideas on checking things without using more time and manpower. Me I get to know most Agents and have seen them out all hours of the night and day.Got one that no matter where I am in the state he comes out of his way to say Hi! and ask how I'm doing.Truth I haven't met a Bad one yet. oneshot
  14. Hello Nieghbor.I'm just across the river in Lead Mine. oneshot
  15. Yea I know I was just wanting something closer to our Cabin. oneshot
  16. Was just looking for a place to Snag from the bank this Spring.Can't do it above 65 HWY. oneshot
  17. Might want to take into consideration before taking Dogs out Shed hunting there is still about a month of Deer hunting left in Missouri and half of that is Firearm Hunting. oneshot
  18. Where can a person fish from the bank below 65 HWY? oneshot
  19. Caught me a Coon today so cooking up half of it for Supper.Cooking up Blueberry Pie.Got Fish in Brine for Pickling.Meat soaking in Marinade for Jerky and some waiting to be stuffed for Summer Sausage.Wife is making Cookies now not sure what kind. Blessed I tell you just Blessed! oneshot
  20. Went to Barclay couple times Bait Fishing caught Rainbows.They seemed to be deep but biting good.Far as I'm concern the river couldn't be better running normal and clear. Lures and Flys should work great so dress warn and get out there. oneshot
  21. Try these Maps too. http://mdc.mo.gov/documents/area_brochures/200613map.pdf http://mdc.mo.gov/documents/area_brochures/7701map.pdf oneshot
  22. Trading Post in Carson's Corner might be the best bet. oneshot
  23. I know this thats what I'm saying the water should be thye same other than Temp. oneshot
  24. Yea I'm lucky he takes Payments.My wife is having fits but if I pout enough she gives in. oneshot
  25. Talked with a Guy he said they went out night before last was catching White Cats on Shad. Now I'm sure the water was just as muddy as it is now only thing is if it gets colder they might slow down.But just thought I would pass it along. oneshot
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