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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Oh Truman is a Crappie Lake. I catch them from the bank but you would never find the place. LOL There is Docks below the Dam that people fish for Crappie with Minnows. Im thinking about a hundred miles from Branson. Maybe Stockton Lake but really know nothing of it. oneshot
  2. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Second place had 14 year old trying to get pregnant. I would come home, she would show her goods and I would runnnnnnn. oneshot
  3. Tolerate! He hates it but have to deal with it for a week. Plus Dad has to put medicine in his thing. oneshot
  4. He is Happy with Dad. Pain can’t go up steps, can’t lick. I had to have someone put him in the Pickup. He went to jump out, it wasn’t pretty, he basically fell out. oneshot
  5. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    When I went to school in Kansas City. First place was close enough to the neighbor could roll over in bed and roll over and play with neighbors butt. Second place was different but weekends just wanted to set out on my car and do some drinking. oneshot
  6. Had to have his thing operated on. Life with the Cone is not good. Can eat and drink. Doggie Door is not good. oneshot
  7. I was asked if I seen the Big Buck by my place. oneshot
  8. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    My wife said I can’t ride a horse. oneshot
  9. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    I look at stuff. oneshot
  10. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    When I was operated on I lost half of what I had. I know be happy with what I have. oneshot
  11. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Long as I could feel with it. oneshot
  12. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Tiered of hearing I can’t. Let me try it and say I can’t. My wife is saying we don’t need to heat with wood. Don’t need a Garden and don’t need Deer. She got a call today telling her I was mowing. oneshot
  13. Because he told my wife. oneshot
  14. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Bad in one Leg from my Foot to my Knee, bad in my other Leg in my Thigh above my knee. I distroyed one Shoulder the other one just dislocated it. Bladder now I have a Valve to control things. Squeeze my Nut when I want to Pee. Thing is I squeeze when I don’t want to. Kind of embarrassing being the old man with wet pants. oneshot
  15. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Now how are they going to help when problem isn’t in the knees? Maybe you know something I don’t. My one arm I’m exercising hoping it will go ahead and work. Hurts but trying. oneshot
  16. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Can’t both Arms are messed up. I have no use from the Elbow up. But I try. Most the lawn is mowed better not do anything for rest of the day just took Pain Medication. oneshot
  17. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Play was good but Mrs. Lincoln was butt ugly. Ah these people are fun. Keep the old man doped up. Getting dressed is fun. Got my shoes on that takes good 20 minutes. Their staying on until bed time. oneshot
  18. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Well one Leg has been messed up for 50, they wanted to amputate it. The other one the thigh is dead from nerve damage but I do Squats. Doctor says I’m not to be able to walk but I do. Before I messed my one Arm up I was doing the Stepper at the Gym, Yoga, One hour workout with Trainer and Swimming. One Arm has been messed up for couple years. Messed the other one up falling while Tilling. Cancer has put a stop to things for couple years. Haven’t had sex for many years. Other than that I’m in pretty good shape. oneshot
  19. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Done the walk wanting to go to the Gym but have to process paperwork. But they worry about me at the Gym with only one half way good Arm. My one Arm is still messed up from last time I tilled. Fell and dislocated my other Shoulder but it is getting better. My wife thinks Yoga will help with my balance. Truth they want me at the house just in case. oneshot
  20. Yes last time I went on a hunting trip with some guys. Called for flurries. Got couple feet of snow . I called off a fishing trip because of Hurricanes that didn’t materialize. Kicking myself every since. oneshot
  21. oneshot

    Put On Hold

    Well got gas yesterday for Tiller and Lawnmower. Decided to mow grass. Was looking how the Blueberries need picking. Seems I got a bit close and pulled Bird Netting into the Mower. So have to have my Son sharpen blades and get netting out. Tilling they are afraid I’m going to hurt myself again. Wanting to plant Fall Garden Beans and Zucchini are to be planted now. This is getting like Wood Heat. Our Son says he will make it more efficient to heat with Propane. My Fat A really needs the exercise but it won’t matter if I kill myself. oneshot
  22. Brother in Law and his wife are in Arizona. Just watching the News. Flash Flooding and Mud Slides . oneshot
  23. Guy has a Pickup For Sale. I know the Engine is shot. I offered him couple thousand for it. He is wanting $12,000 for it. oneshot
  24. For a year we lived in a Tent. I liked it Rain and Snow. If it was Raining so be it just another day. oneshot
  25. Going behind the Pallet Boards to kind of hide any gaps. Oh that is my wife the one that takes care of stuff here. oneshot
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