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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I hope you didn't misinterpret my comment. I was not saying that the limits shouldn't be put into place. I actually think they need to be stricter, maybe a limit of 1 or 2 a month tops. This would hopefully allow someone that is a recreational fisherman to catch that once in a lifetime trout. It would also limit the number of times these guys would put their names up on the all-important lunker board. Those names on there are a big ego boost to those hunters. The point I was trying to make was that even with limits/restrictions, ethics plays a key role in management and certain park hunters have no ethics. As a side note, I also don't call these guys fishermen, I call them hookers because they just hook the fish.
  2. I think you hit the nail on the head Idylwilde. The "trophy hunters" will stop at nothing to get a big fish in their net. Last year I witnessed a young man snag, accidently, a large brown. He was very excited and reeled it in. When it got to the bank, the "hunters" were there and told the man it was snagged then proceded to reach out and break his line. Within 2 minutes, the "hunters", 6 of them with jigs had hooked it on the jaw, and netted it. The fish was so worn out it hadn't even swam away from the bank. The guys were high-fiving each other and walked off to find the next big fish. These guys are members of a fishing "club" and send out newsletters of their great fishing accomplishments. I don't think that a size or numbers limit will help these fish within the park. It will maybe give them a day or 2 reprieve, but the word will get out as to where they are and they are as good as caught. I mean, what is the differance between one guy catching 4 big fish a day or a group of 4-6 guys each catching 1 a day? I believe that regulations like these, even though I agree with them, will not be helpful within the park boundries until these type of "fishermen" cease their actions.
  3. Chief, Are you sure that the wagon was there already. Maybe the spider was there and he built the wagon to catch the rainwater.
  4. and a Happy Fathers Day to you GF and everyone else out there.
  5. I'd have to say Montauk is where my heart is. Caught my first trout on spinning rod there when I was about 6 yrs old. Learned to use flyrod there. Also learned a lot about conservation and respecting nature from the naturalist there. Still remember her name almost 30 yrs later. Great memories. Since I'm from Illinois, fish mostly Cardiac Hill now for day trips but I take my wife and daughter to Montauk when they would like to stay a day or two.
  6. Howdy all, Been reading your articles/discussions for some time now. I really respect most opinions I read on this site. Hope to meet some of you sometime and maybe wet a line together.
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