I think you hit the nail on the head Idylwilde. The "trophy hunters" will stop at nothing to get a big fish in their net. Last year I witnessed a young man snag, accidently, a large brown. He was very excited and reeled it in. When it got to the bank, the "hunters" were there and told the man it was snagged then proceded to reach out and break his line. Within 2 minutes, the "hunters", 6 of them with jigs had hooked it on the jaw, and netted it. The fish was so worn out it hadn't even swam away from the bank. The guys were high-fiving each other and walked off to find the next big fish. These guys are members of a fishing "club" and send out newsletters of their great fishing accomplishments.
I don't think that a size or numbers limit will help these fish within the park. It will maybe give them a day or 2 reprieve, but the word will get out as to where they are and they are as good as caught. I mean, what is the differance between one guy catching 4 big fish a day or a group of 4-6 guys each catching 1 a day? I believe that regulations like these, even though I agree with them, will not be helpful within the park boundries until these type of "fishermen" cease their actions.