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arowell7's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I believe myself and lots of people in the Springfield area are experiencing the squirrels lack of food through a loss of tomatoes in the garden. Lots of people are reporting that they are finding tomatoes with a good sized bite taken out of it, some people even saying they've seen squirrels running across their yard with a tomato bigger than them. I know I've had 3 large tomatoes ruined with large bites in them. I wonder if feeding them corn or some other sort of feed would deter them from eating the tomatoes or if some other form of control would be useful?
  2. Got skunked. Tried jigs, split shot, c-rig and topwater. That was pretty much all saturday. Sunday went to check the trot line and took off 5 fish and a big soft shell. 1 channel and 4 flathead. Was able to unhook the soft shell and watch him swim off. No fishing after that as we had motor trouble after we took the fish off and had to troll all the way back home. Trolling battery died, switched over to the starter battery and it barely got us in. Didn't go back out after that. Had we not taken off those 5 catfish, it would have been a very unproductive weekend. Whoops, I guess I didn't get skunked. I did manage a dinker LM on a rooster tail. Other than that, nothing.
  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll let you all know what I come up with as well as the activity on the lake. I probably won't be fishing much past noon for fear of the activity, except for bait for the trot line in the evening. I'm heading down tomorrow night so if I get down early enough and get the boat out I might do a little evening fishing, we'll see.
  4. We've had great success getting crawdads in a trap with wet dog food. Tie the trap to a tree and let it sink to the bottom in about 12-15 feet of water. We've pulled some monsters out that way.
  5. Going down there this weekend, wondering if anyone had fished there recently and had any success?
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