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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Nice pics!
  2. DC, can you attach the link to that article? I could not get it to work.
  3. Congrats Lamar! Looks like a nice place...will stop in next time I am down that way!
  4. A couple of buddies of mine and I headed to Montauk on Saturday. We arrived and were on the water by 9:30am. Two fishermen were just leaving and two arrvied with us....so we had the water to ourselve. This was our first time fishing there, so we were a little unsure where to go, but Patfish sent me a map on Thursday (Thanks!). We started at the two bridges (new and low water) and fished upstream. I started with a weighted olive mohair size, Steve started with a 10red bh midge size 18 and Butch started with a black bh midge size 18. Butch caught the first fish just past the dam, approx 16" bow. Steve caught one about 20 yds upstream, was a 17" bow and the next cast he caught a huge fish, which looked to be a brown. Since this was his only his 2nd time fly fishing, we were stuck together and when I saw that huge brown, I told him I was coming over to net it for him......this fish was probably 21 or 22" and the fish darted over towards him, so he tried to net it and "dink", his line snapped when the fish was 6" from his leg! I felt horrible for telling him to hold on and that I would come over and net it....I should have let him take it himself! I switched to a size 18 red bh midge and begain catching fish....first one was 18" bow and then brought 6 more to hand, lost 2 more and missed 5 others. Steve brought 6 to hand, lost 3 more and missed 4 others, Butch brought 5 to hand. We used size 18 red and black bh midges, olvie and black weighted bh mohair leaches, size 14 crackelbacks silver and yellow and several others that did not produce any hits. It was very windy and overcast all day, but it was fun! Later in the afternoon the fish were rising (for about an hour), but the smallest dries we had were a sz18 and they definitely wanted something smaller. I caught 1 small bow on a sz 18 dream colored dry (tied like a crackelback). About 3:30 we decided to drive up to the spring and when arrived at the water, two guys were heading out and told us the horn was going to blow at 4?? I thought the hours were 8-5, but sure enough, 4pm the horn went off.....we still had an hour of daylight! Was a great to get back on the water!
  5. Good point Dano....same issue with voting out judges during elections! Always fearful that you could get someone worse!
  6. Thanks guys!! I will send him the info.
  7. I have a friend that is interested in learning about fly fishing.....only problem is, he lives in Overland Park Kansas and I live in STL. Are there any Fly Fishing organizations in KC? I would like to provide info to him, so he can attend a meeting and see what it is all about.
  8. Received mine! Cool design!
  9. From those of us that live far away, can we have the classes in St. Louis? just kidding
  10. Anyone use one to weigh fish? If so, what do you use....Boga, Knock off or something else?
  11. flyfshn

    Cotton Bowl

    How 'bout them Tigers? Are the Hogs going to score?
  12. Ditto Phil! .....and I catch fish, but I would love to have someone critique my cast, so I can improve my casting skills.
  13. ol Al, want to make sure I understand....for the initial cast, start with the tip on the water and stop at "12 O'clock or straight up" and then cast forward?
  14. Thanks for the help guys! Would you recommend the STL or STL Plus?
  15. Searched for the answer to this question in the archives, but could not find it....what is the best way to keep your hands warm during winter fishing? Assuming it is a good pair of gloves, but what type/brand?
  16. Great thread...some good points and thoughts! Hey PHW, if your cell phone service is thru AT&T (formerly Cingular) I can take credit for your abiility to use your cell phone at Taney...that's my job. haha Kind of a double edge sword....sometimes it works when you don't want it to and other times it doesn't work when you need it!
  17. Sent a few of the pics I took last February at Taney.
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!
  19. My neighbor and his son head north during the first weekend of October for Salmon fishing. The showed us pics, told us how much fun it is and envited us to go along next year....so, I recently built a 8# rod and wanted to know what reel you would recommend to handle Salmon? I looked at the Scientific System 2 89 (on sale for $80) and the Sage model 1600 that sells for $99. Suggestions?
  20. forgot to mention....check out the Post Dispatch this weekend for a copy of the 2008 flier of fishing seminars put on by St. Louis County Parks or go to the St. Louis County website for a copy next week. They have several really good fishing seminars and one of them on January 16th will feature Phil Lilley!
  21. Welcome Mike! There are two groups in STL that you may want to consider joining....the first one is Ozark Fly Fishers and Smallmouth Alliance. OFF meets on the 4th Thursday (7pm) of every month at Queeny Park and the SA meets on the 3rd Wednesday (6 or 7) of every month at Powder Valley. I am not a member of SA yet, but met some of them at a "Teach a kid to Fly Fish" outing in October and plan to join in 2008. At the OFF meetings they have a speaker each month that talks about Fly Fishing various waters. Between all the great guys on this site and the 2 clubs, you will learn a ton and get answers to all of your questionsl
  22. dp, did you try any of those recipes? If so, which one and was it any good?
  23. Wow! Very interesting Phil...thanks for the info. Did they if they are going to do this?
  24. Ok, four for Chota's in a row, so they must be pretty comfortable. Do they fit true to size or should you order a size or two bigger?
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