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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Will be purchasing a new pair of boots next year and wanted some suggestions.....what is the most comfortable pair of wading boots you have ever worn?
  2. .......Ok, maybe it wasn't that song. Went to Youtube and found it
  3. GREAT song! Kind of a corney comment....but I am a sucker for the Hallmark movie this time of the year and the commercials are tear jerkers. There is a commercial...... the setting is an old farm house, with snow on the ground and an old man is remembering a xmas eve tradition. He puts his coat on, grabs a lantern, starts walking thru the snow up a mountain, talking about how he and his daughter would go up there every xmas eve and wait for xmas to arrive. This year is the first time she is away on her own, so she sent him a card and he talks about the tradition and how she misses him, etc. I dont care how big of a man you are....if you have a daughter, the commercial will tear you up inside!
  4. Have a good one!
  5. ...and this guy!
  6. I was one of the 13,372! Got a muzzleloader from my wife/son for xmas last year....lots-o-fun!
  7. I agree Rolan! jjtroutbum is right....if people would just fill out the "From" in their profile, that would help....would also be nice if they would add there name in signature section.
  8. My son and I went to Cuivre River State Park in Troy, MO this weekend for the managed hunt. Had to kill 2 doe before you could hunt for a buck. Arrived Friday afternoon with some friends, set up camper and went out to set up our blinds. We were pretty excited since there was approx 2" of snow/ice on the ground, so you could see well with the white ground. Saturday morning it started sleeting/freezing rain and continued all day....saw 3 doe, nothing close enough to shoot and that was it! Heard Saturday eveing that out of 140 hunters, only 37 deer were harvested. Sleet increased overnight and this morning it was horrible.....everything was coated with at least 1/2" of ice, trees falling and branches crashing everywhere. Since it was so bad, we decided to chip the ice off of everthing and head home. Had to venture into the woods to get our blinds which wasn't a very smart decision since it was like going into a war zone with everything cracking and falling. Had a blast with my son and our friends, but the weather stunk!!
  9. My son and I went to Cuivre River State Park in Troy, Mo for a managed deer hunt. Arrived Friday afternoon and they had approx 1-2 inches of rain and sleet on the ground and sometime that evening, the sleet and freezing rain started and continued on and off all day Saturday. Was heavier on Saturday evening and when we woke up on this morning, trees and branches were breaking and it was pretty frightening. It took 1 1/2 hours to drive 7 miles to get out of the park....had to clear trees and branches off the road! Once we crossed the hwy 40 bridge into chesterfield, the trees had ice, but nothing like Lincoln County!
  10. Thanks Leonard! ....but I'm not that much older, buddy!
  11. Not I, but I was hunting in the woods this weekend when a storm blew thru on Sunday and it rained harder than I have ever seen it come down! We took cover under a cedar tree and could not see more than 30 feet in front of us!!
  12. 3wt....bought one too. Didn't open the box until I went to the library and checked Consumer Reports, which ranked them #2 in 37". The model in CR was 537T, so I called Olevia and spoke to a tech who told me the only difference was a lighted remote and a few additional adjustments you can make. So far so good....has a really good picture without HD from Direct TV
  13. flyfshn

    Mu Vs. Ou

    Ronnie, if you were pulling for KU last weekend, then I think you should root for OU...hey, it worked!?! When MU played OU at home, we played them tough and turned the ball over a couple of times that resulted in the loss. If they play the way they have been and since it is on neutral ground......I say Tigers all the way!! Go Tigers!
  14. Nice fish CP!! You did alright!
  15. ......if so, thoughts? Pros/Cons? Our tv went out, so I have to replace it. Saw some in the Black Friday ads, but dont know much about them.
  16. Not familar with their rods or reels, but I really like the 444 Lazerline. I feels and casts beautifully.
  17. flyfshn

    Zachary's Deer

    That is a beautiful deer! I hunt on my uncles property between Montgomery City and Wellsville (Montgomery County), but have never seen a deer that big up there!
  18. Ditto....to both! Go Tigers!
  19. Nice fish!! I see you went to the same barber I use!!
  20. Well said KRflyfisher!!
  21. flyfshn

    Zachary's Deer

    WOW....what a nice deer! Thom, where was he hunting?
  22. Wow, a lot of good responses. I could probably take a line from each post to describe my love of the sport. Started fishing about 35 years ago with my father and grandfather. My grandfather retired to Table Rock and knew the lake like the back of his hand, after spending many summers with guides. Unfortunately I never learned to fly fish until 4 years ago when a friend of mine asked if I had ever tried fly fishing, took me out in the back yard and showed me how to cast. Then he showed me how to tie some flies. He is in a much better place now, but I am so thankful that he passed on his love of the sport to me. Fly fishing and fishing with a baitcast or spinning reel is like deer hunting during rifle season and bow hunting. I can take a baitcast rod and put the lure right where I want it and catch many fish...similar to deer hunting with a riffle. Fly fishing is more of an art and takes finesse....similar to bow hunting (no offense to anyone that uses a baitcast or spinning reel...just my opinion). I recently learned to build my own fly rod and love the way it casts....even though I have not had it out on the water yet. I wait to catch a fish on the rod I built and the fly that I tied! I also love the fact that I have SO much more to learn and everyone that I have met that is a fly fisherman is so willing to share their knowledge or a fly. They have no problem telling you where they were fishing and what was working. In the past(in my opinion), when talking to those that fished with a baitcast or spinning reel would tell you how many they caught and how big they were, but very rarely shared the location or what they were using. For me its more quality than quantity and more of a challenge to hunt for a beautiful fish.
  23. Nice pics Rolan.....Thanks for taking them!
  24. I agree with Troutchaser and Muleball on the midges and JJtroutbum on size 12 for cracklebacks, but I also tie them in size 14. I would also tie some olive zebra midges.
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