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Everything posted by shawncat

  1. Jarrod, I was out on the Norfork last week and it was cold.I was wearing a pair of quilted jeans[a pair of long underwear under your jeans same thing]and a carrhart jacket not the beefy insulated one and was fine.My neoprenes are 3mm not 5mm[the 5mm are warmer].I would suggest a warm stocking hat and a couple pairs of gloves especially if you go on a boat.If your like me you don't get cold if your catching fish only when fishings slow which the fork rarely is.Word is a 19lps.brown was caught last week so keep that in mind when you start to get cold.I don't know where, when,what on , or who as I only read it on AGFC weekly fishing report.Good luck and post us a report.
  2. I once posted a joke[reply] to Terry when he suggested me being over flied ,under rodded that the next a.m. I thought inappropriate.So I deleted it,not Phil or the moderaters.Sometimes I forget that you guys are'nt in the back of the boat but that I'm at my desk and millions can read my mutterings.It was'nt vulger or have bad language I'm just glad I had the opportunity to delete it.Something I wish I could do in other situations of my life. I too am glad this forum is un-biased in it's approach to fishing.I have also seen disappearing post on FFAM and assummed they were edited or censored.As for grammer and spelling who cares as long as it has a point and makes sense.We all can't have someone to proof-read and edit our mistakes like others on this site.[bURN]Just my $2,2%,2cnts,2sense......two cents........sorry as you can see my vote for a little silliness and a good natured burn here and there.
  3. Well I called WBS in st.louis today and the girl said this was the first she heard of it.Only one eagle in hospital from st.gen county.She said best thing would be call local conservation agent because they don't have resouces to go that far from st.louis area to get it.OR......if you are bold,thow a blanket over bird,put on heavy gloves[welder gloves],and transport in dog carrier or large box to rehab center.Do not try to cross state lines with bird.Sick or injured eagles should only be your possesion in route to a in state bird rehab.
  4. Yea, Polock you did the right thing.Probably someones pet.Wished we would have got some word on that eagle.Maniac you did good too, would have felt good if we could have made a diffrence sitting at our computors.Maybe we all should E-mail and call inquiring about what action was taken if any?I'm not suggesting bashing a helpful group but maybe we could figure out where to call,e-mail next time?I was on the White this past weekend and saw two of them ,Awsome.When's the last time you seen one with someone and did'nt comment on it?????
  5. Nice fish Phil.I also fished the White this weekend.Started Sat.p.m at the white hole wading and picked up dinner[12-14"]All on power eggs 10 fish or so.Boated the White down by steamboat with some nice browns[16-18"] on rapalas fishing tight to the bluffs close to the banks Sun.p.m.Monday was a little different started wading BSSP early a.m. cathing some nice browns on air injected crawlers with one going 18" when I looked up and the state was stocking 12-13" rainbows out of their truck and pontoon.My bud was already thowing a clown roostertail and it was'nt long before I had on blk. roostertail and we were catching them every other cast.Later on in the p.m. we drifted shad on river rigs from the state park to below cane with notta.So we started thowing rogues,x-raps,rapalas,and picked up some nice browns and bows[15-18"].I caught a nice 21"brown on a rebel minnow under a log that went 4-5 lps. to cap off the trip.That lure was bought at the last minute in the bargain bin at wal-mart for $3 I did'nt need it but a little voice told me I had to have it and I'm sure glad I did. I wanted to fly-fish but like Bill B. said drifting next to the boat cane pole style does'nt grab me.I also like to cast,present.If your heading down post and I'll post some colors,sizes.
  6. Bobber,I sent you a PM about your boat.Let me know if you goy it.
  7. JJ,I have about 6 cans.My boss say's he has about 12.You can have the 6 now or wait for the 12[a couple days]and have 18.I was'nt sure how many you need.Either way I'll meet you down by rockford beach on the Big River.Maybe I'll catch a big ole walleye while I'm waiting.
  8. Chromedome.1/4,1/8,1/16.Chrome head,red thread, white maribou.It's a very effective jig when running water on the White.Most tackle stores down there will know what your looking for when you say Chromedome.I highly recomend it if shad are coming thru the turbines.
  9. Excellent jig.Have you guy's been following me around Bennitt? Great points on paint.Thanks.
  10. Don't worry we would'nt have told. Only the first 400-500 people we seen.Wait a minute have I heard that before?Sorry....Terry.I'll only steal your joke's NEVER your spots.
  11. I saw Rich from Rich's Last Resort do the same thing once when we were turkey hunting.Jumped out on a bluff very much the same size[much shorter fall I'm sure.This was the Ozark Mtns. not the Rockies]to call turkey's.After a few minutes he realized he had'nt tried that in 10 or so years.Well after 20 or so minutes he got the courage to jump back.Man that was a hairy,scary day in the Big Piney river hills.
  12. Heres some tips for opening day.Go with a open mind.Knowing it's going to be an adventure.Arrive very early,use a spinning rod with a heavier line then normal[4-6lps.]it will help when you get nicks from snags,use a jig or something you can control and fish won't swallow so deep,try to find a drop off so you don't have to cast far,if you get snagged with someone be nice and try to get the tangle yourself you can always break off your jig and retie[beats standing there for 10min. watching people cast over you making it worse]if the snagee gets to the snag first ask the snagee to break you off and you'll try to get your jig later ,try to stay away from young kids they snag alot but remember they have a right to this adventure too dress warm It's normally very cold,bring an extra spool your line will take a beating. Opening day is a good thing.The stream is stocked to the gills,they throw in quite afew lunkers,and you can start your own tradition.I'll bet there's some anglers here that have been to more then my 20 plus years of opening day adventures.
  13. shawncat


    The last time I tried to fish a sculpin fly it was like casting a large wet sock.
  14. shawncat

    Slot sizes

    Yea,sorry I got called away before I could finish my post.If you think it is to deep cut it.
  15. shawncat

    Slot sizes

    Mickey,dont worry about the embarrassment most fishermen down at the White have deep hooked a trout or two it happens. Worry about the fine.I think they are all around $175 bucks.You will also get points against your hunting and fishing license similar to traffic points on your drivers license.One good way to prevent deep hooks is to fish barbless hooks.
  16. shawncat


    Yes I've stayed at Gastons and I'm also familiar with chasing shad down the river on high water.I did'nt know that Feathercraft carried Home Waters.I should seeing how I work less then 1/2 mile from there.Thanks anyway maybe somebody will read this and post a good deal for Feb. or March on the White.
  17. Maybe the World Bird Sanctuary at 636-225-4390 can help.
  18. shawncat


  19. I thought this post started with "Where to stay at Maramac"?Now your going to Montauk? I like Montauk too but.....Maramac has been fishing good all season and you will drive an hour less and fish an hour more.Sorry....I just can't stop trying to figure out ways to fish more. Was there this afternoon caught 4 one good one about 3lps.Griffens gnat #22,blk bugger#16
  20. Thanks for the help with posting pics it opens a whole new world for me.Kickenbass,nice call yes they are Gadwalls.I had trouble identifing two hens the day before that I had shot.Came home after the hunt and had to look them up on a waterfowl ID website.The next day I got the three but the drake confirmed my ID.Duck hens are a little harder for me as a lot are similer looking.LMW what does BTW stand for I'm sometimes slow to comprehend computer lingo.I'll investigate online sites like photobucket after a little practice.Thanks again.Check out the story on ozarkhunters under ducks if you get a chance.
  21. Thanks guys load as attachment seems to have worked.
  22. What should work?Copy/paste or add as attachment.Thanks
  23. I can't seem to post pictures yet.Tried to post two pics on ozarkhunters and all that came up was two square boxes.I downloaded to digimax and copied,pasted the picture to word prosessor and then tried copy,paste to the post.Can anybody help me out in laymen terms please.
  24. LMW,Go to www.missouritrout.com and try maramac springs links.That lost creek is nice stayed there once seems like it was about $75 a night.It was worth it and you can't get any closer without staying in the park.Don't know about internet access though.Also Rolla is only 10 miles away surely with all the motels there you can find inter access.Finns motel is right off the hwy at St. James [sw corner of hwy 8 and hwy 44] and it's the cheapest place that I know of seems like it was $25-$30 the last time I stayed.Whoops,I'm showing my tendencies to stay at cheap spots so I can have more money to spend on cheap bait
  25. Yes ,that's why they shut down BS c&r till Feb.1.Rainbows spawn [or go thru the motions of spawning]depending what strain they are.Certain strains of rainbows spawn in the spring some in the fall.Here in Mo. I don't think the rainbows are too successful due to water temp[it is too warm].If your seeing alot of bows coming up with the browns they maybe trying to eat the browns eggs.
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