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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by shawncat

  1. Fished the fork this weekend.Great time,lots of fish.Buddy caught 22" bow on regurgetated sculpin about 5lps.Running 2 gen just about all day sat. except when I decided to take out [got stuck in c&r area and had to get my feet wet].Heard Mcellends sold 40 acres for 2 millon[16 lots]across river from Genes trout dock[Rumor]Man is that going to create a access problem.I guess boating every time to get away from the crowds is only option.Fish seemed stressed on upper river.Caught 15"lip hooked bow put him in livewell he was belly up in seconds.White jigs,wht/silver roostertails but corn was the best and cheapest bait used.
  2. Call the office at the springs and ask which canoe outfitter puts in at the campground right below the bridge.Last summer I saw them launching red canoes there{maybe Greens canoe rental} I don't know if I would backpack in from Woodson K. Woods{cardiac,suicide}It's a dayuse area no overnight parking or it used to be.You supposedly can camp on river gravel bars if accessed by boat.Good luck.
  3. OzarkAnglers Man of the Year? Is there a man our women worthy of such a title?What's it take to be our MVP?Best post,most post,biggest fish,best grammer,most help,best conservationist,best liar,biggest boat?Maybe a poll should be taken?I have someone in mind,do you?
  4. Phins,thanks for the report.Yes I would suspect the browns are moving or getting ready too.You may try sight fishing with polorized glasses in the fast water run just below the cable that crosses the river below the first bridge.When they are moving up out of the river this is a good spot to start looking.They like the island side bank in the grass.You'll probably be doing alot more searching then fishing but you may get lucky.
  5. Where? When? How? As far as I know I was the first to report on this site about this mess on Feb.5[docks gone Norfork River]Over six months later it's sounds like it's getting worse,much worse.Being from Missouri I thought It would be a Arkansas issue,better left for state or county residents and local businesses.Man was I wrong!I fish the White and Fork about twice a year and thought the problem would be fixed quick due the beauty of the resource and the money it surely brings to the state and local economy.Wrong again!Judging from reading all the post from out of staters and Arkansas residents we need to be heard now or very soon as RiverRunner suggest.I also went to thank Danoinark for all the hard work in investigating and posting these problems for us.Danoinark you must truly love your states resources as I do. My hats off to you sir, sincerely.Cat
  6. Yes I have fished it.Big crappie,bluegill,and bass.All the lakes have big cat.Biggest cats I've caught out of there 32LPS.flathead ,16LPS.channel.Seen and netted bigger 50LPS.+ flats.Rules changed I think you have to release all cat over 10LPS.now .Been awhile since I've been over there.
  7. It would probably be wise to pick a indicator you like and get used to it.You may want to fish single hook areas like Bennitt zone 1 or the White and North Fork C&R areas.
  8. Yea I know Gene and his son Tony.Fished there many times caught big cat.Blues,flats,channels,and big carp too.Good spot!
  9. Fall creek boat dock lets kids fish free off their dock with parent.Owner does'nt charge kids say's he would rather have them there fishing then out on the street.Adults pay 2 or 3 bucks.Good spot.Good luck. Fall creek boat dock lets kids fish free off their dock with parent.Owner does'nt charge kids say's he would rather have them there fishing then out on the street.Adults pay 2 or 3 bucks.Good spot.Good luck.
  10. Troutn Excellent picture!Lots of red dots with white rings on that brown.Red even on top fins.Where did you catch it?Looks like you caught it on a Brown Trout Rapala#7.I've caught smaller browns in the Meremac with lots of red like that one but that appears to be a nicer trout.Thanks again.
  11. Hey Kaser,I see your from Waterloo.Have you fished Trappers Falls?
  12. 5 kids at Castlewood State Park and that guy 6.Sad.
  13. Dano it was probably an experimental stocking of one of the bigger lakes that never got a grip.Like musky's in LOZ.My most current Ark. guidebook only show the 4.Well after they are long forgotten someone will catch a monster like the state record musky from LOZ.
  14. I remember that too.It seems like it wasn't to long ago[2 or 3 yrs ago]in early April all the commercial docks around B.S dam had net fulls of rainbows to be stocked.I just thought Lake Trout maybe a diffrent kind of trout not a Rainbow.
  15. Dano After my post I went to AF%G website and seen that.I wonder where?I guess that would involve boats and downriggers and such?The site did'nt say much that I could see.Thanks.
  16. The poster has 5 trout on it.It say's trout of Ark.Rainbow,brown,brook,and cut.What's the 5th one?
  17. Go to www.flyflinger.com and hit white river info.
  18. I sent you a p.m.
  19. Checked out your new pictures.They look great.The pics on the site are fine too.A little mystery never hurt anyone. You may sell more jigs and therefore more $$$$ to fish.
  20. Brian,I have no digital camara.The rubber leg is 1/32 lead head wrapped in chennille with white rubber legs tied horizontally or vertically across the back.Tinsel is same head with a thin shiny tinsel tied on.If we can't get a picture soon p.m me and I'll send you a few.Check out Troutjigs website.The pictures are not that good but you can can get the drift.
  21. Nice job! Great story!Do you have any tips for the upper Meremac trout waters? I have'nt seen any here lately or your web site.
  22. Everyone at the bridge was using ruber band jigs except us, Sounds like someone beens reading our post.
  23. That is a sweet deal.I've boated on the White many times with a chain no bouy but thats up to you.Yes it does make you float straighter and slower.No drag chains allowed on North Fork.Yea, if it gets caught when waters coming up you could get swamped.If gen stays about the same as it's been lately no worry.In Febuary they may be running 8 gen all day ,thats when it gets tricky.I tell my partners To keep the knife not in your tackle box,pocket,or in the truck keep it right next to you!It's not as bad as it sounds, you'll see but if we can save somebody's trip it's worth it.I know of no access fees on the two rivers but maybe someone else can answer that.The cable is the end point below the dam and the MAN watches it closely. :ph34r: Good luck
  24. Q: Can you use flies in Zones 1 or 2 that have rubber legs or body parts? A: Yes. The regulation change of March 1, 2005 (which re-defined a "fly") allows the use of rubber legs or body parts as long as they are permanently attached to the fly. Therefore, that makes flies w/rubber legs or body parts legal in Zones 1 and 2. I seen this on Weavers bait shop web site on Bennett.
  25. After reading your post I looked at the trout closer under better light and it is painted just as you describe lighter rings tannish not white afew around the darker spots and black dots no rings closer to the back.Thanks for shedding the light on the white.
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