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Everything posted by shawncat

  1. Welcome Rick,glad you found the site.We can always use someone with your river knowledge.I know you'll fit in here right nice. Oh yea.............we like pic's.
  2. Just got off the phone with Rick.He caught the 6.2 smallie out of the Meremec in Feb. 1996.He told me the story,and what a story it is.I would tell it but he swore me to secrecy ,he's writing the story about it himself.The 5.9 smallie was caught in the Gasconade in Feb. 2001.The funny thing is the 6.2 was 24" and the 5.9 was 26"....go figure.He told me he would get me some pic's or maybe better .......he will come and post the pic's and story's about smallies himself.I'll post them when I get them.
  3. Well I did'nt read the link the first time,but when I seen it had reference to Bruder.......I went back to check it out.Seeing how my cousin Laura[refered to in the article is married to him].Rick is a good fisherman who fishes the Meremec alot,turned me on to a few good spots in the past.I'll investigate the big fish claims..........maybe a few pic's.
  4. HeavyC,great post.Nice to hear the fishing world's not coming to a end..............soon. Very good outlook for Colorado and Wyoming sounds like.........hope that keeps up.With your attitude Im sure you'll have a great time here in Missouri.Hope you have a good time,keep us posted.Great pic by the way. The world's round so everything is downhill.
  5. Biggest smallie I ever saw caught out of the Mac' was 20"+ about 4-5lps just downriver of Ondagoga bridge on a blue plastic worm in late October.Biggest one I ever caught was 19" about 3.5lps in the rapids below Sturms cabin at Cardiac Hill.Living 5 min. from the Mac' below the old river town of Pacific,I hear story's from locals of the good ole day's of 5-6lps. smallies,but yet to see one.Catch 3or 4 up to 17" a year,but mostly 12-15".
  6. Yea I read some post here about the Beatles being down on the Current years ago.Maybe he likes Missouri.Patfish by no means do I side with his peta ways[man it was hard just writing pe...t,I cant do it. ]:lol:I dont know if he was fishing or just camping.I too put the X on him when he joined up with p...e.....Just was curious if anyone seen him...................sorry
  7. So did anyone see him? http://www.exposay.com/paul-mccartney-spen...amping/v/22156/
  8. Sorry to here the news,prayer sent.I also got my first formal casting lesson there.......years ago.
  9. shawncat


    Kind of surprised you recieved that response from the MDC about trout in the river above the springs.I think the springs would be a easy identified landmark,and if they think the habitat is marginal or the water to warm,why waste the time,money,and fish? Anyhow there's plenty of trout in that stretch[between hwy8 bridge and the springs.Also I've caught plenty of trout 6 miles or so above hwy8 bridge,there is at least two pay to play trout creeks that empty into the Meremac above hwy8 bridge.My wife caught a 3+ pound hook jaw rainbow just below ceder low water bridge[miles above hwy8 bridge] on a soft craw the last time we floated it.That area by the way you can use bait/plastics.Give it a try,big bows,big smallies and huge goggle eye.
  10. shawncat


    Dont pass up topwaters for smallies at night.Jitterbugs,zara spooks,hula poppers.You can also catch a brown of a lifetime at night in August on the Mac'.Good luck.
  11. shawncat


    Now I gotta pour me another soda and get a rag to clean off this screen.
  12. Congrat's on your slam.
  13. The Meremec River flows into the Mississippi just south of St.Louis.
  14. Ahh sounds like a good day.Believe it or not you'll miss those hectic fishing trips when the kids are grown. Nice pics,look like some good ones.I also like your choice of daddy juice,nothing like a cold blue one.
  15. Keep the dekes,you never know. 5 gallon bucket.Perfect! I have dozens of field goose dekes and some floating mallards.Cant help with the pics.I fight it myself every time, hence the double goose pics.There is a forum here that may help.Go to the main menu scroll to test area.
  16. Thanks Kevin,sounds like thats a good idea.Wont work for me,I mainly wade marshes or pass shoot small lakes and ponds.
  17. Not a worry,Kevin.I semi-hyjacked the thread from the beginning.I really did'nt know what Snowflake was looking for when he started it.To lighten the subject?To further the original thread?I chose the former.I been following a thread on another site where a guy posted a pic of a big brown,although he released it,he was still taken to the woodshed for not dotting all his i's,crossing all his t's.The man had over 3000 post and had been a member for 5 years and got mad told everyone goodbye. I just dont want that to happen here.I can survive without new smileys/icons.All my ideas are'nt the best.They just sound good to me at the time im printing,sometimes not so good later after i sat on them awhile. Either way I would rather help someone with a problem,then dog them for not having the same viewpoint as me.There are people here and other sites that like controversy, you will learn to spot them.Join in if you like,stay away if you dont. I like to see fishing pics,dead or alive.I like to read fishing story's,fly,spin,or bait.That's just me and I dont expect everyone to think like me.
  18. Please do,tell more.
  19. I see, sounds like that would work.I have a tough time keeping my lines from tangling,no matter what I do.Thanks and let me know how it comes out.Store bought or home made.
  20. shawncat

    Hey Trav

    Bet you wished you would'nt have ate that last jar of powerbait? Been there done that.Now your going to have to go to fish court.Big fines[there goes the rest of your powerbait]attorney fees[there goes your vacation to Big Lips Carp Resort and Spa]Seeing how this will be you first conviction I dont see them sending you to the hatchery to clean the tanks.It may help if you want down and picked up power bait jars,corn cans,worm containers down at the outlets,just be careful and watch for backcast.Some of those fly fishermen can be nasty,they know why your there.Just dont make eye contact.If you need help going through the 12 step program,Im there for yea bud.Im working on step 6 at outlet 2 which is always let the guy with the local fly fishing shop decal cast first,because he's been there more times,knows all the rules,and has more local friends.
  21. Thanks Rwolfe some of those would be great Some of those would be a little over the top for some.I looked at todays post after checking the smilely site and found several areas some could have been used to lighten up they're argument,made it sound more tonge in cheek.Not advocating changing the integrity of this site,just trying to find a way to show that some statements made on the internet are'nt as nasty or mean spirited as they seem. The smilely's that can be used here are old and kind of the same or and very seldom does anyone use the lame[iMHO]ghost,snowman They just dont get the point across.Im sure they would be a hit at little girls 'Lets play House Forum' again IMHO.Really not looking for a forum to go crazy in either,but it would be nice if one thread could be funny without all the drama,disrespect.Okay back to topic. A blonde, a rabbi,and a priest walk into Bass Pro to buy powerbait..............................
  22. I changed my mind,Trav thats got to be the post of the day.
  23. What type of 'area' are you looking for? One that is without sensitivity to others feelings where you can throw around insults, make fun of people and act like irresponsible adults? I don't think Phil is going to allow that anywhere on this site. Now where does that come from????????????????????????????????????? I have'nt read anywhere here that say's,insult people,make fun of people, act irresponsible!!!!!!!!!!!! Just have a little fun and not get all brokeback about it Snowflake,dumb to fishing,lilly,chief,patfish,JS,bigredbirdfan,sherwood,trav,snagged and I have all contributed to the humor of this thread without insult?????????????????? Just need a place to go where you can say something to a stranger without offending. Maybe a few icons that will help along the way......thats all........no more. This thread started with humor got hyjacked ,maybe not intentionally but it did and now it's starting to turn out like the last one.I think there are moderators here that will make sure that it stays cool,clean,calm,and collect.So once again,now I wish I had a icon ,one face banging itself with a mallet,Back to topic.
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