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Everything posted by jlpatton1

  1. The closest camping to the Fly FIshing area on Taneycomo would be Cooper Creek I think... I don't know if they are open just yet. We have camping here by us in the Lakeside Rv park that the city of Branson runs (www.cityofbranson.org) It wouldn't be that much farther I wouldn't think... Also State Park Camp Ground on Table Rock would be an easy drive to the trophy area.
  2. Talked with MDC yesterday, they are also using gates to supplement oxygen levels. We're getting low readings before the rain, yesterday 4.6 at your place Phil.. and in the 4's down here.
  3. Seems as if the gentleman was not satisfied with my service this am, sent me an email and posted below ... I apologize to you if this is a friend of yours and he had a bad experience in my shop. I wasn't able to spend much time in the shop this am...as I was extremely busy launching boats...
  4. [WELL TWOSETS I TOOK YOUR ADVISE AND CHECKED WITH LAMAR THIS MORNING. SORRY BUT LAME MAR WAS THE MOST UNFRIENDLY BUSINESS PERSON I HAVE TALKED TO IN A LONG TIME. MAYBE HE DID NOT HAVE A GOOD NIGHT. ANYWAY THEY DONT NEED ANY OF MY MONEY. JUST A BAD DAY I SUPPOSE. MY WIFE ALSO SAID THE SAME WHEN WE LEFT. FINALLY GOT HIM TO TELL ME HOW FAR UP RIVER TO WHERE THE BAIT FISHING STOPPED, AND THATS ALL. O WELL. TALKED TO A GUIDE A LITTLE BIT OUTSIDE AND I THINK I CAN DO SOME GOOD ANYWAY. THANKS FOR INFO. TALK LATER Well guys, I received an email from this gentleman. I have sent him an email to him apologizing if I was not friendly. All I remember this am is I launched a lot of boats(gave my son the morning off) , and a gentleman asking me where to troll... I will say I don't get enough time to spend in the shop talking some days Again I apologize, don't know what else to say. Lamar
  5. Well .. saw where one gentleman was missing a fishing report, so I thought I'd could post what I know. Fishing was heavy Thanksgiving week, but will say since then, there's not been many people from Middle to Upper lake to report. However, MDC has done some stocking in the past week and a half. Lot of small federals in the mix for November, but some nice fish too. We've been doing the best in our area on Cleos. Anything in a Gold, Gold n Red, Gold n Orange has been working. Also doing good with Cinnamon Bassnapper Jigs, as well as Black. Nightcrawlers have picked up for the past two weeks, Wax worms well I can't keep um alive for the lack of demand (but I sure love to catch with them) just can't get enough folks using them to carry them. Fishing around the island has been good. Between 65 and the Railroad bridge has been productive, anchoring or trolling. One thing worth noting, MDOT is beginning the design phase of the new 76 bridge, and have a work barge anchored just downstream from the pilings. Use caution in this area, there are 6 cables positoning this barge, don't want to see anyone get into that mess. They'll be drilling on the water for a couple of weeks, holes to be used for bridge footings. Have a great day fishing... Lamar
  6. We've certainly enjoyed the fall weather the last few days. I saw more people with coats and sweatshirts on yesterday... felt kinda dumb wearing my shorts. But regardless, stayed on the lake till dark last night just enjoying the peace and quiet of the drift. Caught some decent fish, even my first White Bass (I don't think we had those in La.) I just wanted to remind everyone, we all get busy, and don't take the time to enjoy what's around us. Don't know how many people live close enough to enjoy Taneycomo frequently, but in case you haven't taken the time because of whatever in the last few months, make time now. The fishing is pretty good, but just being outside and enjoying the lake, wether in a boat, or on the bank, is worth it all in itself. This forum is real good about helping folks, and I read it daily, but don't get so caught up in fishing that you forget it's not a competitive sport...it's a passtime... and it should be enjoyed regardless of the outcome. I would also add, that it's best enjoyed with someone, or alone, whatever you feel like. Ok enough of the soapbox, Water clarity is good right now, the pace of 7500 CFS is not bad at all. All the hooplah about the gates opening Thursday was a waste of good web space. All could have been handled with better communication if you ask me, but the gates were shut sometime Sat eve or Sun morning. Water temps are around the 59-60 degree mark around the island to here, fish are very active before 730 in the morning and from 630 till dark in the evening. When I say active I mean visible breaking of the surface, feeding I suppose. Nightcrawlers and Gulp are still getting it done on the bait fishing side. Orange/Yellow or bubble gum. Hey get down to the lake when you can...we'll be lookin for you...
  7. Sorry... thought it might be better since I was updating just to put the most current on the top... Hope you guys are having fun... water running here is not bad at all. Really think a lot of communication would have helped clear up the confusion on this deal... the way it was timed, and the fact that it came behind some rain, had everyone (visitors and locals alike) thinking here we go again. They just wanted to run 15000 CFS and couldn't because of oxygen. We're not in near the shape we were back in March and April. The bigger hazard today I think is the Tracker Dealer Meeting...they're running demo boats out of the Bass Pro Marina and you don't want to go near there.. wow it's crazy.
  8. UPDATE.... Just talked to the Corps.. been watching the water level and it hasn't change in the last 3 hours. They said they didn't get as much rain as they expected.. so let's hope we get a reprieve this time. I do realize these lakes are for water management, however this time I felt as if the numbers did not add up to where the spillways had to be opened, especially since we were running 2 less than 24 hrs ago. I will update if anything changes, but I hope 919.4 is our crest.
  9. Well I just got word they opened up enough spillway and generators for 17000 CFS starting at 2. We are told this morning that this will continue untill Table Rock reaches pool 917, or Bull Shoals would go over 684 and they would stop. I'm told part of the reason for having to run it this way, has to do with dissolved oxygen. Due to the low ppm of the oxygen in the generation water, they've only been able to generate four turbines at only 60%. Too much low oxygen water into the lake and we know what happens., so spillway water is oxygenated, You can go to the Corps website, Little Rock Dist and see all the oxgen reports and levels and what ability they have to run. So that's all I know...... Have a safe day on the lake Well, we got word this afternoon that once Table Rock hits the 920 Mark (at time of this post it's 919.20) The Corps of Engineers will open 5 spillway gates, in addtion to 4 generators to give us a flow of 20,000 CFS. We really thought we had handled Gustav pretty well, but who are we to think. This will mean a significant flow increase for several days. We are told that when Table Rock hits 920 again, the spillways will be closed. One might ask why after a week of running NO water, would we do this . I say Write Your Congressman, Tell your Representative, Speak to your Govenor or whomever will listen, but it's time we "re-visit" how we manage water on the White River System. Anyway, if you are fishing this weekend, you will have to look somewhere out of the flow, in March that meant creeks and behind structures like buildings and marinas etc. The one positive thing is if we get a bunch of shad...who knows what we might catch. Will update tomorrow as soon as something new comes out. BE SAFE
  10. Well they do have 4 running now.... but don't know how much or how fast they'll take Table Rock down. Only had a couple going this morning till 9. Fish were biting LIKE CRAZY today.... overcast and cloudy.. great fishing day. Drifts are fast, but watch for less water in the mornings, and get out there early. Turkey Creek mudline is already clearing some, would expect by Saturday it'll be normal.
  11. Everyone seemed pleased with their bounty of fish today.... The one thing that was working the best is drifting the middle. The water didn't get turned on till about 3 or so.. and the fish were hoppin this morning. Orange/Yellow, Orange/Pink seemed to be the two Gulp combinations that worked the best. Night Crawlers continue to do just about as well. WE HAVE UNEARTHED A HUGE SUPPLY OF "OLD" BASSNAPPER JIGS been in an man's garage for years.... last count I had 392 cards.... COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST..... AND FORD FENDERS AND COWBELLS TOO If you haven't stopped in lately, come on down
  13. Generation seems to be scaling back some.... with Table Rock coming down and the White River System falling below 70% Capacity, the Corps plan changes. Whether they do or not..we'll see but hopefully they'll cut back a little more over the next week. Fishing has been good down here, and we've been doing especially well from the Island down past the landing. The water looks good today.... and lure productivity should increase if that continues. Powerbait / Gulp countinues to work well on the drift, if you like fishing with the soft plastics. Either way, generation or not, fishing is good right now...
  14. Just a quick note, some of my great friends will be minding the dock for me for a couple of days, while I go to Louisiana to pay respects to my Mother, Betty Lois Watson Patton 1935-2008. I can remember the days of me and her on the side of the Bayou with a cane pole and some crickets. She taught me a lot about life, and I thought we were just fishing. Be sure to take time to teach a kid to fish. In doing so, you will teach them Patience, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Respect for others and the Outdoors, and how to be a good steward of our Lakes, Rivers and the Wildlife that depend on them. Thanks for all the calls, emails and prayer support during this time, and I'll be back on Friday.
  15. Hey guys. I was suprised to find how "uncrowed" everything was yesterday. It is a fact, that fishing during the week most of the time is not as crowded as weekends. That's true in July and January. I would recommend making a Sunday Monday run sometime and you will be surprised at how much better the crowds are. You can also try fishing from a boat with scuds, jigs, fur balls and do well, and move to find water you like. Whatever you do, call or visit one of Branson's many outfitters for what's working where, or just keep checking the various fishing reports on the forum. Have a great day fishing !!!!
  16. Fishing has been good from Cooper Creek down below the island. Inside and outside the bend at the island. The drift around the 65 4-lane bridge continues to be good. We've done some good around the Landing this week, but I'm beginning to think were going to have to put in a traffic light down there. Around the islands at the Gold Mine worked well this week. Orange/Yellow Gulp along with Original Bubble Gum continues to do well. All the normal lures, I haven't been able to get them to hit a jig.... I don't know if anyone else has. Water is running daily, but it hasn't been bad at all. Have a great day fishing
  17. Turkey is pretty clean today..definetly by the weekend if we don't get another rain. All boats were found and the docks are being pulled back today. It was a mess and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself....
  18. In case you didn't see this from Saturday... two big docks broke Saturday in the runoff out of Turkey Creek. This was one of them.
  19. I didn't enjoy the show... My son Madison took the picture that was on KY3. We saved one boat in the deal... couldn't get to any more. Water went down quickly as we thought it would. Fishing has been good Sunday and Today... seems as the same old Powerbait colors are working, as well as little cleos in Rainbow, Silver and Gold/Red The water is unusually calm today, and clearing up nicely... will update during the week Have a great day Fishing !!!!!!!!!
  20. With reports of up to 6" of rain in Branson yesterday, we had quite a bit of creek runoff yesterday. Debris and Docks were blowing out of Turkey and Roark Creek on our end. We had to evacuate the campground, and as usual with runoff water, we're all back to normal today for the most part. Debris and docks are still cluttered around the Branson Landing area. Dock owners and boat owners are working now to start getting the boats out and attempting to pull the docks back to the creek. The bottom line is .. fishing is good this morning.. couldn't ask for a prettier day on the lake. Be careful and be safe and you won't have any problems. Table Rock estimaes are 929.5 Tuesday... we'll be watching that for the next couple of days, but word is that no spillway water will be released if it crests there. Usually takes 931 for that to happen..... Busy Fourth of July coming up.. so everyone try to make sure you are boating safely, and be courteous to the other fisherman.
  21. Cleos in the gold and copper with red or orange stripes or nickel and blue. The E P spinner in the gold with red dots.
  22. If you come fishing on Taneycomo this week, don't forget the tackle box (make sure you've got the kitchen sink in there) Your patience will pay off, but don't stick to "just one thing". If you've always used Gulp in Orange and Yellow, and that doesn't work, switch to Sunrise or Bubble Gum (ORIGINAL works best). If you normally fish your favorite hole, and that doesn't work, follow your fish finder. MDC reported stocking in the neighborhood of 67,000 in the month of May, so they're ready for you !! Night Crawlers are starting to really pick up. Today, I don't know how many I caught using an Olive Jig in the 1/64th size, about 4' under a strike indicator (or as we called um in Louisiana a "cork") Fish are marking high, and the water clarity as of Wednesday was making the Jig, Buoyant and Cleo spoon, as well as the Thomas E P Spinner very productive. We had several groups reporting great action on Rapalas, had one on Sunday that reported 5 browns using the Blue Back Shad.in the Middle Taneycomo area. Don't forget, just because free fishing weekend is over, doesn't mean it's not a GREAT day to take a kid fishing.
  24. This gentleman was fishing with us on Friday, from Macon Ga., and caught this beauty that weighed 8.5 pounds. He came back to the dock long enough to take a picture before he released it. He was using a White Rooster Tail working the shore line. We've seen a lot more browns in the last two weeks, than we normally do on our end... maybe they came with the wall of water in April. Just so everyone knows, we now carry "Live" Crawfish for bait and have waxworms available as well. Come see us soon... Lamar
  25. I think we're ready for some fish to be stocked !!! Fishing here same as up there, the drift between railroad bridge and Coon Creek seems to be doing the best. Have seen some fishing around the docks with Nickel/Blue cleos produce some good trout this week on Thursday and Friday. The wind today is KILLER.... Have a great day..and come see us soon
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