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Everything posted by BrowningFisherman

  1. I wish I had a report to give I went down today without realizing that I was going to have to fish for trout in Mississippi river like conditions. Everything I heard was it would take 2 or 3 days to get semi normal flow again. If anyone goes down please post because I am trying to go next week again. I have the itch and all this rain is preventing me from scratching it
  2. I love fishing in the rain the heavier the rain the less people all the better. I try to put my fly under the trees, fish wait for things to fall in normally you get a strike almost imediately. I know everyone doesn't agree with glo balls but you can put a glo ball on and use the same one up and down the stream and never have to change. The catch is the temperature I usually fish in the rain in the spring not the winter, watch out for Hypothermia.
  3. I fished it all day monday with only 1 decent one other wise they were all pretty small, it was cold and tough going in the morning but much better after lunch, nymphs scuds and chamois flys
  4. Any tips for tomorrow at Montauk, I heard from a few guys that they are going to start releasing some of the brood stock to get ready for the winter season but I was just wondering if anyone had been recently and has any suggestions, I will probably fish the fly only section above the darn.
  5. I was down there last thursday and fished the bluff hole. I had good luck with grey bead head scuds and bead head prince nymph, and a little luck with red copper johns. I also moved up to right below the darn and used light olive wooly's and pearl grizzly cracklebacks and had all kinds of luck.
  6. I know its all personal but I am going to order from orvis and I have only felt a tip flex so I just wanted to cover all my bases and make sure there aren't other rods I might want to check out
  7. I want to add another question. I am about to buy an orvis rod, I just bought a 4 weight that I love but I am going to Montana next summer and I need a rod that will be a little stronger. I am thinking TLS or T3 9' 5wt in the 4 piece my question is do I want the tip flex or the mid flex, I like to strip woolys and cracklebacks at bennett as well as double scud at taney and montauk. I need this rod to be pretty versatile. Am I thinking on the right track? Is it worth it to go for the T3 or am I going to be good with the TLS? Or am I overlooking something else all together
  8. I agree I have held sustains and stradic mg's and I would go with an mg. It does not go as small as I would like, the biggest reel I like to use is a 1500 and the smallest the mg comes in is a 2500. Personally I like the 750s they will hold about 150 yds of 4 lb which is more than you should need even if a big brown makes a big run. As far as line goes I would recomend berkley vanish or the new trilene flurocarbon, but if you want the best go for gamma, as it has the best shock strength of any fluro on the market
  9. while both stradics are nice you the internal gears are what matter and if you buy the regular stradic for 99.00 you might want to know that even shimano sales reps admit that internally the regular stradic and $79 symetre are almost identical not to mention the symetre comes in the smaller 750 while the stradics smallest is a 1000. but I aagree the stradic mgfa is a great reel but you can do well for qite a bit cheaper
  10. Don't overlook the stand-bys, ST. Croix makes two rods that I recommend, 1st the Triumph is a newer rod, it uses the same blank as the premier but is made over seas which allows the price to be considerably lower the smallest rod starts at $50. However I would suggest the Avid, it is more sensitive and has a lifetime warranty to the Triumphs 5 years. The only thing I wish is the avid came in a 6' Light however it is only a 6'6" L or a 6' UL. Another rod I like is the Loomis GL3 6' Mag Light. Its hard to say but while browsing at Walmart I saw a Abu Cardinal on a Fenwick Rod, Bass Pro doesn't even sell Fenwick its hard to believe Wal Mart has them. Go Tigers!
  11. I use the good ole fashioned chamois fly, peacock nymphs, Prince nymphs, bh grey scud, white floss minijig and pheasent tail nymph. I have yet to have luck with cracklebacks at Montauk however they are easily one of my top 3 flies at Bennett including one "secret" crackleback that I tie. My biggest problem with cracklebacks and woolies alike is finding water wide enough to strip them the way I am used to the best. I am looking forward to trying some zebra midges on my next trip down. Go Tigers!
  12. I caught a few fish last weekend fishing just outside the park and just above tan vat access. I saw several nice fish at tan vat but just as previously menitoned it gets fished hard and the fish were no fools. I saw 4 nice browns in one small riffle but they werent interested in anything I floated by them and then drunks from down at the swimmin hole litterally walked right through the riffle while I was fishing it.
  13. They are quite possibly the nicest people ever they will remain in my prayers as well
  14. Actually I use 4 Lb Vanish. I have never been shorted bites over people I fish with that are using 2 lb. Vanish is a Flurocarbon and has the same light refraction as water so 4lb vanish is equal in visibility to say 2lb trilene. A few of my cousins were using the wolly worms (Montauk Special) particularly the brown with a red yarn tail and the off white colors. But seriously the double dropper is the perfect lure. I could put any 2 nymphs I wanted to on just as long as the bottom one was pretty close to the bottom they would look at one and go for the other.
  15. I had a lot of luck on Nymphs in Zone 1 and around the campground on down into the blue ribbon area. I caught 25 on Saturday with relative ease. I caught a few on the good ole Chamois Fly and Black and yellow rooster tails at the whistle. However I do have a question that someone can hopefully answer, is the double dropper (two flys under an indicator) legal in fly only areas? I can understand both arguements but no one can ever come up with an answer.
  16. Hi I am new to the site however I am looking forward to new info about all the places I fish. If I had to describe myself I am a trout fanatic that tries to bass fish. I am fairly seasoned when it comes to trout however I am still a novice whenever it comes to fly fishing. I fish Bennett mostly however I quite often find myself at montauk on the current or down at Taney whenever I can. I look forward to all of the recomendations I can stomach
  17. Yeah I am new to this sight but I would have warned you that it was rough fishing last friday as the moss was too high to fish as deep as you needed to led alone while they were cutting the moss. However Weavers is a great place they are as nice as anyone I have ever met and I have never used a lure that was posted on the web page that I did not a least get one bite on. try the pearl grizzly crackleback now that the moss is short almost gauranteed to slay them
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