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Everything posted by Muleball39

  1. Justin or Brian, Needing an update on the fishing down there and what flies have been working best. I will be at the in-laws cabin for the next few days and need some ideas on what to tie up. Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks, Rodney
  2. Tim, When will they be done dredging in zone 2? I was thinking about heading down tomorrow to hit up the C&R section.
  3. Tim, How is the water level?
  4. Justin or Brian, Since both of you are on or near the water constantly, how is the river for wading. I know that 750cfs is ideal but the reading is 1080cfs right now. Will I still be able to wade that? I am assuming they are hitting stone flys, is there anything else they are keying in on right now?
  5. Can anyone tell me how high the river is right now and the color of the water? I was wanting to come down and do some gigging tomorrow night before season ends. Just seeing if it is worth while to come down.
  6. I would like to buy one, could you send me the info as to where I need to send the payment too and how you would like to be paid. I lost one end of mine a couple weekends ago at Taney. Thanks Rodney
  7. Brian, where did you get your "GET MORE TAIL" Hat from? Got to have me one of those!!
  8. That is Russ Cochrans place, I belive he is down to 1 or 2 chimps now, he keeps them in town now I hardly ever see them at his cabin anymore. I remember when i was in High School and he made the front page of the paper by bring in his chimp to the hospital and demanded treatment on it.
  9. they are not genterating right now? I figured it would be going full blow. Anyone got a clue why they are not generating?
  10. So I was able to fish the 2 islands this weekend above Patrick, so here is my question how small were some of the browns that were released? The reason I ask is I caught a brown this weekend that was 5" long and looked like a stream bred trout to me.
  11. Met a few friends from StL. for a weekend of fishing. I arrived in time to fish a little on the Current at Tan Vat on Friday. Brought 2 to hand 1 bow and 1 brown. Saturday started out slow, we fished most of the Current from the spring down. I think we had 10 between the 3 of us. Saturday afternoon we went to the catch and release section and it was on I ended up with 15 with the biggest being around 3 lbs. Had a few more big ones on only to be snapped by jumps. The hot fly of the day was a tan scud. Sunday had a couple more hogs hooked below the C&R but had them break me off as well. My two friends had the catch of the day one of them hook a nice bow only to be broken off when I was on my way with the camera after I was yelling at him not to horse him and let him run. Well it wasn't 10 minutes later and my other friend hooked into a big fish, after about 5 mins. he had still not landed him I came up to help. It took another 5 mins to land him and come to find out it was the same fish my other buddy had hooked. So they both had there pictures taken with the same fish. Anyways it was a good weekend, the 3 of us ended up with around 50 fish on the weekend with a couple pigs landed and a couple more that got away. Here is one of the guys with the fish of the weekend.
  12. What were you fishing with or better yet what do you fish with at Montauk. Montauk was the first place I trout fished and it has been 16 years since I fished it, will be down next weekend.
  13. Just checking to see if anyone fished this weekend and to see how the bite was.
  14. Does anyone know where to get the glow sticks like Chuck from Anglers & Archers has, anywhere here in Springfield? Does Backcountry Outfitters have any or any other place you might know of?
  15. Have you had a chance to test them t100's yet? Also do you know where to get some fiber glass handles in 10' to 15' range?
  16. That thing will run in 2" of water, it is crazy the shoals you can go over.
  17. my dad has a 25hp jet he is looking to sell, pm me if you are interested.
  18. how much for a gig out of T100?
  19. Not really a monster but my first with a bow, funny thing is I let a bigger one walk earlier in the week. They are very hard to judge the size. I have it on video also.
  20. I have killed one before in Canada a couple years ago, I was just wanting to do my own baiting and setup for my Brother-in-law. Just not wanting to spend that kind of money.
  21. can only bait on private land. Very hard to kill other wise with a bow. Had crossed my mind though. Just thought some of the Arkansas guys might have some land they weren't using since it is the time for the browns to be making there yearly run upstream!
  22. Not yet, I give it 5 to 10 years before we have a season.
  23. I am looking for some land in NW ARK to bowhunt bear on this fall. The land I was going to hunt was leased to a hunting club (still pissed at my family member for it). Anyways I thought I would ask on here to see if anyone had any land that they would let me and my brother in law hunt on. I am trying to get him his first bear. We would only bow hunt and only hunt bears, so not to bother deer hunters. I guess we could even pay a hunting fee if it came down to it. Or if anyone knows of any land that is for lease or farmers that are having problems with bears. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Rodney
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