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Everything posted by puffydisc

  1. i fished there too with none on the fly rod while catching only five on the spinning rod with a white jig. I can never find any big ones during the catch and keep season for some reason... Any tips on how to spot them Bman?
  2. Im thinking about going down to maramec tommorow but am not sure what the water level is like. Does anyone know how high it is? I heard that it would prbably be really high.
  3. Here in Illinois, at a local lake i fished i would use dog food and throw it out and wait until i see the carp come up and start eating it. Then with my fly rod i would cast out a pellet fly with one piece of dog food on it and catch some big ones! At night i would also throw out popcorn with a piece of popcorn on one of my pellet fly's and catch even bigger ones! Lots of fun on a fly rod!
  4. it will be my first time fishing Montauk on opening day, so i was wondering what lures/flies produce the most fish on opening day. Thanks and good luck out there on Sunday!
  5. i hear at Maramec that homemade bait works better than the bait they sell at the shop. Any Recipes?
  6. my grandfather is good friends with Gene! We used to go to his lakes and see his big catfish in his tanks! Good Times!
  7. nice im gonna tie some of those in a few minutes!
  8. any pics of the beetle you used
  9. fish the begining of the fly fishing only section there are a 3lb, 7lb, and 10lb trout in there! I almost got the 7lbr to bite on a white jig but he would sniff it and then swim off! Great fishing in there though! And also use a globall with split shots a foot ahead of it! Most of my fish were caught on that rig! Good Luck
  10. Thanks i will try those out!
  11. good all ive been tying is globalls so it looks like they will work good for this weekend then! Thanks for the report
  12. it is a big difference between maramec and montauk but my most productive has been a black Zebra Midge, use it under a scud and an indicator and your good to go
  13. ok thanks
  14. wow i rember seeing an absolutely huge brown(didn't think it was a trout at first right outside the shoot) at one time and she came up and nibbled the tail out of my hand tyed mouse pattern! I have seen the fish and it is a beast but i didn't see it on opening day when i went to montauk. *shoot* on the picture of the one above, i was just wondering are you able to fish at night in teh c+r area...if so taht would be SWEET!
  15. it is a Cortland fly rod and reel and it says on the warranty that it is guaranteed breakage or manufactuers defects for 1 year up. It has been about 2 years since i got it. I want to buy a rod that is 120 dollors or less with a great warranty if possible. and what size then. the broken one i have now i believe is a 5 or 6 weight. I will mostly just be fishing for trout. Thanks for the help
  16. broke fly rod on opening day (accidently stepped on it) and need a suggestion for a fly rod that is durable,longlasting, and will be used for trout. Thanks guys
  17. i've just recently started fishing the size 18 black zebra midges and they work very well under a scud and an indicator
  18. I have found many near the small pockets with weeds all year long
  19. I would definitly pay 2.50 for one of those flies! Ive seen that website before and i am still stunned by that guys work!
  20. If i was a big trout i would eat it in a heart beat no doubt! GOOD JOB!
  21. Could anyone tie one of these i heard they work good but haven't got any blue tinsel to tie one. Thanks
  22. Lets make a topic about the best lures/bait/flys to you use in Maramac Springs.I'll start: Lure-Spinners Bait-Go Get Em Trout Bait Flies- Jigs and the old faithful Woolly Bugger Now its your turn waht are the best lures/baits/flies u guys have used at Maramac Springs! Also i had a question anyone know about a green headed jig with blue tinsil on it which makes it a metallic purple? I was talking to a guy yesterday about that.
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