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About SGFChief

  • Birthday 07/04/1960

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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. I have a notched bending branches. I've considered taping over mine to keep it from getting tangled up in my line.
  2. Last I checked the outfitters at hootentown will either shuttle you or drive your vehicle back to their parking lot and you can float down to it.
  3. No I hear Bois D Arc is pretty good, just crowded at times. Just looking for options.
  4. I have a German Shorthair almost one and a half years old and could really use some work on live (actually dead) birds. I bought him with the intentions of training him to find sheds (which he does) but he has such a natural instinct when it comes to birds, I thought it would be a disservice to him to not hunt him. He's from Muddy Creek and was bred to hunt. Where I deer hunt doesn't have a great dove population--anyone know of a place to go in SW Missouri other than Bois D Arc?
  5. You can actually drive there with a 4WD just avoid the mud holes, some of them could swallow up a cow.
  6. Certainly getting excited--I drove the jeep down there last week on the way back from the farm. Lots of great memories with my Grandfather/father/uncles/cousins fishing that stretch of the river all the way back to the late 60s. Most are gone now but my son and I still fish it every year. Water seems to be really low right now and the potholes in the road seem to be bigger than last year too
  7. I need that hat.
  8. I don't understand this reasoning, especially right now when the fishing below Fall Creek is so good. I did what I had to - I called our local MDC agent and reported all 5 boats. Although he didn't get on the water this evening, he will be out tomorrow and Saturday checking hooks and live wells. It's not worth the fine and embarrassment. Sic em Phil. That's a big lake, no need for them to fish like that in that area.
  9. Yes it turned out to be about a 7 lb channel cat. Thought I had a state record for a bit, then was afraid it would break my rod.
  10. Spent 6 hours floating Saturday in anticipation of a good fishing hole on the James. Last week I pulled a 15 inch smallmouth from under this tree, I was concerned that this one would break a $150 rod. If you listen closely you can hear me yelling to my son for help...between the wind, current and fighting the fish I couldn't get away from the tree. I've seen too many snakes lately and especially sunning themselves in the trees--look closely and you can see a turtle drop off the log after I hit it a couple times. I don't like snakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=757RNDEpr-4
  11. We'll be fishing it as well, water was crystal clear last weekend.
  12. Floated Jamesville to Hootentown, caught a couple dozen small smallmouth (biggest around 14 in) an all around great trip. What made me wish I had some bottle openers and a different rod was the first hole just below Jamesville. The yellow suckers were really stacked in there and a few really nice redhorse thrown in. If the water hasn't muddied up with the rain I'm sure they're still in there. If I wasn't working, that's where I'd be.
  13. Lots of little ones yesterday but occasionally you'll pick up a bigger one.
  14. Perfect medicine to prevent sea sickness. We were fishing on a blue water charter out of Florida and my son offered one to a guy puking off the side of the boat. Told him it would settle his stomach. It produced an immediate yak from the guy. It was one of my most proud moments, show's he's been paying attention to me over these years. We prefer the Jalapenos although they are getting harder to find. .
  15. Deer season for me ends tomorrow once alternative season ends and my kayak is looking pretty inviting despite the weather. Anyone fish Lake Springfield in the winter? Any suggestions?
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