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Everything posted by redfish

  1. Nice fish!! I'm glad you guys came down, I had a great time. The shore lunch was good once we got a lighter. If you can't come down before, try for the New's Years Day float. Dress warm. Had fun, see you soon.
  2. Go down to Mt.Shira and walk down stream. Great fishin. Low water bridge is also a good spot. Upstream and under the bridge. Have fun.
  3. The best place to go is across from DQ. If your coming from the south, go through the light by DQ and immediately pull off to the right and park behind guard rail. Walk down the hill and you can start there or go under the bridge and work your way down stream. I've had some good luck in that spot. You can also turn on Dartmoor Rd. at the stoplight by Nunally's old car lot and cross the bridge, pull off on the side of the road and fish on the downstream side of the bridge. Good luck.
  4. Sorry I missed it, maybe next time. Let me know when you come back.
  5. Well, it was a good float. We put in at Mt. Shira and took out at River Ranch. We didn't catch any fish, but the river was flowing good. Gonna try again some time this week. Good day, food was cooked, beer was drank, fun for all. Sorry no pics, forgot the camera. Hope to see you on the river.
  6. Well friends, the snow is starting to melt and hopefully it will help our rivers. A couple of us are thinking of fishing from Riverside to Mt. Shira on the Elk on Sunday. If your interested come on out, we may cook some food along the way.
  7. redfish


    Has anyone been fishing lately on the Elk or Big Sugar lately. Thinking of going Monday.
  8. Those are some good looking fish. I wish I could have joined you, but maybe next time.
  9. redfish

    Big Sugar?

    We went to Craig o Lea today and caught a bunch of fish. We were wading. It was great.
  10. No, we haven't had the Barbie tournament yet, we were practicing. Russ caught the most. Cal caught the biggest. Zack, it's funny you mentioned that Russ said the same thing. When we get everything figured out we'll let you know. It will be fun. Have a good float.
  11. It is 4 miles. Enjoy and have a good float.
  12. Good job. Those are some good looking fish. We haven't been on the Indian for awhile. We have been on the Big Sugar and have been catching some big fish, more smallies than anything else. Some largemouths have also been caught. Have a good float.
  13. It's a mile or two up the road from Craig o Lea, if you know where that is.
  14. Wackyworm(Russ) and myself floated from Owl's nest to Sugar Island on the Big Sugar. We caught a bunch of smallies, 2 largemouths and about 20 goggle eyes. They are hitting on tubes. Big or small, a good color is watermelon red. We floated from Sugar Island to Hog Heaven on tuesday and caught alot of smallies and some were a pretty good size. I think anywhere you float on the Big Sugar your gonna catch fish. Come on down we are gonna float somewhere. Have a good float.
  15. I would love to tell you where we put in, but I can't do that. Because it is on private land, but fishing any where on the Big Sugar was the place to be, before we got all this rain and snow. The rivers are way up and it's good kayaking. We are doing Little Sugar through Bella Vista's golf courses this afternoon. B)When the water goes down I'll find some good spots. Have a good float and see you on the river.
  16. We went fishing on the Big Sugar this weekend and caught a total of 240 fish. Everything from rock bass, smallies, and largemouth. It was a fantastic float. We cooked blue cheeseburger bombs and had a blast. I want to thank Kayaker for coming down and joining us. I hope you had a good time. The weather was perfect and believe it or not we got 7" of snow the next day....oh well. Have a good float and see you on the river.
  17. That would be a yes on the smallies. I caught one on Friday. that was 15" long and a couple of 13's. Russ caught a 14" yesterday. We fished today on the Little Sugar and caught about 18 Largemouths and 5 goggles.
  18. redfish


    I bought a Buffalo Pero like Russells. I dropped the seat 5" and g/flexed and fiberglassed the bottom, all I have left are the lights. The Ultimate 12 was to expensive and I got a great deal on the Pero. It's pretty cool. When it warms up come on down and fish with us. Hope to see you soon.
  19. redfish


    We went fishing on Little Sugar yesterday and I caught 2 beautiful largemouths, sorry no pics. Fishing the Elk tomorrow, I'll try to provide some pics. Water is still moving pretty good.
  20. Thank you so much for the boat. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. You need to come over to our neck of the woods sometime and fish with Me and Russ. Have a good one.
  21. I can relate to the back issue. I have lower back pain and I fish out of a kayak. I have fished from one of Wackyworms Peros and they are great. My back doesn't hurt at all when I'm in that boat, so I'm buying my own.
  22. I'm still here. I like it here. Have a nice float.
  23. When we float in the winter, we usually don't fish. We float and cook. Wackyworm and myself have been fishing on the Litttle Sugar and it has been fantastic. We've been using tubes and wackys. There have been a lot of largemouths caught, a few smallies and some brim. In December though I'm not sure. Have a good float!!!
  24. I will try my best to be there. My 40th b-day is on Sat. so I might not be in the best shape,but I'll try.
  25. Those are some good looking fish. Hopefully one of these days I can go. I'm shooting for Friday.
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