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Everything posted by flyfishinggolfer

  1. We are planning a similar trip. I doubt there will be much wade fishing. Especially, if Branson gets one more rain. The Branson forecast says it will be cloudy, but doesn't predict rain.
  2. I think I will check my flies. I tie my own and would hate to see them taken away. We are going to Marathon the last weekend in February. We were down in Key West in October with friends. This is just a me and the wife long weekend trip. Kids are back in college and why not. I am going to take a stab at fly fishing a flat on my own. Of course, I have to find the flat first. Fly
  3. Thanks for the tip. I may give it a try. We are going to Marathon for a long weekend the last weekend in February. We were in Key West in October. We are staying at the Seashell Resort on the water (wife thought it looked cute). They advertise their own flats fishing and complimentary kayaks. In October, I sunk a lot of $$ into guide fishing. No complaint. The guide was awesome! I caught skip jack, yellowtail snapper and some worthless blue runners with the fly rod. But, do you know of places along highway #1 in the Keys, where a fly fisherman can wade in on his own, without a guide, and get a shot at something, even mangrove snapper? Fly
  4. One of my Christmas gifts is the new Orvis carryon bag. I am going to the Keys, again wth fly rod and spinning gear. Last time I flew to the Keys, I checked my flies and other terminal tackle and carried on my rods and reels. I spoke with one fisherman who takes his flies and terminal tackle as carry on with no problem. Also, the various TSA and Southwest Airlines websites state that fishing tackle is allowed as carryon. However, it doesn't specifically mention hooks. I would assume that hooks are included with "tackle" but I would hate to get to the gate security and not be allowed to carry my hooks and flies on. Has anyone recently travelled with fishing tackle, including flies and hooks, and was allowed to carry them on? Thanks, Dan
  5. Thank you and all the others who replied. I now know what to put on my Christmas list regarding sunglasses. Fly
  6. All I want for Christmas is a pair of polarized sunglasses... nice ones ($120 to $160) such as Costa Del Mar or Smith to name a few. There are several lens options, such as amber, green or blue. What is the best for Taneycomo? The sunglasses will only be used for fly fishing. I thank you in advance for your tips and suggestions. Fly
  7. I see that you took a pontoon up to the cable. Is the water still high? Do they plan to run it this weekend? Fly
  8. Would you share the recipe for the Hibernator?
  9. I understand that Taney might be wadeable for Memorial Day Weekend. What has been working so far? What are people normally throwing at the trout this time of year? Thanks for any input. Fly
  10. I lost a 9' 7wt, 2 piece forest green LL Bean Streamlight.
  11. How do you fish the RS2? I will be using if for the first time this weekend. I read that it is to be fished like a nymph. If so, with or without weight? By the way, thanks to everyone for always helping me out with my questions. Fly
  12. What is the PMS? Fly
  13. Thanks to you and Soggy Feet. I have been tying the suggestions made by both of you. Fly
  14. I am listening, I am listening!!! My friends and I are coming down this weekend and will need all the help we can get. Any color zebra midge? Wooly? I am tying flies for this weekend and want to give my friends some winners! Thank you for the input and your time. Fly
  15. My friends and I are coming down for our annual March Madness flyfishing trip March 7-9th. What flies should I start tying that will work for next weekend? Notwithstanding water generation are there any specific times of the day when I should look for a certain hatch? Last year, we struggled quite a bit. Since then, I have found this forum. Any help is welcome. Fly
  16. I am not being flip or contrary. But, what is the problem with 30 feet upstream? I have been fishing and someone shows up and sets up within 30 feet upstream. What am I missing? I have probably done it without thinking about it, and luckily, I wasn't next to you. Fly,
  17. Thank you. I am tying it and will give it a shot in March. Fly
  18. I got everything but what is an RS2 fly?
  19. Yes, I am talking about Taney. I am still fumbling my way around this site. Thank you.
  20. I am sure this has been on before, but I am new to the sight. When they speak of water levels at 701 or 707, which level is safe for wade fishing?
  21. Rainbow, I use a tyer also. It is lightening quick to join tippet to leader, join leader to fly line and tie a fly to tippet. There are many models. I use the "Tyer". It looks like a gold plated ink pen. The Orvis model is $5.00 more expensive than what you buy elsewhere. They go for $9.99 at BassPro, Cabelas and local fly shops. There is an instruction booklet with it detailing numerous knots it can be used to tie. Once you get the hang of it, you will spend more time fishing and less time tying knots. It is the best $10.00 plus tax I have spent on fly fishing. Fly
  22. I bought the Cortland 555 Ghost Tip as my first premium fly line. I had it taken off and had the original intermediate line put back on. I took the 555 to fish the Big Horn River. I used three different guides each day. Each guide asked me what fly line was on my reel. They were not impressed. No compliments. It was flat awful fly line. Flat awful. When I e-mailed Cortland about getting 444 and sending them the 555 back, they would only agree to send me another 555. I told them to forget it. I recently put 444 Peach on my reel. It is doing very well. Apparently, Cortland has peaked with the 444 fly line.
  23. Phil, If you are staying at the famous Jackson Lake Lodge, turn right as you exit the Lodge and head toward the dam. I forget the name of the dam. It is a big one. You will see a dirt drive way off to your left after the first intersection. Turn left and you will come to a nice area that is well fished but usually has a bite on. You will know the area because the river (I believe it is still the Snake) has a sharp bend to the northwest. I fished it in August of 2000 (I doubt much has changed around there since) and really hit a good bite every time. Hoppers were the fly. Maybe you can do what I wasn't able to do on a return trip in 2001. At the north end of the park is the Grand Canyon. I hear there are numerous small creeks in the GC to fish. I hear bears share the creeks with fly fishermen only. When I return I am hiking into the Grand Canyon for a day. Fly
  24. Hello all. Although new to the board, I am not new to Taneycomo. I have been fishing Taney for about 10 years and fly fishing the trophy area for 7 years. I get down there about 10-12 times a year. I plan to retire to Branson. I took my first trout on the fly at Taney on a crackle back. I consider myself a C+ caster and a B- fly tyer. Therefore, I look forward to all the help and advice I get. Incidentally, I will be fly fishing the Grand Marquesas in Key West in October. I am tying salt water flies...the easy ones.
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