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Everything posted by Jmill

  1. Brian, How is the fishing right now? I am thinking of camping at the ROLF on the 19th and 20th and paying the access fee. Jeff
  2. I have heard Taneycomo has been really crowded lately. I was thinking about coming down on a Friday and Saturday. Anyone been lately?
  3. I accidentally said I was going to the Norfork. Obviously I meant the North Fork. Thanks
  4. I am going down to the Norfork and was wondering what the access is like at Patrick Bridge. Can you wade here? I have heard there are a lot of browns in this area. Anyone had much experience in this area? Thanks
  5. I was planning on coming the 19th and 20th(Fridaya and Saturday), but I'm not sure now. I'm thinking of trying the Norfork instead. Has anyone fished there in October and what should i expect. I like Taney because I usually catch a lot of fish. I don't need to catch a trophy, but I would like to have a decent day. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  6. Just for fun. Whether you have always wanted to go somewhere, or you have been somewhere unbelievable already. After seeing those pictures from Naknek, I think that would be mine.
  7. Thanks flyfshn. I have not got into tying my own yet, but probably will someday. Anybody know if you can find them in Branson?
  8. Is there a place to buy this fly either online or at a fly shop? Thanks
  9. I'm looking for a backup reel for a second rod and am considering the Ross flystart. Anyone used this one? Any help would be appreciated.
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