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Aaron Mills

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Everything posted by Aaron Mills

  1. still for sale
  2. steve, I sent you a pm.
  3. I have a 3-rod Titan Rod Vault for sale. It is new in unopened box. The current model retails for 350. I ended up getting it as a very nice gift but have one already. $175 firm. It's a great deal. I love mine. It can hold my 10'6" rod without breaking down. It is too big to ship. I am in West Plains and would go a reasonable distance if needed.
  4. I talked to Tyler this weekend. He is a really quality person. If you are down on the NFOW you might offer to take him out he is just starting and is looking for some fly fishing pointers. If you don't have his contact info, I could probably get in touch through his parents which are my neighbors down there. I'm glad Tyler found your rig and not someone else like the rigs I've lost.
  5. I think I reaped some of the rewards of your labor this weekend. Very much appreciated. I caught several browns and returned them to their rightful place above Patrick. aaron
  6. thank you for the leads. I have searched craig's list. I was hoping someone might have one not yet listed. still appreciate any further leads.
  7. ham, thanks let me know if you hear anything
  8. gotmuddy I sent a private message with my email and some questions.
  9. Shawnee, Supreme, Topwater, etc. let me know if anyone has a lead. aaron
  10. I will be wet wading if the sun is out. I think it is going to be low 80's and cooler with rain, though. I to be honest don't find so much it is the fly but the day and the location as far as the fishing goes. sometimes, I cycle through flies and I finally come up with a winner. most days it just pertains to being where they are when they're active. so try the standards and move a good bit unless of course you can visually see feeding fish that are ignoring your stuff. i'll be out maybe we'll bump into each other have a good one aaron
  11. I haven't fished nofork dam in a couple of years due to the changes in the runs and that it gets so crowded so easily now with the lawn chair crowd. if you cover different types of water you will probably note the pattern. And, they will probably be in the same spots next time. The runs have changed a lot up there since i was fishing it regularly or i would give you some spots to try.
  12. I seriously hope you are just trolling for responses. I can tell you with great certainty that it is not safe to drink from the rivers/springs. if you love the water just buy a 20 dollar filter that fits on top of your water bottle and knock yourself out. it may save you thousands for a hospital stay getting over bloody foul diarrhea. i see beavers up and down the river all the time right where you are talking about drinking from. hence the "beaver fever" post earler. past results are not an indicator of future performance as the stupid mutual fund commercials say (as it pertains to) the "i haven't gotten sick yet argument." and as for the "you drink water every time you swim" argument, you have a much greater chance of fighting off a small amount of a bacteria/virus/protozoan than a larger amount. there is always a threshhold of the amount of orgamisms it takes to get you sick. that is why generally people don't get sick from swimming. I say generally b/c when water is heavily contaminated people do get sick simply from swimming in it (read lake of the ozarks and their e-coli problems) and when i say "ecoli problems" read "someone elses or animals S@#$ inside your body. it takes something like 1-3 cholera "germs" to make you deathly ill. keep that in mind. it doesn't take very much of the wrong stuff to be wishing you didn't drink from that pretty little spring that drips out of the rocks.
  13. Agreed a second downstream horn would be great much needed on the norfork at ackerman.
  14. please email me if this boat is available. aaronlmills@hotmail.com
  15. I have a Jet motor only keeping my boat. e-mail me if you are interested. Motors like this are much harder to find than the boats aaronlmills@hotmail.com
  16. Will send as many people your way as I can.
  17. Hazard cleared thank you J. Mckee and crew!
  18. every time i catch a carp or a sucker, i have that is it a huge BROWN no its a carp/sucker moment. Not really disappointment, but they feel so heavy it gets your juices flowing for sure. Great Fish sounds well earned! I would've written the post as if i was targetting carp exclusively, but I have no shame.
  19. Unless something has changed since Sunday, there is quite a large tree mating with Mckee Bridge. It looks very dangerous. If you have a larger boat (ie drift boat) definitely put in below Mckee (you are probably smart enough to know you couldn't float under the bridge anyway). if you have a boat you can carry, then you can portage around, but pull out before the riffle above the bridge. once you get into the riffle above the bridge the water is very strong and there really isn't anywhere to take out. Also, Patrick is impassible due to high water, also. From Mckee to Blair was clear just VERY fast. And, no im not giving out false info to keep some water to myself Be safe and good fishing! --Aaron
  20. now 1700
  21. '99 Yamaha 25HP Motor with Jet Lower Unit. This Motor Runs Great but my current boat doesnt work with a jet. $1850 aaronlmills@hotmail.com or message me here
  22. probably too late to help, but a two day fishing float from hebron to patrick is quite a long way. you will have to fish little and paddle a lot. you might cut that down some and take out at kelly ford if you like to focus on the bronzebacks, or put in at kelly and float to james in two days of hard fishing to focus on the trout. i dont know anything about spin tackle fishing.
  23. i found a flybox around mckee bridge last weekend if anyone is missing one. i dried out the flies and they are in good shape. aaron
  24. great blog! i was curious what days you were fishing.
  25. I have only managed to pull a few smaller bows on nymphs here after fishing pretty often over the last few weeks. Last time out, i finally got a more consistent bite on smaller golden stones and smaller princes. I had tried a PT also given most of the nymphs I see on the rocks are goldens and about size 16 mayfly nymphs. the sulphers are coming off pretty consistently in the evening but i havent seen much fish activity with it. even fishing yellow soft hackles and PT droppers before/during the hatch didn't pull anything really. real early and real late are about the only times im hooking up much. if anyone else has figured out any sort of pattern lately id be interested. aaron
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