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Everything posted by DavidF.

  1. Sounds like you had a great time in Co. I'm allways intrested in finding places to go in Co. I usually fish the Rio Grande from Creede down to SouthFork. I had to cancel my trip to Taneycomo this week. Hope to bump into you at LIR sometime this fall/winter. I'll be up there on a photography job as soon as I'm free. Good luck fishing, DavidF.
  2. I'm also waiting for better conditions. One of my buddies lives less than 1 mile from river and has only caught stripers and catfish lately. Zach ---I bet you had a blast in CO. Where at in Co where you? I 'll be heading to Taneycomo the week of the 13-19. I can hardly wait. DavidF.
  3. I have fished at Lake Fork 3 times. It's an awesome BIG bass lake. Lots of creeks, points and TIMBER. Definitely should be on every bass chasers list of places to fish. The last time I went there were quite a few flyfisher persons in float tubes fishing the edges of timber lines along the creek channels. The water was 40 feet deep and the bass were suspended in that timber and hitting deerhair bassbugs. I didn't catch a trophy but had my 7' heavy action worm rod bent double more than once only to have my 20lb Big Game line snapped several times. If I go this year I'll be taking my 8wt and some heavy leaders. Edited for typo. DavidF.
  4. I read them here. Thanks for posting them.
  5. Nice catch. My brothers pond is slowly warming up. I caught 2 bass and 1 bluegill the other day.
  6. More replies than I thought. I play a Strat and a LP into a couple different amps. I struggle on my acoustics. I always liked guitar driven music mostly blues and classic rock. I have to divide my time between flytying and guitar playin'. Alot of people complain about an LP's weight. My heaviest LP only out weights my heaviest Strat by 1lb. I wish I had a Tele for that country twang. Anyway Thanks for the replies, DavidF.
  7. How many guitar players do we have here? I've been learning for about 4 years now. I play a few songs and entertain my granddaughters.
  8. I will use my check to finance atleast a 4 day trip to Taneycomo. See ya!
  9. I tie woolly buggers as large as 2/0 for bass, sand bass,and stripers. those are usually in white, black, red and chartreuse. For trout my goto WB is a #12 in light olive or brown. Most are tied weightless but often weighted with copper or lead wire. In the smaller sizes I tie the maribou tail sparse.
  10. I wish I could have attended and got in on the fish catchin'. Theres lots of part time work for me since the ice storm. DavidF.
  11. I too would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. DavidF.
  12. Thank goodness for sunshine today. I lost power Tues. morning about 06:30 am when an old oak tree took out powerline. One of the conductors broke and shorted to ground sending my electric blanket into afterburner mode. The alarm on the CO detector and smoke alarm woke me up. Smelling smoke I quickly pulled on jeans and shoes and ran outside in freezing rain only to realize house wasn't on fire. Returning inside I shut off all breakers to house. Finally the fuseable link on powerpole blew. Power was restored on Sat. afternoon. I now appreciate the old floor furnace in this house at least I still had heat. Other than tree damage I lost a TV, the electric blanket and about $300 worth the food in refridgerator. I spend Saturday hooking up generators in the neighborhood where my folks live. They went 8 days without power. The clean up is now underway. Of the trees I lost 3 were very old pecan trees. I'm saving that wood for all the meat I'll smoke this summer. Sorry for the long post. I can't wait to go fishin'. DavidF.
  13. It's really bad here in central Oklahoma. This is our third day of freezing rain and sleet. Over 500,000 without electricity. One highschool burned to the ground this morning. Auto accidents too numerous to count along with 15 fatalities. The devestation is unreal. It will take weeks to clean up the tree limbs just in my yard. Batteries are in short supply or sold out, and generators are getting scarce. Stores and gas stations closed. I hope everyone else is safe and warm. DavidF.
  14. Nice fish pic's. I can't wait until my next trip to Taneycomo. Thanks DavidF.
  15. Most of the ones I landed were in the slot although I landed 1 rainbow at 20 inches. I did lose 2 larger ones trying to get them in hand. I guess I need to buy a net. Next time try down around the boat ramp. Not as crowded and it was fishable during generation and even better after the water has gone down. Have you ever fished the flatwater just downstream of Mar-Val's boundry? It ought to be good for streamers and wet flies. I caught a couple of 10 inchers there once on a Mosquito. The water was real low, about knee deep. I may not make it to LIR until 12/08 due to holiday and deer season unless it's during the week. I might be free this Saturday but it's kinda iffy. DavidF.
  16. Thanks for the info. I would enjoy the company. I'll PM you ahead of time. I used to have a few favorite spots on the LIR. I have several fly rigs, the problem is I can only tote one at a time on the river. I met you up at Taneycomo and hope I didn't wearout my welcome. I took you advise and registered on the OAF. DavidF.
  17. Over the years I've bass fished in tourney's, crappie fished,and catfished, chased white bass and stripers.Even thou I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world I noticed that fishing was akin to a four letter word "WORK". I started flyfishing after inheriting a flyrod and reel when I was 20yrs old. After hooking and landing my first fish with it I felt that flyfishing was the most fun you could have with your clothes on. I still fish with the other hardware on ocassion but for the pure simplicity and enjoyment of the sport of fishing it's the flyrod and a simple fly that makes me happy. DavidF.
  18. How's the fishing? I haven't been to LIR in a few years. I bet It's changed. I'll try go get up there in a week or 2. Thanks DavidF.
  19. I got to fish Taneycomo in October and wanted to say what great time I had. Caught a number of fish (i forgot how many), lost a few more and went thrualot of flies. I also met alot of nice friendly people on and off the water.I'm looking forward to my next visit(I'll warn ya first). DavidF.
  20. Greetings everyone, I'm David Fitzgerald from Midwest City,Ok. I'm retired and have been fly fishing for about 30yrs and tying for about 10yrs. I'm not an expert just a guy who loves to fish. I browsed the OAF about 6 months prior to a fly fishing trip to Tanneycomo in October (I had a blast). I hope to participate in the forums as often as possible and would like to thank everyone on the OAF for their hints, tips, and bits of wisdom. DavidF.
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