Hello folks, I'd like to introduce myself...you will see me around as Omaha Willie. So, yep, I'm from Omaha but am a displace Kansan (all you folks from Missouri can insert your favorite joke/expletive here)...my first 'real' experience bass fishing was when my then new father-in-law took me on a fishing trip at T-Rock in 1990. 5 days of fishing spooks and yamamoto grubs for spots and a few largemouths. needless to say, I also was 'hooked'.
The majority of my fishing is done here in the Omaha Metro area on the local lakes (less than 250 acres, typical) for highly pressured bass in moderately stained waters. 20-30 fish days are 'reasonably' common, but big fish (over 20 inches) are much more difficult to come by...in 10 years I've personally seen 3.
My background is a fisheries degree. All that entails is that I can remember a few genus species names of certain fish. I've certainly seen/learned over the years that nothing beats time on the water and time on the water spent with folks who know what they're doing.
In lieu of 'time on the water with smarter folks than I' the net is the next best thing. Please be patient as I pepper/pester you all with more questions than your average 2-year old...
For the record (I'm all too aware of the rep Nebraskans have, both for fishing and football) I am a dedicated Catch/Release advocate. The local club (non-affiliated) to which I belong conducts 'paper' tournaments.
Omaha Willie