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Omaha Willie

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Everything posted by Omaha Willie

  1. Good question. I;m up here in NE and have a favorite little silt retention pond that I fish in early spring. It gets down to about, maybe, 10 foot at deepest. there's an old creek channel that snakes through it (more like a wash) but it's mostly silted in...still, on the north end, the fish gang up off the first 'drop'...usually find them in 4-6 foot of water just off the 3 foot flat on the north end. I've done very well with a 3.5 inch husky jerk (like clown, have also had some success with silver)...fished VERY slow ... a cast should take minutes to retrieve...and 'jerks' are slight...just enough to get the bait to 'flash' Also very successful using small jigs such as bitsy bugs and terminators with pork trailers (small)...and often, find a 4" spider grub is the ticket as well. Always use scent (no substitute for REAL CRAW)... that's the way I roll...
  2. I do like to use predominantly Trilene XL (so that makes me 'old school', cheap, or stoopid, I guess)...spool up with fresh line each spring. Going to try Fireline this year (with flourocarbon leaders) to see how much of a difference it makes. Thinking that I'll probably 'spool' the fireline and reload it once/twice a year...but that may be foolish... To date, I've never been outfished by the folks using the superlines (braids/flourocarbons, etc)...but there'll certainly come a day...
  3. Senkos are very, very good baits. I rig them 'texas' style with no weight. Bait works best just falling and then being dead-sticked. Some folks I know also put a small bullet weight on the nose...the key to this bait is the 'wag/shimmy' as it falls. also, if you're a drop shot fan, might consider looking at drop-shotting the 3-inch version (rigged wacky)...that's been known to be quite succesful an approach. Another favorite softbait of mine is the skirted, twin tail grub. Green pumpkin, Dark Melon Bass Pro XPS stuff. Know down there Chompers get the nod, but I prefer the softer texture fished on a Bobby Garland Rocker-style head...
  4. Thanks for all the good help and responses. Bill, I will let the bass go as you suggest...as for the cats, I'll let them go as well...what I was looking for was any info on the cats in terms of rod/reel opportunities...still looking for that big flathead photo opportunity.... Thanks again and best regards, Kurt
  5. Posted this on the main site...obviously wasn't 'astute' enough to find this forum, where it would fit best... Will be spending a whole week at the Rock this summer (week of June 22nd)...down at Hickory Hollow sough of Viola on the Kings River arm. A number of years ago, a friend and I found good numbers of 'average' fish 15 inches or so) staged for pre-spawn (okay, it was late April) in Big Hollow. I have a small boat (16 foot, 72 inch beam, 40hp) and limited range... do I want to fish this area? or plan on trailering somewhere else? I've fished the Shell Knob area from the bridge over to Campbells point in past years (5+ years ago)... Just looking for advice/direction on locations and techniques typical to location/time of year. Primary species targeted: bass (spotted/largemouth) Secondary: cats...any thoughts/discussion on flatheads that time of year? Thanks for the consideration and sharing of thoughts. Kurt
  6. Will be spending a whole week at the Rock this summer (week of June 22nd)...down at Hickory Hollow south of Viola on the Kings River arm. A number of years ago, a friend and I found good numbers of 'average' fish 15 inches or so) staged for pre-spawn (okay, it was late April) in Big Hollow. I have a small boat (16 foot, 72 inch beam, 40hp) and limited range... do I want to fish this area? or plan on trailering somewhere else? I've fished the Shell Knob area from the bridge over to Campbells point in past years (5+ years ago)... Just looking for advice/direction on locations and techniques typical to location/time of year. Primary species targeted: bass (spotted/largemouth) Secondary: cats...any thoughts/discussion on flatheads that time of year? Thanks for the consideration and sharing of thoughts. Kurt
  7. Hello folks, I'd like to introduce myself...you will see me around as Omaha Willie. So, yep, I'm from Omaha but am a displace Kansan (all you folks from Missouri can insert your favorite joke/expletive here)...my first 'real' experience bass fishing was when my then new father-in-law took me on a fishing trip at T-Rock in 1990. 5 days of fishing spooks and yamamoto grubs for spots and a few largemouths. needless to say, I also was 'hooked'. The majority of my fishing is done here in the Omaha Metro area on the local lakes (less than 250 acres, typical) for highly pressured bass in moderately stained waters. 20-30 fish days are 'reasonably' common, but big fish (over 20 inches) are much more difficult to come by...in 10 years I've personally seen 3. My background is a fisheries degree. All that entails is that I can remember a few genus species names of certain fish. I've certainly seen/learned over the years that nothing beats time on the water and time on the water spent with folks who know what they're doing. In lieu of 'time on the water with smarter folks than I' the net is the next best thing. Please be patient as I pepper/pester you all with more questions than your average 2-year old... For the record (I'm all too aware of the rep Nebraskans have, both for fishing and football) I am a dedicated Catch/Release advocate. The local club (non-affiliated) to which I belong conducts 'paper' tournaments. Kurt Omaha Willie
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