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focused fishing

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Everything posted by focused fishing

  1. Kimberling City Area: Water, water everywhere……. Still over flood pool and the bite is beginning to transition. While there are still several fish being caught on Chompers Jerry McCutchen Spinnerbaits up on the bank on whatever cover the fish can find, better numbers of fish have begun to be taken out away from the bushes on main lake and secondary points. Flat pea gravel and mixed gravel and rock points have been the most productive from 18’ – 24’ deep with Chompers 4” smoke / pepper or salt and pepper on a ¼ oz. head fished on the bottom or green pumpkin Zoom Fish Doctors on a split shot rig. With either presentation dip the tail of the bait in chartreuse to increase visibility in the stained water. James River: Some of the warmest water on the lake is up the James River; temperatures are as much as seven degrees warmer in the James than the main lake. Some different patterns have started to emerge as the fish are moving shallower and starting seek out spawning locations. While several fish are being caught on spinnerbaits, the best bite has been on points adjacent to spawning coves using a combination of split shot rigs and jigs. While several fish have been caught on main lake points, better quality fish are coming on secondary points further back into the creeks directly in front of spawning pockets. A variety of baits have been effective on a split shot rig; lizards, fish doctors, french fries and baby brush hogs in watermelon or green pumpkin have been tough to beat. Brown / purple flash and green pumpkin / candy flash 5/16 Jewel Spider jigs with green pumpkin Hyperflex Grubs have also been working on these points, a hop and drop retrieve is the most effective. White River: The bite up the White has been a little different than the rest of the lake; plenty of fish are being caught on Chompers grubs on main lake and secondary points just like in the Kimberling area, the split shot rig has also been effective, the spinnerbait bite is also a viable alternative from Baxter to Eagle Rock. The Kings River has warmer water then most of the lake and fish are starting to group on points close to spawning coves, split shot and Carolina rigged lizards and baby brush hogs are catching both numbers and quality on these points. A few fish have been caught on shallow crankbaits in and around the trash in the back of spawning pockets as well, look for areas with fresh water running in and groups of shad to be the most productive. Dam / Branson Area: The best bite on the lower lake has been outside of the bushes and trees on flat gravel points. Chompers’ 4” single tail grubs in smoke / pepper and salt and pepper have been very effective for both numbers and quality. Position your boat in 24’ – 31’ of water, make casts to the edge of the bushes, allow the bait to fall on a semi-slack line , then retrieve (scrub) the bait along the bottom back to the boat. Pay close attention to the bait as it falls next to the bushes, there are still fish suspended in the bushes and a number of bites will come as the bait falls. There is a topwater bite starting to emerge in the dam area as well, while not a consistent pattern, it is a good idea to have a spook or Sammy handy when fish begin to surface. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  2. Trav, The USCG license expires every 5 years unless you renew. If you allow your license to expire you are required to re-take the test. I think Phill is talking about his application expiring, once you apply you have a give period to take the test or you have to re-apply. The application can take up to 3 months to complete. Clear as mud....... EP
  3. Thanks Bill! Now that they've shut most of the water off that should answer the question for a while.
  4. Hey Bill, My phone has been ringing off the hook as well seems like more this year than usual, not sure if it is gas prices or the high water but dang.... Anyway you have every right to vent, you and Phil do a great job with this site and if a guy can't put a pattern together with all of the info shared on this site maybe they should take up golf. Of course then they'd be trying to call Tiger...... See ya Tuesday! EP
  5. echo, The biggest concern is a launch area up the James. The last time I checked the only ramp available was the north ramp at Aunts Creek, but you'll be launching from the parking lot. As of a week ago there was a clearing line around Campers' Point but I'm sure that has changed. The bite is the same up the James, spinnerbait, shallow crankbait and have heard of some floating worm fish where the water is clear. I would start around the Aunt's creek are and work up looking for a little bit clearer water (1' of visability or better)
  6. Great post Bill, you hit the nail on the head. I guided instead of fishing Heartland this w/e and one of my clients asked how much weight I thought it would take to win on Sat. Told him 20 + pounds, then he asked why we weren't catchem' like that...... as he tossed one of my spinnerbaits 15' feet deep into the brush. He quickly changed the subject.....
  7. Kimberling City Area: First let me apologize for the lack of reports over the past couple of months, I have been extremely busy with off the water projects and when you combine that with guiding there just haven’t been enough hours in the day to sit down and write any reports. O.K. now the good news, the mid-lake area is on fire, water is up almost 20’ feet and dropping and the fish have finally acclimated to the high water. The best bite by far is on a spinnerbait, white and chartreuse or all chartreuse with painted willow leaf blades is the ticket. Personally I prefer the new Jerry McCutchen spinnerbait from Chompers, ½ oz. chartreuse / white with two chartreuse willow blades. Look for banks that are fairly open to be the best to fish; get in behind the brush and cast to anything you can see in the water. Most of the fish are coming from the bank out to about 10’ deep. James River: The James has been very productive as well, the color is starting to clear and there are a couple of bites starting to develop. The best bite is still a spinnerbait, same pattern as in the Kimberling City area. In addition, several fish were caught over the weekend on a shallow crankbait; Lucky Craft R.C. 1.5 & 2.5 in chartreuse / black has been the best color, just like the spinnerbait, hold the boat in 6’ – 10’ of water and hit everything use see with the crankbait to e successful. The floating worm bite is starting to heat up as well, if the wind ever quits blowing this will become a very strong pattern, match the worm to the water color, dirtier the water bright the worm. White River: The clearest water on the lake is in the White River, all of the water coming out of Beaver has pushed the dirty water to beyond the mouth of the Kings. Just like the rest of the lake a spinnerbait is the ticket right now, same pattern but use white and shad colors seem to be a little more productive in the clear water. Have spoken to a couple of anglers that have been doing very well on weightless Senkos and Floating worms in the backs of creeks and big pockets out of the wind. This is a target specific pattern; you will need to throw the bait at something (bush, tree, lawn ornament, etc...) to be successful. I can’t emphasis enough the importance of hitting the cover with whichever bait you choose, I caught two fish off of one wood pile (yes, a pile of firewood) on Friday both over thee pounds. Dam / Branson Area: The lower end of the lake has had the toughest fishing, spinner baits are still king but the fish don’t seem to have moved to the bank in the dam area like they have on the rest of the lake. Most of the fish are being taken on the outside edge of the bushes near the old bank line; in addition you will need to slow roll the spinner bait through the bushes to draw strikes. Further up Long Creek the bite is similar to the Kimberling City area and James River, Chompers McCutchen spinnerbaits and Lucky Craft R.C. series crankbaits have been effective on flat shallow points.
  8. Just an FYI: Humminbird will be holding a seminar on their new electronics including sidefinder next Tuesday 4/15 @ 6:00 pm at Bill's Marine in Monett. Free admission, come out and learn from their pro-staff and sales rep. Bill's Marine is south of Monett on HWY 37, call 417-235-6078 for more info
  9. It is clearing but on Sunday the visability was about 4"- 12" depending on which side of the lake you were on. It is really a matter of changing colors and sizes of grubs in dirtier water, just like any other bait. Go with brighter colors and a little larger grub when the water is dirty. Phil, I am a bass fisherman, don't know nothin bout no goggle eye
  10. Goggle Eye, we don't need no stinkin' goggle eye....
  11. While we didn't have as many fish check these two out from the dam area on Sunday: Right around 5lbs Right around 4lbs Just like Bill said swim that grub boys, both of these came on a milky salt and pepper 4" grub on a 1/4 oz. head fished on the bottom near the old bank line. Beth McKee caugh the big one and out did her husband Ray, He had to buy her a tee shirt...... Thanks, EP BTW, pay no attention to what is in the background..............
  12. Very well put Bill. Welcome to the forum Jackie. EP
  13. Congratulations to Ozark Anglers for winning Best Fishing Related Website in the first annual Tourney Awards on Tournament Fishing Radio. Congrats Phil, the site is awsome you won in a landslide.
  14. Was up the Kings on Sunday, Muddy Mess ran to just short of the AR line to find "clear" water, if your going take your time there is still a ton of debris in the water. Mangaged 2 bites on a jig in the clearer water keeper and one that pulled off. Got back to the Viola ramp and couldn't get to the ramp, all of the debris had it locked in. Dropped my partner off and had to put it on the trailer at Shell Knob. Found 47.6 water temp up the river but the bite was nothing to get excited about. It's got to get better, the fish gotta eat(?)!
  15. David, The fish should be in a post spawn by the first w/e in May (with this weather who knows for sure). Look for most of the fish to be realting to points and drops near spawning areas, split shot rigs, spider jigs and shaky heads would be the top three presentations. Also, have a top water handy first thing in the morning, spook or red fin, watch for shad being busted and work the either lure in and around the bait. Red fin is a great big fish post spawn bait on Table Rock, should be prime time. Hope this helps, EP
  16. Coyote, That wouldn't be my first choice but I have caught a few on the swings toward the back of big indian, the water is usually a little too clear to be really effective. The best locations on the lower end of the lake would be up Long Creek around Cricket Creek. Don't get me wrong, you can catch a few in the creeks on the lower end; big & little indian, big cedar, jakes branch, beardsley, spring branch, etc.., but your not going to experience the best wiggle wart action the lake has to offer. If your limited to the clear water of the lower end your best bet is to fish on banks being "crushed" by the wind. Once the water warms a little I will be seeking out the wiggle wart bite and will post the best areas on my reports. Good Luck. EP
  17. Water temps 45 - 55 degrees, open (no docks blocking your path) 45 degree chunk rock or channel swing banks. Put your boat in 6' - 10' of water and parallel the bank. You want the wart to be "chewing up" the bottom throughout the retreive. Dirty / stained water is usually more productive and wind helps. the best areas tend to be in the bigger creek arms and up the rivers. Color of the bait is pretty simple; brown crawdad and firetiger in the dirtiest water, green crawdad, phantom green and phantom brown in the clear or stained water. Hope this helps, EP
  18. Bassmandan, I agree with Don, 4" is best day in day out but bring the 5" ones to the lake in the heat of summer and throw it weightless around laydowns and logs in the backs of the major creeks and up the rivers. Just pitch it next to the wood and wait, some big fish in that skinny water, they will pick it up and swim off with it. great way to pick up a kicker from June - September.
  19. Fisherman, You fopund 46 - 49 degree water? That's awsome let's hope this cold front and the 2' feet of snow they are predicting (hee, hee, hee) doesn't cool it back down. With the water that warm throw the wart till your arm falls off! Thanks, for the report. EP
  20. We've got a few brand new Megaware Keelguards for sale. 8' (will fit up to a 21' boat) White or Black, brand new in the packaging with instructions and all application supplies. Retail price $169.00, while they last $100 plus shipping. Email questions to focused.fishing@yahoo.com Thanks, EP
  21. It's not the just the Rock, it is tough all over right now guys. Two fish 4.45 lbs. won a 35 boat event at LOZ over the w/e. A couple of smaller tournaments on Pomme and Stockton had 1 or no fished weighed in. Come on warm weather and sunshine!!!!!!! See ya on the water, EP
  22. Tourney is tommorrow! Sunny highs in the upper 50's! Ahoy's ramp behind the Kimberling Inn, we will start taking entries at 5:30 am, take off at 7:00am. Come on out and help raise some money for Matthew Shearer's family. BTW, Matt's doctors have discontinued chemo treatments, his prognosis is not good.
  23. Just a Reminder: Rescheduled benefit tournament for Matthew Shearer's Family is this Sunday, 7am - 3pm, out of Ahoy's (behind the Kimberling Inn). $100 entry, optional $20 big bass 70% payback. Pay at the Ramp only. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate if the weatherman is right. Thanks, See Ya there!
  24. 5/16 oz. Jewel Pro Spider Jig PB&J w/ green pumpkin Hyperflex trailer Can be fished around docks, laydowns, drug on points and flats works from 1'-40' Green pumpkin fish doctor on a split shot rig Number one spring bait for me, on beds off beds, pre or post spawn from the bank to 40' Robo Worm Aaron's Magic 6" worm on a drop shot rig My number one bait when fishing deep, chose the 6" so I can shorten it if need be.
  25. Have to agree with Phil, mid April through mid May is best, the fish are shallow and you will catch numbers as well as having a chance at a big fish. Besides, the smallmouh bite like trained pigs that time of year! Keep an eye on this site for the reports before you come down.
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