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focused fishing

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Everything posted by focused fishing

  1. I'll join the chorus on this one, I have had limited success using a swimbait on Table Rock as well. The few fish I've caught have come from isolated tree tops on a Storm weighted swimbait, a few good fish but for the most part small keepers. Tried the big soft bodies, hollow bodies and even a few hard baits but haven't been able to put togeher a solid pattern as to where and when. I know there are a few guys out there that have done well with the baits, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, EP
  2. Agreed, had enough of clodwater. BTW Clod, Thanks for the PM, when do you plan on posting using your new handle?
  3. Hey rps, sorry no pics of the smallmouth, but here are some from last weeks whitebass extravaganza
  4. Well Said. Not sure if he's the world's biggest, but he is in the running
  5. Pretty sure I speak for the majority of posters on this site:[ If you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, just don't post. This isn't around the lake or any of the other "troll happy" boards. Believe it or not people here actually want to help one another, a concept that is most likely beyond you. I'm sure if I'm wrong they will let me know.
  6. Zack, As far as Beaver, Table Rock, Taneycomo and Bull Shoals are concerned the Coast Guard issues and regulates licenses. I believe Phil posted their website earlier in this thread, as far as enforcement the Coast Guard is also responsible.
  7. I know everyone was complaining about the post front conditions late last week but I really didn"t struggle too much. Don"t know why I was so lucky, but I guided 7 of the last 8 days and only struggled with whites. On Tuesday we had an unbelivable day on whites, Wednesday more of the same, Thursday the whites never came up but it was cloudy and windy and we caught smallmouth and largemouth on windy banks (a perfect rainy windy day) on bandit 100's, spinnerbaits and grubs, Friday the whites never came up but we caught smallmouth and KYs on a drop shot 22' - 35' deep on the bottom on pea gravel points, Saturday, Sunday and Monday the smallmouth moved up shallow and ate a jig really well. The biggest thing I can point to is water temp. most of the lake is in the high 70's and low 80's, I think the fish are moving up like they would in late September. Plus the water has some color in it, in the Kimberling area we had about 6' - 8' of visablitiy and maybe 10' down by the dam. Don't know why but this past week TR has been really good to me
  8. Same story at the dam Bill. Took out Charlie King and his girl friend Melissa for a split day (1/2 Table Rock & 1/2 on Taney). Found a few whites near Emerald point, they just really didn't stay up for long. Switched up and started throwing Jewel football and spider jigs on points and caught a bunch of smallies including several keepers and a couple pushing 3.5 lbs. Put it on the trailer at 10:30 and headed to Taney, caught about 10 smaller rainbows in the first hour and then they kicked on four generators. It was a slobberknocker for the rest of the trip drifting with crawlers and Gulp eggs. Several fish over 14" including a dandy 18" bow Melissa caught. Great day, great weather and awsome clients.
  9. The White River is considered a navigable water way by the US Coast Guard, if they are using a boat they should be licensed. Taking out firends, family and business associates (clients, sponsors, etc...) is not an issue even if they slip you a little money for gas.....or a candy bar or water. As I understand it, taking individuals out for hire without merchant mariner certificate is a violation that carres a $15,000 fine. Scheduling trips without one carries another $15,000 fine. Ask the guys up at Lake of the Ozarks that got busted last year. Documentation of sea service for a six pack license is a pretty grey area. They accept registration of your boat(s) and your word as proof enough. No games to begin
  10. Probably over a hornets nest on this board but........... Aparently there has been a rash of unlicensed guides on Table Rock this summer. If you guide on the White River chain you are required to have a Coast Guard license. I was with another guide on a trip Friday and we observed someone being paid a fee to take people fishing. When asked the "guide" stated he didn't need a license and took off. The other guide called the Coast Guard and turned in the boat numbers of the "guide". The Coast Guard mentioned they had a number of complaints on Table Rock, including this boat number, and would be investigating. If you guide on the White River chain you need to have a license
  11. Bill, There still they've moved out deeper and the schools are broken up. Had a half day yesterday and a full today. Yesterday and today caught some good smallmouth and KY's from 6' - 12' on Jewel Spider jigs and 3" tubes from Kim City to point 5 until about 10:30. Moved out deeper to follow and found the whites, suspeneded at 25' - 30' over 35' - 60' on pea gravel roll offs. From 10:30 to 2:00 today we had about 40 and cleaned 25 all on white 1/2 oz. spoons. Yesterday we were moving from one point to another and they were in the same spot managed about 15 in 40 minutes until they broke up. Haven't seen them surface in the last two days but the shallow smallmouth have made up for it. the schools of whites have been much smaller but big enough when you get them going you can catch 10 - 15 in short order. Out of State Park in the morning see if it follows suit down there.
  12. Update: The Tournament will be 9/27/09 from 6:30 - 3:00 Entry Fee $120 Paying Back 1 in 7 boats Entry Forms will be available at Ozarks Bait and Tackle (Jerry Snider's store in Kimberling City) and other tackle stores or call 343-2245 for more locations. Mail in deadline will be 9/15 Cash only accepted at the ramp. A TON of draw prizes have been donated including: battery charges, WileyX Sunglasses, Shimano rod and reel, binoculars and much more. T-shirts are also being made and can be ordered on the entry form. The family is also taking donations David Beezley Memorial Fund 907 W. Turnberry Ozark, MO 65721 Thanks and hope to see you all ther. EP
  13. Hey Bluffboy, $30 - $50 is plenty, it should vary depending on gas prices. Right now $30 is enough. I've fished on the front deck for years and always appreciate it when the co-angler offers gas money either at the meeting or at the start of the day. If they don't offer I never asked. Alot of times I wouldn't take any money of we didn't make a long run, but everyone is different and in a different situation. You'll always be safe to offer before the tournament in my mind. Hope to see you at some Central Pro Am's next year. EP
  14. Yea, I'm no expert on Taney that's Phil's gig. But I have noticed over the past couple of years that if there is no generation you have to use two pound fluoro to get more bites.
  15. brbf, I guided on Taney on Sunday, we had 28 fish and 8 over 14", all rainbows. Most came on 1/2 nightcrawler on what I use as a drift rig (Small weight carolina rig 24" to 36" leader), you had to inject some air into the crawlers to get bit. Four pound main line and two pound fluorocarbon leader. All of the fish were on the channel side of the lake from just above Monkey Island to Short Creek. They weren't jumping in the boat and the bite was very light but we managed to catch quite a few fish. As far as bass are concerned on Taney, I can't help you there haven't been bass fishing on Taney for about two months. Hope this helps, EP
  16. Ahh Wrench... Glad to see you could attempt one more dig before ya said Peace, nice.... For the record this was the last five days for me: Friday: Guided out of Cape Fair 1/2 day - not bad, around 25 fish I think 6 or 8 keepers Saturday: T director for KAST Kid's Tournament out of Ahoy's - good time was had by all - No trip due to duty to KAST and the kids Sunday: 1/2 Day on Taneycomo, 28 fish, 8 over 14" that were taken home by my clients Monday: Trip was rained out (most of my posts were on Monday) Tuesday: Day off to get work done around the house, should of booked a trip but needed to get yard work done. Today: Last minute morning trip out of Aunt's Creek, 28 fish 9 keepers How, where, when? Maybe later when I'm done being a Rock-On boy...... But your right, we Rock-On boys spent the weekend posting....... D B See Ya!!!!!!! EP
  17. I'm not upset......I mean...it's not like you pulled into one of my "SPOTS"..... In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny "Ah, your brother blows bubble gum!"
  18. Ya know I looked over my comments, Don's, Bill's, Phil's and Joe's, seemed the negativity, name calling and us vs. them came from the other side, ColdWaterFshr, FlyFish69, et al. But, I'm obviously bias Ozark Trout Fisher, I fully expect my clients to use the patterns and techniques I show them, heck if they tell me they are going to fish the rest of the week on their own I will show them more locations to fish if we don't have time to fish them. As for this thread in the words of George Castanza: "I just think he should let the conversation end on it's own volition"
  19. Well put Tim If while making my point I have offended anyone I apologize. I am a bit sarcastic at times (yea, I know your all shocked) and if my sarcasm is taken as an insult, again I apologize. We guides have taken a beating from some of the folks here, if ya notice a few have stopped posting because of it. And it has been a topic of conversation between us. One last note, if you have a problem with something I post (comment, report, etc..). PM me don't complain to Bill. EP
  20. Wow Jeff, Where do I send the check for your incredible analysis? Thank you for the skirt, whine, naieve and feel sorry for me comments. Did you get every insult you wanted in? If not you can in your reply. Apparently it did ruin your day if your still talking about a guide that moved you off your spot. Don't look to close in the mirrror you may see yourself in that skirt.... Don nailed it: To you Pros and Guides are whiners and this is a waste of time Stone 9-7=2 : We have a winner!
  21. Good suggestions Joe... I still think there is something missing though..... A system where people let others pay for a product or service they want, then reap the benefit of the work and payment of others ....... I know there is a name for it....argggg......it's right on the tip of my tongue.......argggg.........where's my duct tape...... my head is going to explode......
  22. Hey Vince, I've only been out at night a couple times in the past two week but typical baits and presentations have been working. Big worms on bluff ends, big football jigs on rocky points and topwaters at dusk. The lake came up a couple of feet last w/e and the fish have been shallower than usual so you should be able to catch 'em in 5' - 15' of water. Good luck, EP
  23. 'This happens everyday on lots of bodies of water and 90% of the people it happens to are NOT guides." Yep, happens even more when there is a rod bent in the boat. You guys are great....... "We only get a limited time to enjoy our fishing habits and you guys spend everyday doing something you enjoy." That's the best justification I've heard so far to crowd a guide or anyone off a spot. "....just smile and head off around the corner knowing that the SPOT you left is one of many on the lake holding fish...." Yea, darn it your a guide you know where the fish are, now move and let me catch those and you can go to another spot! "I content with these same folks on my too far and few between weekend trips and have learned to accept it and I suggest you should......" Dude, I contend with it everyday..... doesn't make it right.... You all keep saying the guides on here should shut up and stop complaining, The title of this thread is Replying to a Strange Email. Bill got a complaint from one of you fine folks that Don and I had made mention of folks following and moving in on us on the water. We responded and all hell broke loose You'd like us to shut up, no problem..... you may well get your wish sir Outstanding....
  24. Good post Joe! I would add one thing, there are a couple of things you can do to determine how deep you are dropping your bait: If the angler in the front of the boat tells you how deep the fish count how long he is dropping his before stopping it, then do the same. If you ar using a 3/ 8 or 1/2 oz. weight your rig will drop approx. 2' per second, simpl count down to the depth that the fish are holding at. This has helped many a co-angler in the back of my boat. EP
  25. No, no, no just over reached a little and got caught out of position, hard to set a hook with your head up your ..........
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