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focused fishing

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by focused fishing

  1. Speaking as a former baby I'm offended by your comment.......... "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. " -Carl Sandburg "It is always a silly thing to give advice, but to give good advice is fatal. " -Oscar Wilde "Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated." - Robert S. McNamara, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Anyway......maybe I'm a little edgy.....gave up smokin' a couple of weeks ago... EP
  2. O.K. let me get this straight......... As a guide when I post (free) information on this site I need to be specific to location, baits, depth, structure, cover and people that witness me catching fish within the last three days or my report is no longer welcome? Really? So if I have information from a friend or other guide that doesn't post on this site I have to identify them by name or not share that information? Really? So if I fish in the Kings river on Monday and don't post a report until Friday the information can't be posted? Really? All of this beacuse someone may have read one of my reports and not been able to exactly duplicate how I caught fish the day before? Really? Many times I can't repeat the exact same pattern in the exact same location with the exact same bait on the same day. Things change, fish move, bait moves etc...... BUT, because someone who has an unknown skill level, that has equipment that may be suspect and is fishing during unkown conditions has complained I shouldn't post a report that worked earlier in the week? Really? AHHH......... O.K........... If it's my reports causing the problems let me know. I put alot of time and effort (both on and off the water) into my reports if they have caused Bill or anyone else problems I apologize. The feedback I have recieved has been very positive, from this site and others, but if the reports are not wanted they will be discontinued on this site. Unfortunately, I do not have time to write a report everytime I guide, I work another job in the afternoon and evening and usually write my reports once a week and post them then. If that is too stale for this site ........I guess I understand. I thought the idea of this forum was to share information and experiences with other anglers, apparently I was mistaken. As to self promotion or commercial aspects of posting here; I believe I have had three or four trips from Ozark Anglers members over the past year all of which were successful and mutually enjoyable. On the other hand I have recieved and responded to over 100 e-mails and PM's requesting more detailed information or advice, none of which have I profited from. If a guide or someone posts usefull information for free on a site like this links to their website(s) in exchange for that information, it seems like a fair trade. Anyway, if you'all don't want 'em I won't post 'em. If any members would like to continue reading my reports they will continue to be available at: http://www.focusedfishing.com http://www.branson.com http://www.724outdoors.com http://www.espn1400.com Love Ya Long Time...... EP
  3. Kimberling City Area: The deep bite continues to be the most consistent pattern in the mid lake area; drop shot rigs with Chompers plum or brown / purple worms, Robo worms in Aaron’s magic, MMIII and oxblood / red are all working on pea gravel and gravel rock mixed points from 28’ – 40’ deep. Look for fish to be suspended off the bottom early and late and close to the bottom during the heat of the day. Smallmouth and a largemouth can be caught around boat docks through out the mid lake area. Eakins’ jigs and craw combos in PB&J and green pumpkin / green flash have been effective from 15’ – 25’ deep in shady areas of boat docks. James River: Points and swings are holding most of the fish I the James River. Pea gravel and mixed gravel / rock points have been producing numbers and quality fish on Carolina rigged brush hogs, lizards and salty sinkers. Look for the fish to be holding from 18’ – 30’ deep. The deep crankbait bite continues to produce as well; DD-22’s, DT-16’s and Fat Free Shad crankbaits will all produce on ledges and isolated brush or rock on points. White River: The deep bite is still very strong in the White River from the James up stream to Shell Knob. Main lake and secondary pea gravel and mixed rock / gravel points have been holding most of the fish. Look for fish to be near the bottom throughout the day and suspended early and late. When fish are suspended ½ oz. and ¾ oz. War Eagle and Bink’s spoons have been effect fished vertically and cast, if fish are locked on the bottom a drop shot rig has been much more effective. Further up stream and in the Kings River Jewel Football jigs have been much more effective, PB&J or brown / purple flash with green pumpkin J tail grubs have been effective on pea gravel and chunk rock points from 18’ – 30’ deep. Dam Area: The deep bite rules the lower end as well. Drop shot rigs, spoons and single tail grubs have been very effective on main lake and secondary points from 28’ – 50’ deep. There is also a good drop shot bite in deep tree tops in the major creek arms, look for trees that top out around 40’ deep on the creek channel or off secondary points. Texas rigged Chompers worms on a drop shot have been very effective in the tree tops. Large schools of white bass continue to school on the lower end, look for shad flipping on shallow gravel flats and cast ½ oz. spoons to catch these fish. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  4. Hey Mac, As long as you release the fish right away there is no reason to fizz them, they will go back down fine. Once they are in the live well they will need to be fizzed if they come out of 25' or deeper. Although I have seen fish that came out of 18' need to be fizzed, think they were in deeper water and came up to feed. If you put it in the live well and it floats, it probably needs to be fizzed....... or it's dead. EP
  5. 7/7/09: Kimberling City Area: The deep bite is the dominate pattern in the mid lake area. Main lake and secondary points in larger creeks are holding a good mix of spotted, smallmouth and largemouth from 25’ – 45’ deep close to the bottom. Early in the day several fish can be caught on topwaters and spoons fish over open water in these areas. As the sun move higher switch up to a drop shot rig or Jewel football jig. Use Chompers or Robo Worm drop shot worms in MMIII, Aarons Magic, brown / purple and plum. Most of the fish are holding tight to the bottom so drop the rig to the bottom, reel out the slack and pay close attention to the weight of the bait and sinker, any changes in tension signify a strike. If you prefer to throw a football jig position your boat in 35’ – 50’ of water and throw a ¾ oz. Jewel PB& J or green pumpkin / green flash and work it slowly along the bottom from 20’ – 40’ deep. James River: The James River remained stable last week, the limited amount of rain did not affect the water level or clarity and the temperature has remained in the mid to upper 80’s. Early and late there is still a decent topwater bite; spooks, sammys and pop-r’s are all productive around schooling fish. Don’t hesitate to try using a swimbait when there are schooling fish present, many times better quality fish are positioned below the smaller schoolers. Once the sun comes up move out to 30’ or deeper and cast Jewel Football jigs and Carolina rigs to main lake and secondary points. Work green pumpkin lizards and brush hogs on the rig or brown/ purple flash football jigs slowly along the bottom to draw strikes. White River: Much like the mid lake the lower portion of the White river has been dominated by the deep bite over the past week, drop shot rigs, spoons and single tailed grubs have all been effective on secondary and main lake points. Most of the fish have been coming out of 28’ – 40’ of water close to the bottom. In the major creek arms there is a decent deep bite in the trees. Look for trees that top out around 25’ on points and channel swings, the over depth is unimportant. Further up stream and in the Kings River football jigs and Carolina rigs are more important patterns. Look for fish to be on main lake and secondary points from 15’ – 30’ deep. Dam Area: The deep bite is most prevalent on the lower end of the lake; main lake and secondary pea gravel points from 25’ - 40’ deep have been very productive. Work drop shot rigged Chompers drop shot worms in plum or brown / purple or Robo Worms in Aaron’s magic, MMIII or oxblood / red along and close to the bottom to be effective. In the creek arms several large spotted bass have been caught in tree tops on secondary points and channel swings; look for trees topping out around 30’ to be the most productive. Up Long Creek there is a decent flipping bite on channel swing banks above Cricket Creek; Eakins jig and craw combos and J-Lock jigs in black / blue flash or orange craw have been effective along steep bluff walls. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  6. Kimberling City Area: The deep bite has taken over the mid lake area; drop shot rigs, spoons and grubs fished from 25’ – 45’ deep are the most consistent producers. Fish can be caught on a couple of different locations on these baits; main lake and secondary flat pea gravel points have been holding a mix of spotted and smallmouth from 25’ – 35’ deep right on or close to the bottom. Trees topping out from 25’ – 40’ deep in creek arms are also productive. Chompers and Robo worm baits in purple / brown, plum, MMIII and Aaron’s Magic are very productive on a drop shot rig right now. James River: The bite up the James River has remained steady over the past week; Jewel Football jigs, Carolina rigged lizards and brush hogs and deep crankbaits continue to be the most productive offerings. The majority of fish are coming on pea gravel and mixed gravel and rock points or ledges from 15’ – 25’ deep. Work Jewel football jig and J tail grubs in brown / purple flash or Missouri craw along the bottom paying close attention to rock piles or drops. Work Fat Free shad or DD 22 crankbaits at all angles around main lake and secondary points, pay close attention to where each fish is caught and at what angle the bait is worked as the fish tend to be schooled up on points. White River: The top water bite has slowed up the White River this past week, still a few fish being caught but they are mostly smaller non keeper spotted bass. When schooling fish are located try working spoons below the surfacing fish to catch better quality. A fast stop and go retrieve works best and most of the bites will come as the bait is falling on the pause. Carolina rigged lizards and brush hogs and Jewel football jigs continue to produce on main lake and secondary points from Baxter to Big M, look for gravel and mixed gravel / rock points near deep water to be the most productive. There has been a decent shallow crankbait bite up the Kings River on main river flats with wood cover. Throw Lucky Craft RC 1.5 or 2.5 baits in and around the cover to be productive. Dam Area: The lower end of the lake is still dominated by the deep bite. Most of the fish are coming on main lake and secondary gravel points from 25’ – 40’ deep on drop shot rigs and spoons. White ½ oz and ¾ oz spoons have been most effective early and late around schools of bait fish. Drop shot rigs with Chompers worms in plum and brown / purple, Robo worms in MMIII or Oxblood / red and Zoom finesse worms in watermelon candy or watermelon red have been very effective when fished close to the bottom on these same points. A few fish have started to show up in tree tops from 30’ – 45’ deep in the larger creek arms, these fish will strike the same baits as those on main lake points. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  7. Keep Up With Central Pro Am on Your Cell Phone Members, anglers and fans of Central Pro Am tournaments can now stay in the know via their cell phones. Pairings, results, schedules and updates are all available to the general public through a new text messaging service. Individuals can receive pairing information, tournament results and more through a text message directly to their cell phone. There is no charge or the service other than the standard messaging rates charged by the cell phone carrier. “This will be a great way for anglers and fans of Central Pro Am to keep up to date on what’s happening at CPA.” Said Jim Thompson owner of Central Pro Am. “We’ll be sending out results, pairings, lake info, and more to anyone that wants to sign up for the service. The possibilities are endless”. Sign up is easy; simply go to www.centralpro-am.com and click the cell phone on left hand side of the home page. Fill in all the blanks, follow the instructions on your cell phone and you’re done. You will automatically receive messages from CPA as they are posted. Once someone joins they can opt out at anytime and there will be a maximum of 8 messages per month from the service. “Central Pro Am continues to try innovative ways to improve the service provided to our anglers, members and fans. This new text messaging service is one in many new ways CPA will improve service to our customers.” Added Thompson. http://www.centralpro-am.com
  8. Keep Up With Central Pro Am on Your Cell Phone Members, anglers and fans of Central Pro Am tournaments can now stay in the know via their cell phones. Pairings, results, schedules and updates are all available to the general public through a new text messaging service. Individuals can receive pairing information, tournament results and more through a text message directly to their cell phone. There is no charge or the service other than the standard messaging rates charged by the cell phone carrier. “This will be a great way for anglers and fans of Central Pro Am to keep up to date on what’s happening at CPA.” Said Jim Thompson owner of Central Pro Am. “We’ll be sending out results, pairings, lake info, and more to anyone that wants to sign up for the service. The possibilities are endless”. Sign up is easy; simply go to www.centralpro-am.com and click the cell phone on left hand side of the home page. Fill in all the blanks, follow the instructions on your cell phone and you’re done. You will automatically receive messages from CPA as they are posted. Once someone joins they can opt out at anytime and there will be a maximum of 8 messages per month from the service. “Central Pro Am continues to try innovative ways to improve the service provided to our anglers, members and fans. This new text messaging service is one in many new ways CPA will improve service to our customers.” Added Thompson. http://www.centralpro-am.com
  9. Jerry, Depending on the amount of detail you would like any of the Navionics maps will work. I still use the Fishing Hot Spots Navionics and they work fine. If you would like more detail you can upgrade all the way up to platinum series. If they were available when I purchased mine I would of gotten the Platinum, but since my Hot Spots still works I'm not planning on upgrading. Hope this helps, EP
  10. Kimberling City Area: The water has warmed considerably over the last week, low to mid 80’s are common place and with forecasted air temperatures in the 90’s all week the fish will stay locked in a summer pattern for the near future. Early and late in the mid lake area topwater will still produce several fish. Spooks, sammys, pop-r’s and chug bugs have all drawn strikes from black and white bass. Look for fish chasing shad on the surface off points and flats. Once the sun comes up fish will move toward the bottom, Carolina rigged french fires and lizards and Jewel Spider or football jigs fished from 20’ – 30’ deep on pea gravel and mixed gravel points will produce. Drop shot rigged Chompers or Robo Worm baits will work on these same points from 30’ – 40’ deep. Most of the fish will be close to the bottom. James River: The bite up the James has moved deeper as well, several fish are being caught on Jewel Football jigs in brown / purple flash or orange craw either with a green pumpkin Jewel jig trailer, Carolina rigged brush hogs and lizards are also producing. Look for gravel or mixed gravel points from 20’ - 30’ deep and work either presentation slowly along the bottom to draw strikes. DD-22’s, DT-16’s and Fat Free shad crankbaits are also producing fish, look for isolated cover on points and ledges to be holding fish and make contact with the cover to draw strikes. In the major creek arms the dock bite has also turned on; Eakins’ jigs and Ultra tubes fished in the shade of walkways will produce both quantity and quality. White River: The bite in the White River has been very good over the past week. Much like the mid lake and James there is a good topwater bite early and late, as the day progresses Carolina rigs, Jewel football jigs and drop shot rigged Chompers worms are all producing. Further up the river and into the Kings there is a good jig bite developing on channel swing banks. Both major creek arms and the main lake will produce fish on the channel banks; Eakins’ jig and craw combos, Chompers ultra tubes and Lake Fork ring worms will all produce on these banks. Look for broken rock, wood cover or ledges to be holding most of the fish, bites come as the bait is falling so pay close attention to your line as the bait falls. Dam Area: The deep bite is dominating the lower end of the lake; drop shots with Chompers worms in plum or brown / purple, robo worms in MMIII, Aaron’s magic or oxblood and Zoom finesse worms in watermelon/ purple or watermelon / red will all produce fish on main lake and secondary points from 30’ – 40’ deep. Most of the fish will be on or near the bottom through out the day but you can work them up as you catch a few. Up Long Creek the Carolina rig and deep crankbait bites have started to turn on. Look for points and ledges to be holding most of the fish. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  11. Central Pro Am Anglers WILL Fish against the Best Anglers in the World Central Pro Am along with the Professional Anglers Association is pleased to announce a unique partnership in Tournament Fishing. Designed to benefit Central Pro AM anglers, the affiliation is three fold; an incentive program to reward CPA tour victories, an opportunity to fish as a team mate with a PAA Pro in the 2009 Corporate Cup and a chance for two CPA anglers to move to the highest level of angling competition by winning an expense paid birth into the 2011 PAA Tour. 2009 PAA Corporate Cup: Any CPA Member that joins the PAA prior to July 31, 2009 will be entered into a drawing to win an expense paid trip to fish the PAA Corporate Cup on Pickwick Lake in Florence, AL September 10 – 12, 2009. All CPA members in good standing that join the PAA are eligible to win. The winning anglers will be paired with a PAA Pro and fish as a team in the 100% Payback 2009 Corporate Cup. In addition to entry fees, food, fuel and lodging expenses will be paid for the winning anglers. PAA Incentive: Beginning immediately any Central Pro Am Angler that is a current member of the PAA is eligible for cash incentives for CPA tournament performance. PAA members that win CPA Pro-Am events are entitled to a $250.00 cash incentive from the PAA. The incentive is valid for Pro, Non – Boater and Team division anglers; a CPA victory equals $250 to any PAA member. Unlike incentives tied to boat or tackle manufactures, the PAA incentive is open to any PAA member fishing a Central Pro Am event. Further details are available at www.fishpaa.com . 2011 PAA Tour Qualified 2010 Central Pro Am Angler of the Year in both the Pro and Non Boater divisions will win an expense paid “ride” to fish the entire 2011 PAA Tour. To qualify anglers must be members of both Central Pro Am and the Professional Anglers Association before the start of the 2010 Central Pro Am season. The winning anglers will receive paid entry fees plus food, fuel and lodging allowances for the entire season. “We’re very excited about the opportunity it gives our anglers.” Said Jim Thompson owner of Central Pro Am. “Two of our anglers will be fishing on a national level after one year with us, it’s amazing; for a couple of CPA fishermen it will be a dream come true.” An advantage of the PAA for a regional angler is the time commitment. With three qualifying events a “working” angler can fish the tour without leaving their day job. With expenses being paid this is an affordable option for Central Pro Am members to move to the next level without endangering their home life. “This could make a couple of our anglers life long goals come true in one year” Thompson added “Two of our anglers are going to fish the PAA tour against Kevin VanDam, Skeet Reese and the rest of the best anglers in the world. This is an awesome opportunity for any regional angler wanting to move the highest level.” Details: • Anglers must be a member of Central Pro Am and the Professional Anglers association by February 28th, 2010. o Central Pro Am Membership $25 o Professional Anglers Association Membership $50 • At the completion of the 2010 CPA Season the Angler of the Year in both Pro and Non-Boater divisions will be eligible to fish the three qualifying PAA tournaments during the 2011 season. o Should either Angler of the Year not be a PAA member the next PAA member angler in line in points will receive the opportunity. • Both pro and Non – Boater winners will receive paid entry fees and funds to cover lodging, fuel and food for each event. • If either or both anglers qualify for the year end PAA Championship those anglers will receive funds to cover expenses at the championship. o PAA Championship is a no entry fee event Central Pro Am has been the proving grounds for Midwestern anglers for over 20 years. Brian Snowden, Dion Hibdon, Jim Eakins, John Sappington and others have cut their teeth in CPA before moving on to national prominence. “Central Pro Am is known for having the best anglers and best level of competition in the Midwest. Now we have a way for our anglers to show their skills on a national level after one season.” Eric Prey Tournament Director of CPA added. “One of the most exciting aspects of this program is the cost to the angler, there really aren’t any, entry fees will be paid and a generous allowance for food, lodging and fuel for every event as well.” The Professional Angler Association is the next step for professional angling; founded by anglers it is similar to the PGA in golf. The PAA puts the anglers in control of their sport not a corporation or entertainment interest, the PAA is professional angling. The PAA is comprised of Professional Bass Anglers working for a common cause; furthering the sport of bass fishing. PAA Mission Statement The PAA exists to give professional anglers a unified voice in order to aid in the growth of the sport of professional bass fishing. To administer educational programs to the average angler to increase his enjoyment of the sport, and to embrace sound conservation practices to further the future of the sport. For More information regarding the PAA visit www.fishpaa.com A unique opportunity has been given to Central Pro Am anglers, the ability to move to the highest level of competition at no cost to the angler. No where else in the sport of bass fishing can an angler move to the top level after one year of competition at no expense. The dream for a couple of Central Pro Am anglers is about to come true.
  12. Central Pro Am Anglers WILL Fish against the Best Anglers in the World Central Pro Am along with the Professional Anglers Association is pleased to announce a unique partnership in Tournament Fishing. Designed to benefit Central Pro AM anglers, the affiliation is three fold; an incentive program to reward CPA tour victories, an opportunity to fish as a team mate with a PAA Pro in the 2009 Corporate Cup and a chance for two CPA anglers to move to the highest level of angling competition by winning an expense paid birth into the 2011 PAA Tour. 2009 PAA Corporate Cup: Any CPA Member that joins the PAA prior to July 31, 2009 will be entered into a drawing to win an expense paid trip to fish the PAA Corporate Cup on Pickwick Lake in Florence, AL September 10 – 12, 2009. All CPA members in good standing that join the PAA are eligible to win. The winning anglers will be paired with a PAA Pro and fish as a team in the 100% Payback 2009 Corporate Cup. In addition to entry fees, food, fuel and lodging expenses will be paid for the winning anglers. PAA Incentive: Beginning immediately any Central Pro Am Angler that is a current member of the PAA is eligible for cash incentives for CPA tournament performance. PAA members that win CPA Pro-Am events are entitled to a $250.00 cash incentive from the PAA. The incentive is valid for Pro, Non – Boater and Team division anglers; a CPA victory equals $250 to any PAA member. Unlike incentives tied to boat or tackle manufactures, the PAA incentive is open to any PAA member fishing a Central Pro Am event. Further details are available at www.fishpaa.com . 2011 PAA Tour Qualified 2010 Central Pro Am Angler of the Year in both the Pro and Non Boater divisions will win an expense paid “ride” to fish the entire 2011 PAA Tour. To qualify anglers must be members of both Central Pro Am and the Professional Anglers Association before the start of the 2010 Central Pro Am season. The winning anglers will receive paid entry fees plus food, fuel and lodging allowances for the entire season. “We’re very excited about the opportunity it gives our anglers.” Said Jim Thompson owner of Central Pro Am. “Two of our anglers will be fishing on a national level after one year with us, it’s amazing; for a couple of CPA fishermen it will be a dream come true.” An advantage of the PAA for a regional angler is the time commitment. With three qualifying events a “working” angler can fish the tour without leaving their day job. With expenses being paid this is an affordable option for Central Pro Am members to move to the next level without endangering their home life. “This could make a couple of our anglers life long goals come true in one year” Thompson added “Two of our anglers are going to fish the PAA tour against Kevin VanDam, Skeet Reese and the rest of the best anglers in the world. This is an awesome opportunity for any regional angler wanting to move the highest level.” Details: • Anglers must be a member of Central Pro Am and the Professional Anglers association by February 28th, 2010. o Central Pro Am Membership $25 o Professional Anglers Association Membership $50 • At the completion of the 2010 CPA Season the Angler of the Year in both Pro and Non-Boater divisions will be eligible to fish the three qualifying PAA tournaments during the 2011 season. o Should either Angler of the Year not be a PAA member the next PAA member angler in line in points will receive the opportunity. • Both pro and Non – Boater winners will receive paid entry fees and funds to cover lodging, fuel and food for each event. • If either or both anglers qualify for the year end PAA Championship those anglers will receive funds to cover expenses at the championship. o PAA Championship is a no entry fee event Central Pro Am has been the proving grounds for Midwestern anglers for over 20 years. Brian Snowden, Dion Hibdon, Jim Eakins, John Sappington and others have cut their teeth in CPA before moving on to national prominence. “Central Pro Am is known for having the best anglers and best level of competition in the Midwest. Now we have a way for our anglers to show their skills on a national level after one season.” Eric Prey Tournament Director of CPA added. “One of the most exciting aspects of this program is the cost to the angler, there really aren’t any, entry fees will be paid and a generous allowance for food, lodging and fuel for every event as well.” The Professional Angler Association is the next step for professional angling; founded by anglers it is similar to the PGA in golf. The PAA puts the anglers in control of their sport not a corporation or entertainment interest, the PAA is professional angling. The PAA is comprised of Professional Bass Anglers working for a common cause; furthering the sport of bass fishing. PAA Mission Statement The PAA exists to give professional anglers a unified voice in order to aid in the growth of the sport of professional bass fishing. To administer educational programs to the average angler to increase his enjoyment of the sport, and to embrace sound conservation practices to further the future of the sport. For More information regarding the PAA visit www.fishpaa.com A unique opportunity has been given to Central Pro Am anglers, the ability to move to the highest level of competition at no cost to the angler. No where else in the sport of bass fishing can an angler move to the top level after one year of competition at no expense. The dream for a couple of Central Pro Am anglers is about to come true.
  13. Yea, Kory did the show without me last week, Alex the Intern filled in and did great. Kory called once it was done and said he felt weird, like a marriage had split up or something. I told him I get the house and he can have the kid.......
  14. Cope-e You guys are great, you sound like an old married couple.....
  15. Cope-E I'm still up for a trade anytime you are, the video game fish are biting right now. BTW, I caught 2 16" KY's at once this am on a big crankbait on one of thse roll offs, thought I had one like you catch and turned out to be 2.... Call or PM me and we'll work on the dates. EP
  16. Luke, I've got an opening on the 29th, give me a call and we can work out the details, if you haven't booked with someone else. 417-860-4743 Thanks, Eric
  17. Bill, David is correct, look for pea gravel points that fall into the main lake or creek channel. Usually the point will have a slow taper and then drop or "roll off" into the channel. Good Luck, EP
  18. Kimberling City Area: It’s finally starting to happen, water temperatures have hit the low to mid 80’s and the fish have begun to move deep. Early in the day there are still a few fish being taken on spooks, sammys and pop-rs , but once the sun gets up over the tree line the bite disappears and the fish move toward the bottom. Look for schools of shad on or near the surface to find the fish. Still catching a few fish on Carolina rigged lizards, baby brush hogs and french fries from 20’ – 25’ deep on main lake and secondary gravel and mixed gravel rock points but Jewel Football and 7/16 oz. spider jigs have really started to dominate these locations. Green pumpkin / green flash, PB&J and orange craw have been the best colors matched with a green pumpkin Jewel or Chompers jig trailer. Dragging or swimming has been the best presentation but at times hopping or stroking the jig will out produce dragging. The dropshot and spoon bite is just starting to kick in; several fish are located from 30’ – 45’ deep on main lake points use your electronics to locate the fish. James River: While not as deep as the mid lake area the fish from the lower James to around Cape Fair have moved deep as well. The most consistent patterns has been a Carolina rigged brush hog or lizard or Jewel Football jig and twin tail fished from 15’ – 25’ deep on main lake pea gravel and mixed rock and gravel points. Look for points that have deep roll offs near by. The deep crankbait bite has started to become a player from around campers point on up, roll off points and flats worked from 15’ – 20’ deep with citrus shad and lavender shad DD-22’s and DD- 16’s have been effective. Back into the creeks the dock bite has started to kick in as well; Jewel Eakins’ jig and Paca craw combos, Chompers Ultra Tubes and shaky head worms are all producing quantity and quality in shady areas around docks. White River: The White river continues to be strong, good numbers of fish are still being taken early and late on spooks, sammys and pop-rs on deep points and around standing timer in deep pockets. Once the sun comes up fish will move back to the bottom or into the trees. On points Carolina rigged lizards, baby brush hogs and fries are still performing well, Jewel football and 7/16 oz. spider jigs in brown / purple flash or PB&J with green pumpkin trailers or deep crankbaits will result in several fish. Look for points with deep water close by and make casts from different angles to cover the point effectively. Near the confluence with the James to around Big Creek the dropshot and spoon bite has started to kick in; look for fish to be schooled up on main lake and secondary points in major creeks from 28’ – 45’ deep. Dam Area: The lower end of the lake has the best deep bite on the lake; white 1/2oz and ¾ oz War Eagle and Bink’s spoons are producing numbers and good quality fish from 30’ – 45’ deep on main lake points and flats. These same locations worked with Chompers plum or brown and purple laminate dropshot worms, Robo worm MMIII and Aaron’s Magic worms and Zoom watermelon candy or watermelon red finesse worms on a dropshot rig will produce numbers and quality. The fish seem to be holding right around 28’ deep either on the bottom or suspended over deeper water, some fish will come out a little deeper but the active schools are around the 28’ mark. Up Long Creek there is still a good shallow bite on channel swing banks, Jewel J-Lock jigs and Chompers McCutchen spinner baits are producing around wood cover on main lake channel banks. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  19. I know one named Pete, but he's only here in December....
  20. Tetris! Had a full day yesterday, lost count on the number of whites we caught around Rice Camp early, caught several brown fish draggin splt shot and shakey heads to 15' till around noon, then they moved out to 20' - 25' deep on a rig and shakey. Stared at the screen for about 30 minutes with a drop shot and caught a couple but went back to dragging and caught more. I know it's dropshot time but holding out as long as I can. A couple of trips this week that I'm sure will involve the dreaded crawler bucket. EP
  21. Martin, Talked with Jamie Bryant, from Bryant Outdoors in Laurie, over the weekend. His folks live on mile marker 40(?) at LOZ. Last w/e a group of 30 - 40 cruisers and ciggarettes decided to run in a pack for about 35 mile and turn around and come back. There were damaged docks up and down the lake, his folks have a 32' Sea Ray that wound up on it's side on the lift, with the lift half sunk. They called the water patrol to file a report and were told by the officer that there were over 50 reports filed and they expect three times as many by the time the folks came down for vaction. It's just ridiculous. We're not there yet but it's getting close.
  22. Nice Report Mr. Tetris...... Your the third person to tell me they are drop shotting, I was hoping the fish would wait a little while ...... like six or seven months, before heading out. Get you crawler bucket ready it's almost time dang it..........
  23. Kimberling City Area: Despite the transition to a summer pattern, fish are still coming out of relatively shallow water. Good numbers of fish can be caught on split shot or Carolina rigged lizards, baby brush hogs and fish doctors in green pumpkin or watermelon / red from 8’ – 15’ early in the day. Jewel football and spider jigs will also produce in green pumpkin / green flash or PB&J both matched up with Jewel green pumpkin twin tail jig trailers in these areas. As the sun comes up you can follow the fish out into deeper water to 20’ – 30’ deep with these same patterns. The majority of the fish are still coming off of pea gravel and mixed gravel / rock points through out the mid lake area. James River: The James has really turned on this week, the stained water and abundance of shad have combined to move shallow fish shallow chasing shad. Flipping Chompers’ Ultra Tubes, Jewel J-Lock and Eakins Jigs around shoreline cover has been producing numbers and quality fish up the river. Main lake and secondary points in the mid lake continue to produce fish on Jewel football jigs and Carolina rigged lizards or brush hogs in green pumpkin or watermelon / red. The deep crankbait bite is starting to turn as well, DD-22’s, DD-16’s and Rapala DT-16’s in a variety of shad patterns have been producing fish on ledges and roll offs from the mid James to above Flat Creek. White River: Fishing on the White River has been very good over the past week, the top water bite has been very good early and late with spooks, sammys and red fins accounting for most of the fish. As the sun comes up the same gravel and mixed gravel / rock points will produce fish on Jewel Spider and football jigs in Green Pumpkin / green flash and PB&J or split shot and Carolina rigged lizards, brush hogs and fries in green pumpkin. While a few fish have begun to suspend deep off points the drop shot bite hasn’t been a reliable pattern yet. Up the Kings River the shallow bite continues to dominate; Jewel J-Lock jigs, Chompers Ultra Tubes and Texas rigged brush hogs flipped to shallow cover are producing numbers and quality. Dam Area: The fish on the lower end are still holding fairly shallow as well. Pea gravel and mixed gravel / rock main lake and secondary points are holding fish from 10’ – 20’ deep most of the day. Split shot rigged fries and fish doctors, shaky head worms and single tailed grubs are all still producing both quantity and quality. The top water bite is very strong early in the day; look for shad activity to clue you into the locations. Further up Long Creek the stained water is holding fish shallow, target shoreline cover with Jewel Eakins’ and J- Lock Jigs, Chompers Ultra Tubes and McCutchen Spinnerbaits. The shallow crankbait bite has started to turn on up Long Creek as well; RC 1.5 and 2.5 crankbaits fished around shallow wood cover will produce quality bites. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  24. Kimberling City Area: The majority of the fish have transitioned to a full post spawn pattern over the past week, the warm temperatures have driven water temps to the low to mid 70’s and move the fish out away from the bank in the mid lake area. The majority of fish are being caught on main lake and secondary points with split shot or Carolina rigged lizards, fish doctors, salty sinkers and baby brush hogs, green pumpkin and water melon red have been primary colors. Several larger fish have moved up under large community or commercial docks, suspending under floats, these fish can be targeted with Eakins jigs, Ultra tubes and War Eagle spinnerbaits. Work the bait close to the walk way floats from shallow to deep. James River: Early and late there ahs been a good topwater bite up the James river, look for schooling fish on pea gravel and mixed rock and gravel points, spooks, sammy’s and pop-r’s have all been effective. As the day wears on look for these fish to move lower in the water column, target the 8’ – 15’ deep rane with Carolina rigged lizards or brush hogs, Jewel ½ oz. football jigs and 7/16 oz. spider jigs in green pumpkin / green flash or brown / purple flash with green pumpkin Jewel jig trailers. The deep crankbait bite is just starting to turn on; Norman DD16’s and 22’s, Rapala DT 16’s and Strike King series 600 have all been catching fish in a variety of shad patterns. White River: From the confluence with James to Shell Knob Carolina rigged lizards and brush hogs, Jewel football and spider jigs and Storm swimbaits have been effective on main lake and secondary points. Work these baits from 10’ – 20’ deep on pea gravel and mixed rock / gravel points, pay close attention to any concentrations of rock on these points. In the Kings River flipping and pitching Jewel Eakins and J-Lock jigs have been effective around shallow cover, orange craw and black / blue / purple with Paca chunk trailers have been best performers. On windy days a Chompers’ McCutchen spinner bait has been very productive in these same areas. Dam Area: Surprisingly we have caught a few fish with bloody tails on the lower end this last week. Appears a final wave of spawners hit the bank on the last new moon. Not enough of these fish to comprise a pattern but it was interesting to catch spawning fish in the end of May. Best pattern continues to be split shot rigs and shaky heads on gravel or mixed gravel and rock points. Most of the fish have been a little shallower toward Long Creek, Big Cedar, Persimmon, etc, as the water has had great color. Further up long creek McCutchen spinnerbaits and Jewel J-Lock jigs have produced around shallow cover. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com Nice Brownie Picture doesn't show it well but this fish had a bloody tail Good Luck, EP
  25. Gone Fishing, I've had the one I use for clients for about three years, fresh line, a good cleaning and some oil each winter keep it working like new. Of course it doesn't see a ton of use, but I can't complain. EP
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