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focused fishing

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Everything posted by focused fishing

  1. Gone Fishing, I have one that I use for clients that can't / won't use a spinning rod. It is a Daiwa Gold Cast GC120. Holds 100 yds of 12# mono, gets used about 10 - 12 times a year, usually with 1/4 oz. - 5/8 oz. weight and has held up pretty well. Should do the trick for your mrs. Not cheap though I think I paid around $55 for it. It's the best one I have found. EP
  2. Kimberling City: While there are a few stragglers on the beds, the spawn is complete on the entire lake. The post spawn bite has dominated the mid lake area for over a week as fish settle into a stable pattern. Split shot rigged fish doctors, lizards and salt sinkers, Jewel 3/8 oz. football and 5/16 oz spider jigs have been very effective on secondary points through out the mid lake. Look for fish to be relatively shallow; 8’ – 12’ deep, early and late or under cloudy skies and a little deeper; 12’ – 20’ deep under bright sunshine. Spooks, sammys and red fins are still catching fish early and late around standing timber on steeper banks. James River: The recent rains and the amount of water being pulled through the lake has moved some really good color into the lower James area, this in turn has moved fish into shallow water from Buttermilk to Aunt’s Creek. Look for fish to be holding near shallow cover; buck brush, laydowns and rocks, these fish have been chasing shad close to the bank and have been caught on Chompers or War Eagle spinnerbaits. On bright days some of the fish will stay shallow but the majority will pull out on secondary points and hold between 8’ – 15’ deep. These fish can be caught on Jewel Football jig and shaky head worms in green pumpkin. White River: With the spawn being complete in the White River the majority of fish have moved off of the bank and begun the transition from a post spawn pattern to more of a traditional summer pattern. Sammys, Spooks and Red Fins have been effective during low light conditions; watch for surfacing fish and shad to key you into locations. Jewel football and spider jigs, Carolina rigged lizards, salty sinkers and brush hogs have been effective on main lake and secondary points through out the mid White River. Up the Kings dirty water and shallow cover adds up to some really good power fishing. Chompers and War Eagle Spinnerbaits fished around flooded brush on windy banks will produce. On calm days this same cover will produce with Jewel J-Lock jigs and Chompers Ultra Tubes. Dam Area: The dam area has the largest number of stragglers still on beds, they are few and far between and do not amount to a good pattern. The top water bite is very strong early and late or on cloudy days. Spooks, Sammys and Red Fins will produce good quality fish suspended in trees near spawning areas. Once the sun comes out the fish will move to main lake and secondary points and can be caught on Jewel Spider Jigs, Gitzits and single tailed grubs. Look for fish to be 8’ – 15’ deep early and late and 12’ – 20’ deep once the sun comes out. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com Nice fish suspended in the timber Split Shot smallie
  3. Urgent Announcement: 5/19/09 Using information provided to us by the US Army Corps of Engineers Central Pro Am Association has elected to move the Pro Am and Team tournaments scheduled June 6th and 7th on Bull Shoals Lake to Stockton Lake. Due to heavy rain fall through out the region the Corps of Engineers expect lake levels to rise an additional 15 feet over the next two weeks bring the lake levels 30 feet above normal power pool. While the lake will still be accessible in other locations the official tournament weigh in location, Bull Shoals Boat Dock, will have minimal facilities and parking for the event. Bearing in mind the safety and satisfaction of our anglers, Central Pro Am staff and Advisory Committee determined moving the tournaments was the best option. Orleans Trail on Stockton Lake will now host the June 6th and 7th Pro Am and Team events. Central Pro Am looks forward to exciting tournaments on Stockton Lake and appreciates the patience and understanding of our anglers and supporters during this unexpected modification to our schedule. Contact Central Pro Am Association at (417) 263-0373 or http://www.centralpro-am.com for further information. Lodging and additional information is available at: http://www.stocktonlake.com/lodging.php
  4. Urgent Announcement: 5/19/09 Using information provided to us by the US Army Corps of Engineers Central Pro Am Association has elected to move the Pro Am and Team tournaments scheduled June 6th and 7th on Bull Shoals Lake to Stockton Lake. Due to heavy rain fall through out the region the Corps of Engineers expect lake levels to rise an additional 15 feet over the next two weeks bring the lake levels 30 feet above normal power pool. While the lake will still be accessible in other locations the official tournament weigh in location, Bull Shoals Boat Dock, will have minimal facilities and parking for the event. Bearing in mind the safety and satisfaction of our anglers, Central Pro Am staff and Advisory Committee determined moving the tournaments was the best option. Orleans Trail on Stockton Lake will now host the June 6th and 7th Pro Am and Team events. Central Pro Am looks forward to exciting tournaments on Stockton Lake and appreciates the patience and understanding of our anglers and supporters during this unexpected modification to our schedule. Contact Central Pro Am Association at (417) 263-0373 for further information. Lodging and additional information is available at: http://www.stocktonlake.com/lodging.php
  5. Urgent Announcement: 5/19/09 Using information provided to us by the US Army Corps of Engineers Central Pro Am Association has elected to move the Pro Am and Team tournaments scheduled June 6th and 7th on Bull Shoals Lake to Stockton Lake. Due to heavy rain fall through out the region the Corps of Engineers expect lake levels to rise an additional 15 feet over the next two weeks bring the lake levels 30 feet above normal power pool. While the lake will still be accessible in other locations the official tournament weigh in location, Bull Shoals Boat Dock, will have minimal facilities and parking for the event. Bearing in mind the safety and satisfaction of our anglers, Central Pro Am staff and Advisory Committee determined moving the tournaments was the best option. Orleans Trail on Stockton Lake will now host the June 6th and 7th Pro Am and Team events. Central Pro Am looks forward to exciting tournaments on Stockton Lake and appreciates the patience and understanding of our anglers and supporters during this unexpected modification to our schedule. Contact Central Pro Am Association at (417) 263-0373 for further information. Lodging and additional information is available at: http://www.stocktonlake.com/lodging.php
  6. 16" above the hook, 1/4 oz. shot
  7. Caught them on the bank yesterday in the Indian Point area with a fish doctor on a split shot here's a couple of pics: 5.52 spawned out female, Jim caught one about a pound heavier with me two weeks ago Nice Brownie Mike caught. We had a total of about 25 fish with 9 keepers in four hours. Today was a different story, much tougher. Managed 9 fish and 3 keepers in four hours none were photo-worthy. All split shotting a dr. Heading to the Baxter area tomorrow, will post when I can. Good Luck, EP
  8. David, The State Park is a great area to fish from shore; all of the pockets along the walking trail and campground allow excellent access. The fish are shallow, at least this morning they were, so you will need to cast toward to opposite shore or paralell to the bank to be successful. Top water in the morning and evening, small jigs, shaky head worms, and split shot rigs the rest of the day should get you bit. Good Luck, EP
  9. The second stop of the 2009 Skeeter Tour presented by Central Pro Am will be on Table Rock May 9. Guaranteed $10,000 First Place Payback 80% of Entry fees will be paid back Team Format, out of Ahoys from 6:15 - 3:00 You Do Not Have to Own a Skeeter to Fish $200 Entry Fee per Team (Plus Central Pro Am Membership fee if you are not a CPAA Member.)
  10. Bill's Marine in Monett, MO will host an open house this Friday and Saturday from 9ma - 5 pm featuring: Below Invoice Pricing on Non-Current New Ranger and Stratos Boats Incredible values on Factory Demo Ranger Boats 20% Off all in stock Ranger apparel Free hot dogs and soft drinks 11am - 2pm each day Visit Bill's marine this Friday and Saturday; South HWY 37 in Monett, MO 417-235-6078 www.bills-marine.com
  11. err.... darn shift key, meant 6" and now my wife won't stop laughing
  12. Bill, Not much yet...... looked at the weather and they are calling for up to 6' of rain over the w/e
  13. You should be fine by the 13th, most of the fish will be post spawn but there will be a strong a.m. top water bite and then a good C-rig / mojo rig or football jig bite the rest of the day. Don't let post spawn scare you too much, fish gotta eat.... The water in the Cows and in Kim City has about 3' - 6' of visability as of yesterday, after last night's rain they may have changed. A lot of guys looking at 'em in Kim City right now. Good Luck. EP
  14. Kimberling City Area: The spawn is in full swing in the mid-lake area, several fish are locked on to beds and be caught with typical sight fishing methods; white tubes, lizards and craws will raw strikes from fish guarding nests. For those not wishing to sight fish look for post spawn fish to be holding on secondary points near spawning pockets from 3’ – 20’ deep. Split shot rigged lizards and fish doctors, Jewel spider jigs and shaky head worms are all effective in these areas. While it has taken off yet, the famed post spawn topwater bite will kicking in soon; spooks, sammys and red fins will all be effective during low light hours. James River: The spawn is further along in the James River; several fish can still be found on beds but post spawn conditions have stared to take over from the mid river up to Cape Fair. A variety of patterns have been effective with the water being a little high and stained; there are several fish holding in the newly flooded bushes flipping Eakins jig and craw combos in to the bushes, casting weightless Chompers salty sinkers and flukes around the bushes and casting Chompers McCutchen spinnerbaits around shallow bushes on windy banks have all been productive. Early and late spooks, sammys and red fins have been producing schooling fish on secondary points. White River: Fish are in all stages of the spawn through out the White River. In the Kings the spawn is the farthest along with several fish guarding fry in coves around standing timber and laydowns, others are still on the nests guarding eggs and still more have moved out onto points and are suspending recovering from the spawn. The fish on points can be targeted with spooks, sammys and red fins early and late and Jewel spider or football jigs as the sun comes up. Don’t ignore the cover in the water, several good fish have come off of laydowns and flooded bushes in the shallows of the Kings this past week. From Baxter to Campbell point more fish are locked on the beds and can be taken with traditional sight fishing techniques. Shaky heads and split shot rigs are producing on points near spawning coves from 5’ – 20’ deep, target any cover that is on these points. Fish can be caught in the flooded bushes as well, Eakins jigs and Ultra tubes have been working well in these areas. Dam Area: The dam area has been the toughest end of the lake over the past week; water temperatures have been slow to rise and while there are fish on beds they have been harder to catch than in the upper portions of the lake. Split shot rigs and shaky heads have been producing around spawning areas from 3’ – 12’ deep, look for small “bumps” or pockets in spawning areas to hold more fish than other areas, also any wood or rock cover within a spawning cove deserves attention. As the water warms the fish will spawn and sight fishing will become a more predictable pattern. Don’t Miss Tournament Fishing Radio on ESPN 1400 AM Springfield Mondays 5:30pm and Saturdays 5:00 am or on-line at www.espn1400.com www.focusedfishing.com
  15. haven't been myself but a buddy told me the whites are running on the Sac above Stockton. Good mix of males and big sows, 1/8 oz. jigs with white 3" single tail grubs have been the ticket. Good luck. EP
  16. darn, stop twisting my arm...... O.K. the big fish came in Baxter on a Jewel 1/2 oz. football jig brown / green pumpkin (Color I tie myself) with a 5" Chompers green pumpkin twin tail jig trailer. She was in about 3' of water on the inside of a point of a spawning pocket. Had another one on in the same pocket about 4.5 but "it don't count if you don't weigh it...." IF you would like exact detailed GPS coordinates break out the water board EP
  17. The boat traffic will be tough that time of year; plan on early morning and evening fishing if you're not into night fishing. Most likely the bite will be deep by then; drop shot rigged finesse worms, crawlers and grubs from 28' - 40' deep and football jigs just to 35' deep, keep an eye on the reports to know where and when. Anotehr option is to pick up an Arkansas license and head up long creek below the state line, less traffic and better shallow bite. Keep an eye on the forum before you go we'll do our best to steer you in the right direction. Good Luck! EP
  18. Thanks J.E., And thanks again for letting me borrow your spare - spare prop, I'll get it back to you at the Purple Heart event this w/e. Gotta give a shout out to John over at John's Hot Props in Ozark, stopped by to drop off the prop and he stopped everything and re-hubbed it while I waited. Said it was an issue with the epoxy from the hub maunufacturer, about 1 - 20 let go within the first month or so. Got me back on the water in short order. Capt. Don knows where the big'un are, he catches 'em on guide trips instead of derby day. EP
  19. Hey All, Dustin Lee & Ryan Copeland won the AiA. Spinnerbaits and jigs in run off in the back of a creek. Great guys and glad to see them get the win. Kory and I started strong, pulled up on our second spot caught a fat 15.5" spot, then a 6.20 LM and another 16" lm. Lost two more before the sun got up over the hill and killed the bite. Decided to run to some dirty water to finish the limit and spun the hub on my prop (second time in less than 2 months ). Threw an ear off my spare a few months ago and haven't had it replaced......... stupid! Charlie from AiA came and picked up Kory and he went and got the truck. They check our live wells, we relaunched and we limped around Mill creek for the rest of the day, caught one more keeper, had a ton of shorts and broke off a couple that may have kept. Struggled to get the boat on the trailer with no forward bite from the prop. Got a little check for second big bass and went home with our tails between our legs. We were on some really good fish and would of had a shot but oh well wasn't meant to be. FYI, the fish are moving to the beds, mostly males, not locked on. The better fish are staged 3' - 10' just inside the spawning pockets. I've been doing well with a jig, spinnerbait and split shot rig (when it's dead calm). Good luck!! EP
  20. I usually set my trickle charger on the 2 amp setting as well. I was told by an old timer back home that it was best to do a slow charge that way you don't get a "surface" charge.
  21. Try Dyna-Prop on HWY 76 in Cape Fair. http://www.dyna-prop.com or 1.800.874.8280 They should have something in stock new or used to help ya out. EP
  22. Tim, PM your e-mail address and I'll send the article to you, I don't want to tie up the board unless Phil wants it on here. I get 28 - 36 months out of a set of Pro-Guides, it's all about maintanence, you should get the same or better life out of yours because your not cycling them as much. I usually leave my hooked up and do one battery at a time, but it may not be a bad idea to unhook them if your worried about it. The article has a lot more detail but beside the charger you will need to get a hydrometer as well. Shoot me you address and I will send it to you this afternoon, on the office p.c. and will need to get it off my lap top. EP
  23. Dude, I have fished all over the country, up north (yes I'm a reformed yankee), down south (family all over the south), Texas, California even some back east and I can tell you that day in and day out Table Rock is one of the best fisheries I have ever fished. Yea there are slow days, weather conditions and other factors, but as far as a consistant fishery it is tough to beat. Your not going to be able to go beat the banks day in and day out but catching fish is almost guaranteed once you figure out what to look for. I've been guiding for seven years and have only been shut out one time, it was a weather issue combined with my clients inability to fish in the wind. Your right some days we are scatching our heads because we struggled with changing conditions, fish moving unexpectedly and so on. But Table Rock is much more consistant than any other fishery I've been on. Don't get me wrong, until I was shown how to fish on Table Rock I struggled but once you get a grip on the patterns it comes together. BTW, if Table Rock is so bad why are the national tours trying to bring their circuits back here over the next few years? EP
  24. Techo, You can't go wrong with Pro-Guide, not sure what issue Z20 is having but I have run Pro-Guide since 2000 without any issues. Maintanence is key, like Bill said have an external charger and use it about every 12 - 14 cycles. If you want more info on battery maintenance I wrote and article for Heartland (with Lane Schumaker's help) a couple of years ago I could send or post. EP
  25. The Shriners have two Regatta a 25 boat for Friday and the 100 boat for Saturday, nothing for Sunday so it looks to be a one day tournament. If you unfamilar with the Regatta search follow this link to the MO Water Patrol site: http://www.mswp.dps.mo.gov/ Then hit the Regatta button at the top of the page, you can search by month and body of water. EP
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