I'm no expert by any means but I arrived at #2 at about 7:30pm and found the water slowly going down. The fishing was slow for me. I caught a few on a peach egg pattern with a red dot at #2. Then worked my way down toward #3 using sow bugs, woolies, streamers, even Leonard's pine squirrel, tring olive, black and then white. Caught a few on #8 olive wooly between #2 and #3. As the water went on down I tried the gaunlet down to the big hole without a lot of bites. Never got a hit on anything white. Only seen 2 other people and the ice started building up on my rod at about midnight so I went back up by #2, caught a couple on the egg pattern again and called it a night. Only caught about 8 total but the idea of being there, looking at the stars, solitude....priceless.