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Everything posted by fishmore

  1. Hey fly2fish...I was on that point right before dark and stayed there until about 9:45. I caught a bunch on the PMS and even tried a white streamer right after dark with some sucess. Biggest fish was 21" bow with most being about 16-18". Before dark I couldn't believe it.....caught a 9" crappie on the PMS. All fish caught were bows....the two guys you mentioned moved down to my spot when I was leaving...they must have went back to the outlet right before you got there.
  2. Took my Dad, his 3rd time out.... Sat Night: Hit the water about 9:30pm and fished between #2 and #3. Tied on the PMS and caught a lot of fish. Dad caught a 24"brown along with several other browns using PMS. After about 1 hr they quit so I switched to a black pine squirrel and they were bitting again. I had to switch about every 30 to 40 minutes to keep them interested. We both had a ball. Took a nap and then went down below the big tree in the water at about 3:30 am. Tied on the olive pine squirrel and tore them up. When the sky lightened they shut down like turning off a switch. Sun Night: Started after dark, went down toward rebar and worked on down toward the big hole. Started with olive pine squirrel, caught a few, switched to PMS and caught a 22" bow on the second cast. We caught a bunch but had to switch patterns often. Had a guy walk right into my drift after he heard me catch the big bow. It kind of irritated me but I didn't say anything. I caught two more right at his feet before I moved on. He was surprised by the splashing right in his lap. I thought about asking him to net them for me...ha. We left about 12:30. Dad stopped below #2 and caught 3 browns on 5 casts with the PMS on our way out. Most of the fish both nights were 14 - 16 bows with several browns mixed in. Gary
  3. Wow Leonard....maybe I shouldn't have went to the truck to take a nap! Enjoyed the fishing down at the big hole...finally the water was down. I switched flys a lot and caught a few on just about everything I tried. Bob used the olive pine sql. (that you tied) about 50 yards down from #2 at 4am and caught 4 browns in 30 minutes that were all in the 20+ range. I caught several right at daylight between the rebar and the big tree in the water on a #16 black zebra midge....then the horn blew at 7... George and Bob had a great time, thanks for talking to them. Gary
  4. I was there Sunday night and fished #2 for a short time before moving on. I use a red light but only when I change or retie. I think I changed two times.....but I'm old and slowwww. Even with the red light I still try to do as I've read on these forums, turn my back to the water and face the bank.... Sorry I didn't stick around Leonard, I was chipping ice off my rod at about 11:45 and gave it up. gary
  5. Geez....I only go and fish for the enjoyment of it. I have no 'claim to fame' fish caught and probably wouldn't post it on here anyway the way some of you act. I have fished from a boat on the lower end....loved it. I am now wade fishing at the dam.....love it. I have had the pleasure of fishing with Leonard when he didn't even have to say "hi"......loved it. Met Henry from Okla.....pleasant(sorry Henry, can't say the L word here). However I would not say "loved it" after fishing anywhere around some of the attitudes expressed here. I have learned so much from everybody on here both about fishing....and......well, you can guess. Gary (Carthage)
  6. I'm no expert by any means but I arrived at #2 at about 7:30pm and found the water slowly going down. The fishing was slow for me. I caught a few on a peach egg pattern with a red dot at #2. Then worked my way down toward #3 using sow bugs, woolies, streamers, even Leonard's pine squirrel, tring olive, black and then white. Caught a few on #8 olive wooly between #2 and #3. As the water went on down I tried the gaunlet down to the big hole without a lot of bites. Never got a hit on anything white. Only seen 2 other people and the ice started building up on my rod at about midnight so I went back up by #2, caught a couple on the egg pattern again and called it a night. Only caught about 8 total but the idea of being there, looking at the stars, solitude....priceless.
  7. Leonard, I'm really jealous! After the awesome fishing last Friday night with you I shouldn't be complaining though. That was the best fishing by far I've had there. By the way, what is the brand of line you are using in place of the tippet? Maxima? Gary (Carthage)
  8. I am a 'newbie' at fly rods, fishing below the dam, flys, and I didn't even know what a scud, sow bug, or pine squirrel was supposed to look like. I have been an avid reader of all your posts and have learned a lot. I know I still have a lot to learn but I am catching more than one or two fish at night like I was when I first started about 5 weeks ago. Last Thursday night I ran into Leonard and he graciously showed me his fly boxes, allowed me to watch him at #2 for a few minutes, and gave me some tips. Thanks a lot Leonard, the next night I landed several including a 19" bow and had a hog brown almost in the net. I did not want to overextend my welcome with you as I know you run a business.
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