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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Trav

  1. MDC is virtually an invisible entity. I see illegal activity every place I fish. They need to crack down on something other than the party crowds. Not that those kids dont need to be harrassed but they are not the ones keeping illegal fish and participating in illegal angling.
  2. Yawwwn.....
  3. Goodbye 2007. Not gonna miss you. 2008, lets prove that this decade wont be a total pile of crap. Best of luck to everyone! And hopes that all of us catch at least one fish over 10 pounds this year.
  4. Just think of the havoc the first few decades without humans to control it. Before nature can take over. Thousands of dams with no humans to control the ebb and flow of the water for one. Floods in some areas and dry beds for others. Not to mention the evential degradation of the structures themselves. Ive read theories that cattle will turn into the most populas species on the planet, followed by domestic dogs and cats. At least until a check and balance of the species is stablized. Understory flora will conjest the land due to foriegn ivys like kudzu growing unchecked. The damage that the humans have done is extremely permanent and the effects will definately stain the balance of the planet probably for centuries if not millenias. Even if the humans were to be removed from the equation of it all.
  5. Green and street legal please! Haha
  6. Mine was 64 pounds from Lake Hartwell SC.
  7. Haha Yeah for now Thom. Believe it or not I dont loose any sleep at night. Wink
  8. I really dont feel guilty for very long, Haha, was fun catching them and eating them. Good memories
  9. Boy was it windy today. A cold wind to boot. I didnt fish for very long, had a tourist niehgbor with me and he promised his wife just a couple hours. Im sure you wonder what I mean by "tourist nieghbor". He owns 13 acres next to mine but lives in Iowa. He only gets down a few times a year. Mainly to play golf. Anyway, he caught a couple bows and I managed just 4. We mainly trolled around so he can look around and fish at the same time. Nothing of any size but we kept them all so he could take home some trout to Iowa.
  10. Haha, Can I get a 1961 49cc arctic cat with extra dynamite holders?
  11. I guess that fuse was too short huh?
  12. I used to do alot of gigging. Especially when I was living on the sea. Used to spend hours gigging lobster and such on the reefs in central america. I can see the appeal, but cant say as I do much anymore. Too old I guess to be stumbling around in the dark spot lighting. I still have my old gig. Still sharp as ever, although the last time i used it was to fish out a copperhead from under my my porch. I feel that gigging is more like hunting than fishing. And yes, it should have restrictions, but will the MDC really enforce the laws. They havnt been doing such a good job of it around here. Your more likely to get busted for an open container than an illegal fish.
  13. I feel your pain about the guilt of old pics. I have boxes of them where hundreds of pounds of fish a day came out of the waters.
  14. You got the right man for the Bass pics. You want a blonde or a brunette holding the fish? Haha.
  15. I call it as "I" see it. My opinions are no more of a fallacy than your genuine beliefs that they are. Your still defensively dragging this moot discussion. Sarcasm aside, your just beating a dead horse Kido.
  16. How long is this fuse supposed to be Crappie?...haha My previous post was in response to Zander, not lilley, my bad Phil.
  17. I read about that over the summer in Field and Stream Magazine.
  18. Yes I do!
  19. Im on that bandwagon. The worst part of it is, that our youth dont know any better. How Long, before the sport generations out to something unrecognizable? How Far will the trends take it until only the priviledged can afford it? How Fast will this degeneration happen? Never thought when I was a kid that I was living the good old days. I for one hold on to the pleasure of just fishing. Fishing like I did 30 years ago. Guess thats why I still hang onto my 1961 evinrude. Haha
  20. Haha Thank you Lilley Not exactly the answer, to the question that has no answer, but your knowledge is to be commended. I think I saw something on that on TLC but it didnt totally sink in. Although you did supervene with the "Creator" theory. I am more convinced that the human species are an invasive lifeform and not a designed mechanism. Although, out of respect for your faith, I will just allow you to have trump on the subject. I have this debate down to an art and it always ends the same. Haha Nobody wins I was banned from soap boxes years ago, good thing theres the internet. huh? Keep catching those trout, I am compiling some photos for the calender. give me a week or so, I want to take my cam up to a spot for an areial view. Means climbing a 60 foot cliff so this old guy wants to make a pretty day out of it.
  21. Hold the phone Kido! I am not conveying any opinions, on this or any other forum, that I havent "publically" spoken before. In fact, I have given lectures on similar topics, with much worse language and rowdier audiences than in this forum. I am not expecting anything I express to be respected or even acknowledged. My commentary since I have been posting on this forum has been consistant if not reliable. Sure, I critisize and even borderline to being belligerent. I am an arogant critic. I wont deny it. Anyone who has followed my posts will tell you the same. I am brutally honost and a man of my word. That is more than I can say for you my friend. You agreed to talk about smallies and trout and your still dribbling on about the focus of your money making land scheme. And, if you find being called a polital genre "negative and dispariging" then you and your 30,000 buddies should be investing in Edward Jones instead of conventing at thier sponsored venue. Thats where my money is. They do a good job with my investments. Sure is alot safer than buying a bunch of land that I cant use. And alot less polital. I know it seems Im kind of picking on ya Kido. Dont take it to personal. You kind of opened yourself up to the critism. Well, from me anyway.Haha Come down and fish Lower Taney. My critism and advise on that will seem more appealing to you. That I can guarantee you. Truce
  22. One of these days we have to let Crappie fish with dynamite. That way I can get to play out my theory to kill all the humans. Haha Al and I agree totally that humanity is the ultimate invasive species. But that does lay down the ultimate question. Since it is obvious that the human race is not a natural species, where did it come from? In theory one can prove that humans evolved on planet earth. One would also reason that the basic human DNA must have mutated into what we are today. But, where did that DNA originate from? There are theories, but no proof. The closest thing science has for any kind of hypothisis would be a timeline. That being pretty close to when the big asteroid exterminated the dinosaurs. Is it possible the human DNA washed ashore and mutated after hitching a ride on that very rock? hmmmmmmmm In my eyes the humans have it coming. Wether its global warming, the next ice age, climate cycles, or anything else that none of us here can do a single thing about. So if we are so helpless to change an inevitable breakdown/shift of the planets conditions why is it being discussed like oneday Batman and his "partner" Robin will just see us crying on the news and come save the day? When do humans just stop and accept the reality that they dont belong?? I will tell you why. Because the human race is subconciously programmed by genetics to survive in an envirenment where it doesnt belong. Bringing me back to the real question here. Where did the most "invasive" species get its DNA and how did it end up here on this planet? I doubt it was a divine invention. I wouldnt rule out extra-terrestrial intervention. It really is, currently, an unexplainable question.
  23. welcome, Bull Shoals Lake has some good walleye.
  24. Trav


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