I took my two boys and met an old friend for the first trip of catch and release fishing at Bennett. The weather was perfect, overcast and just a little chop on the water. The fishing was great, we caught fish on everything we tried. The fish for the most part had better size than what I had seen during the normal season. We saw a few very nice fish as we were walking the trails next to the water. We had most of the river to ourselves, we only saw about 7 other people, and everyone was polite and never crowded in on us. I have to say it was a very nice change from the normal Bennett experience. We caught fish on grey scuds size 16, san juan worms, griffiths gnats, zebra midge in black and silver, and my favorite stripping a soft hackle. Between the four of us fishing for about 2 hours, we probably landed 40-50 fish, the biggest would have pushed 16" or 17".